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Please Remove Group Size Limits

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#181 Randalf Yorgen


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Posted 22 October 2013 - 04:46 PM

View PostChronojam, on 22 October 2013 - 01:10 PM, said:

It was supposed to be a temporary thing. It was badly done. It was never completed. We are left lacking. Do you seriously not see the problem with asking people to hop onto a third party client, use a third party voice service from another group, and all this only after finding out mid-match which service and server they're on? Do you ask the other team for a time-out while you try to figure out whose teamspeak/mumble/Ventrilo server to use if multiple pre-made groups are together?

I mean, they sure seem to think it's a hassle!

Maybe with UI 3.4 we'll get some kind of effective VOIP packed with the game. What you're describing is more of "How to join the NGNG club" versus "How to provide voice chat for that million-account player base you bragged about."

Did you not read what I wrote, Please reread it. as for mid match, there is now a 60 second pause before drop while everyone is now clicking readybefore drop, perfect time to tab out, change channel (because you are already on the server, as I wrote before, if you read it) and tab back in and then press ready. So to answer your question, again based on what i wrote before, NO I don't see a problem with it because that's what it was before with C3 and that is most likely what it will be with what ever new system they come up with. And hey, what if they cut a deal with TS3 and you HAVE to do that for in game voice. Seriously, it's NOT a big issue, it's just something that people CHOOSE to be stubborn about because it's not PS2/3 game coms,

And when did I bragg about 1 million players accounts?

Edited by Randalf Yorgen, 22 October 2013 - 04:47 PM.

#182 Chronojam


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 06:13 PM

PGI bragged about having >1 million player accounts. NGNG TeamSpeak supports 400 concurrent users. How the hell do you propose this as a solution with a straight face?

Anyhow, I'm pretty sure that 60 second pause is going away, and I'm skeptical of finding a new player who pre-downloaded TeamSpeak 3, knew NGNG existed, and just happened to be idling in their player-count-limited server that's not advertised on the MWO web page. I'm skeptical they would be able to collect up the rest of their team who just happened to already be there. I'm skeptical members of the opposing team wouldn't just listen in.

I'm skeptical you think this is a real solution for a real video game that thought their VOIP integration was worthy of a press release; can you imagine that?


VANCOUVER -- PGI announces they've changed their minds and will just leave some time at the start of the match for players to talk it out amongst each other and show new players where to download everything, figure it out for themselves. "With over one million accounts, we figure about 400 slots should be okay. Most of those accounts were made to abuse the new player bonus and avoid the grind, anyhow," a source told Reuters.

Edited by Chronojam, 23 October 2013 - 06:14 PM.

#183 Vincent J Magnum


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 06:05 AM

As a long standing member of the Battletech community and a longtime player of MechWarrior Online, I wish to voice my dismay and concern at the apparent proposal to not allow a return to the 2-12 grouping option. When I started playing in closed beta I enjoyed this option as I could play with any number of my friends at anytime.

Mechwarrior Online is a team game and to that end anyone who thinks that they can play by themselves and win is insane in my opinion and only being able to form a group of 4 or 12 is hurting the comradery that I enjoy. I have seen a steady decline in the number of active players and longtime friends that dont play anymore due to the fact that they can not play with the people they wish to because they are tired of “lonewolves” who think they can win the whole entire game by themselves.

I would hope that you reconsider this course of action and restore the 2-12 group option.

I was informed by email by FullMetal to place this here, so that is what I am doing. some of you will agree and others will troll for whatever reason.

#184 No Guts No Glory


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 12:29 AM

Necroing this thread, seriously?

I'll just quote MischiefSC since he gets it.

View PostMischiefSC, on 21 October 2013 - 07:07 PM, said:

Premades are not evil. It's a silly idea. Some people are jack-holes but that's got nothing to do with being on premade teams.

Not everyone can or will use TS or VoIP. When I'm at work if I use VoiP ninjas will see it and come to my office and I'll end up getting put in time-out. When I'm at home the family is around and I've agreed to not use VoiP services. Not to mention that open VoiP games are full of absolutely mouth-breathing idiots. Joining a TS server with a solid group of folks is a whole other issue but just saying everyone should just join a server is illogical. I speak to about 100 people a day on the phone and probably another 50 people face to face. I have a large circle of friends with whom I play tabletop RPGs and wargames, even got some folks willing to start up a Mechwarrior campaign! Mercenaries on the Periphery circa 3025 baby! I spent a good two hours today literally dusting off minis and unboxing diorama stuff. When the weathers warming we bike, hike and fish (well, we drink and watch water flow by). I don't consider myself very antisocial. I don't think most people with no interest in participating in a VoiP experience are, I've got a ton of friends who used to while gaming and just don't anymore.

My situation is not unusual, hence the bulk of players do not and will not ever use a VoiP service. I've got nothing against those who do but I can absolutely appreciate the desire of those who don't/won't use VoiP and dislike having to play against those who do. It's not an unreasonable request. If dropping solo provided some measurable advantage I'm sure teams would be complaining about it, especially if it provided a competitive advantage.

People like having an advantage. I find it funny that nobody dropping in teams is saying 'get the PUGs out of here, they're all bads! I don't want to play against them, I only want to play against other skilled organized teams of skill comparable to my own!' Instead you've got people who absolutely do NOT want solo players split from playing against groups - there's the excuse of 'Well you should just join a group!' if that was a valid argument then splitting solo players from group players in queues would be transparent to you. Instead of everyone who plays MWO only playing by joining a TS server and dropping with a group you're just removing those who do from the same queue as those who don't.

I'm not saying premades are bad, quite the opposite. However the whole argument of 'join TS, join a team, quit complaining' is absolutely disingenuous. If anyone actually thought the solution was for everyone to join teams than splitting solo from team queues would be transparent to them and give them exactly what they want. What's being asked for in that is the desire to be part of an organized team and dropping against less organized solo opponents. Trying to say you deserve to play at an advantage against them because they didn't join a teamspeak server is just trying to moralize away wanting to protect your advantage.

The impending introduction of a deathmatch game mode largely solves this whole issue for the time being though. People with no interest playing in/against teams can play deathmatch games and not have to worry about it. How popular that gamemode is will clarify I think quite a bit about the breakdown of player populations.

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