Reasons for Pugging without stupid remarks like...anti-social, bads, lazy, etc :
Grindy game with no real reason to insta-launch between matches means there is no good reason not to launch 'casually'. This does not mean casual-esqe gameplay however, this just means there is no need to ready-up immediately. Taking breaks at will, perhaps between every single match can make the game relaxing and enjoyable.
Random mix up of players gives a diverse match where anything can happen as opposed to the predictability of known lancemates' builds.
Playing with builds, trying out new things, and generally spending some time in the mechlab in-between matches.
Grouping does not provide this. Snarky comments like 'find a team' or 'jump on TS' does not rectify this either and runs contrary to this approach to the grind. These snarky suggestions are for all intents and purposes are telling "Pugs" to dedicate a fixed time period soley to MWO for a number of matches as opposed to a longer time period encompasing the same number of matches. There is zero in-game benefit to either approach.
Notice how none of these differences have anything to do with VOIP. In both scenarios, voice would help enormously to either approach, but with the
A Real VOIP would help both groups and puggers alike. 4-man pre-made lances could communicate with everyone else (while still retaining private TS lance communication if desired). Pugs could communicate. Mixes between them both could communicate. Wierd, it could actually be a Team Game.
On the Topic of Group Size: While a working voice system that incorporates everyone in match regardless of group size (including solo AND Pre-mades) would go a long way towards making the matches both fair AND more enjoyable for all, it still would not be enough to warrant an increase past 6 players.
As long as Class Matching or Tonnage Limitations are present in the matchmaking algorithm, any group larger than 6 players would be strategically able to dictate the match. For example, a 7-8 man premade running all lights or all assaults would invariably spaz the matchmaker into either a noticeably uneven tonnage difference, or a noticeably uneven amount of 'teams' on either side. Before Group size limitations this was the easiest and most effective way to abuse the system and not much has changed since. In fact, with the addition of another variable (ELO) to the matchmaker, this problem would become worse, as now there could be even tonnage, even teams, and noticeably uneven ELO. Again, nothing has changed. All of the reason to discount groups greater than half are still in full effect. 4-man (as opposed to 6) just makes more sense ala 'lance'.
Notice, this problem does not just effect Puggers, but other opposing groups as well. Previously, the flawed MM would only affect Pugs this way, but now (given MM 'improvements') would affect groups as well.
So, not increase group size limitations. Sometime in the future yes, but the game has a long way to go before that is feasible.
Disclaimer: I Pug...'well'

Edited by Mr 144, 20 October 2013 - 09:03 PM.