Diego Angelus, on 03 November 2013 - 08:15 AM, said:
MWO is just to expensive lets just be real 2000MC(without camo) just to paint my mech is ridiculous and no one can deny that. Hero mechs prices are just insane I can buy few games on steam with that money. I agree that they should make money but this is just a rip off and shows how much thay care about community.
Diego Angelus, on 03 November 2013 - 10:11 AM, said:
I done same but its impossible to enjoy game without mech bays. it looks like only way to enjoy this game fully is to give them a lot of money and if you don't you are punished they don't care about people that can't spend lots of money i find that pathetic and bad for business they should embrace everyone, now tell me that I'm not right.
You are wrong. Price and value are relative terms. You haven't even been playing the game for two full weeks, how are you already out of mech bays? Or are you just preemptively complaining? The game is
FREE if you want it to be. Get over yourself or find another game.
ArmageddonKnight, on 03 November 2013 - 10:02 AM, said:
I dont pay into a game that a) isnt finished , and/or b.) that isnt good enough.
MWo will not see 1 penny from me till its worthy.
IMO if everyone thought that way maybe ..just maybe games today would be a that little bit better.
Are you suggesting that people spend money on games they don't think is worth the price? You're shopping with your own wallet for everyone. I've spent $300 on MW so far, am I part of the reason why the game is worse instead of better? If I was like you and refused to give them anything, would they have made the game worthy of your pennies?
KAT Ayanami, on 03 November 2013 - 05:08 PM, said:
Because PGI did a good job closing every other MW game on the internet.
When you do not have options, you cannot choose.
You can choose not to play. I mean do you honestly think you're entitled to a Mechwarrior game? I'll bet one of the reasons the content is so expensive is to cover part of the expense of using the license (and content) to begin with. Hawken doesn't have to worry about details like that. Why don't you go play that? It's a direct F2P competitor.
I can't count how many AAA titles I've bought for $60 and barely have played. You want to talk about a waste of money, some of them have gotten less than an hour. I'm at 90 hours for MW:O so far, so I'd say I'm getting my money's worth.
If you can spend $60 and get way more hours from other games, go play those. The best thing is this game will always be
FREE for you.