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Availability Of Clans/clantech? How? For Whom?

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Poll: Clans and Clantech (89 member(s) have cast votes)

Who should be allowed to join a Clan?

  1. anyone (56 votes [62.92%])

    Percentage of vote: 62.92%

  2. a minimum of proven experience (22 votes [24.72%])

    Percentage of vote: 24.72%

  3. a minimum of seniority (11 votes [12.36%])

    Percentage of vote: 12.36%

Should Clantech be available in the IS?

  1. yes (50 votes [56.18%])

    Percentage of vote: 56.18%

  2. no (39 votes [43.82%])

    Percentage of vote: 43.82%

Whole Clanmechs or just equipment?

  1. Clanmechs (67 votes [75.28%])

    Percentage of vote: 75.28%

  2. just equipment (22 votes [24.72%])

    Percentage of vote: 24.72%

Should Clantech be available on the open market for CB?

  1. yes (46 votes [51.69%])

    Percentage of vote: 51.69%

  2. yes, but just equipment (13 votes [14.61%])

    Percentage of vote: 14.61%

  3. no (30 votes [33.71%])

    Percentage of vote: 33.71%

Should there be hurdles for someone of the IS to acquire Clantech?

  1. no hurdles (19 votes [21.35%])

    Percentage of vote: 21.35%

  2. an in-game event has to be triggered as a pre-condition (e.g. salvage) (27 votes [30.34%])

    Percentage of vote: 30.34%

  3. extra expensive for IS-players (14 votes [15.73%])

    Percentage of vote: 15.73%

  4. only for experienced players (1 votes [1.12%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.12%

  5. only for long-time players (1 votes [1.12%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.12%

  6. Clantech has a downside in IS-Mechs (e.g. it's destructible when used in IS-Mechs) (5 votes [5.62%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.62%

  7. Clantech not available for IS (22 votes [24.72%])

    Percentage of vote: 24.72%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#1 DI3T3R


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 07:23 AM

What's your opinions?

Who should be allowed to become a clansman?

What about Clantech in the IS? Earning it or buying it?

Edited by DI3T3R, 21 October 2013 - 09:57 AM.

#2 Kunae


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 07:24 AM





#3 DocBach


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 07:46 AM

Please don't let this game become mw4, where the most common mech in the inner sphere was the mad cat.

#4 Agent 0 Fortune


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 08:58 AM

Couldn't complete questionnaire, last questions implies that clantech is available to IS mechs. I'd roll last question in with question 2.

#5 Zyllos


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 09:18 AM

I hope PGI does PureTech then as the timeline is advanced, you will begin to see Clans and IS tech begin to merge.

#6 Taemien


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 09:21 AM

View PostAgent 0 Fortune, on 21 October 2013 - 08:58 AM, said:

Couldn't complete questionnaire, last questions implies that clantech is available to IS mechs. I'd roll last question in with question 2.

I had the same issue. Best thing for something like this is to remove the poll and get people to actually post their opinion. Makes them think a little and perhaps have to defend such statements.

For me, anyone should be a filthy clanner if they wish to be. Clan tech should remain on clan mechs.

Will have plenty of targets to shoot at. Also who wants to wager that clanners come on here complaining how 'bad' their tech is compared to IS? When several of their weapons generate more heat then they thought, have charge mechanics (aka Gauss), and are more restricted by Heatscaling (ghost heat). I've called this in some earlier threads before, but just saying it here so more people get to see it lol.

Any clanners want to get on the record that you won't cry foul?

#7 Nik Van Rhijn


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 09:32 AM

Last question needs another option adding "Clantech not available to IS".
They will first be added as pack like Founders and Phoenix.
Hopefully you will then drop as IS or Clan.
It may be that to start with (until they have sorted out worst bugs and balance) that it will only be IS v IS and Clan v Clan.

#8 Degalus


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 09:38 AM

View PostAgent 0 Fortune, on 21 October 2013 - 08:58 AM, said:

Couldn't complete questionnaire, last questions implies that clantech is available to IS mechs. I'd roll last question in with question 2.

View PostTaemien, on 21 October 2013 - 09:21 AM, said:

I had the same issue. Best thing for something like this is to remove the poll and get people to actually post their opinion. Makes them think a little and perhaps have to defend such statements.

For me, anyone should be a filthy clanner if they wish to be. Clan tech should remain on clan mechs.

Will have plenty of targets to shoot at. Also who wants to wager that clanners come on here complaining how 'bad' their tech is compared to IS? When several of their weapons generate more heat then they thought, have charge mechanics (aka Gauss), and are more restricted by Heatscaling (ghost heat). I've called this in some earlier threads before, but just saying it here so more people get to see it lol.

Any clanners want to get on the record that you won't cry foul?

Have the same Problem.

My opinion on this topic:
Who should be allowed to join a Clan?

Everyone how want to be a Clanner.

Should Clantech be available in the IS?

No. Or only if they add a extrem rare salvage drop system while fighting vs Clanners

Whole Clanmechs or just equipment?

Equipment only and only with the extrem rare salvage drop system.

Should Clantech be available on the open market for CB?

Yes, only for Clanners.

Should there be hurdles for someone of the IS to acquire Clantech?

Extreme rare Salvage drop like end-content-big-boss-equipment-farming in other mmos. Maybe around 1% chance (or lower) to get one equip from a destroyed Clanmech as salvage drop (but only equipment that this mech had mounted and was not destroyed)
ps.: The salvage from the clanmech dont duplicate so if a clanmech drop 2 equipments only random 2 players of all how fired at this mech get one of it.

Edited by Degalus, 21 October 2013 - 09:46 AM.

#9 Tsig


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 09:56 AM

If you do restrict it so that only Clammers can have Clam tech, then most every competitive team is going to be nothing but Clammers. Omni-mechs are pretty powerful things. I think everyone should have access to Clam mechs and tech, but Clammers should get it for much cheaper, just like they plan to do with CW and certain houses getting certain mechs/weapons for cheap.

#10 DI3T3R


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 10:05 AM

Updated questionnaire. Also, in question 4 I meant whether Clantech should be available on IS-markets for CB.

I like the idea of a semi-random salvage-drop at the end of a match.
4 random non-destroyed items, and each player gets a chance (max 1 salvaged item per player), but it's statistically weighted along the earned GXP?

Clanners will most certainly be outnumbered. And maybe they will be nerfed in other ways, too, to force Clan-players to fight by Clan-honour-rules.

#11 Riptor


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 10:13 AM

Clantech should be available for everyone.

"Experienced players" is complete BS. Give the best players the best ingame content available so the dirty peasants have no chance of uprising.. after all their sole existance is being crushed by the self proclamed "elite"

On the other hand clantech should be very expensive for IS players and cheaper for clan players. The same goes for clan players that want IS mechs.

The reason being that you cant just take away all the mechs a player has when he or she defects to the clans, especialy considering MC only mechs.

#12 Clit Beastwood


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 10:16 AM

View PostTsig, on 21 October 2013 - 09:56 AM, said:

If you do restrict it so that only Clammers can have Clam tech, then most every competitive team is going to be nothing but Clammers. Omni-mechs are pretty powerful things. I think everyone should have access to Clam mechs and tech, but Clammers should get it for much cheaper, just like they plan to do with CW and certain houses getting certain mechs/weapons for cheap.

lol - is the clam thing intentional? if so good show it's hilarious :)

#13 Morderian


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 11:29 AM

everyone should be able to buy clantech, cheaper for the clans via faction loyalty (also the first time Madcats come on the field PGI dont want to miss that amount of buyd MC for them^^)

well i i think clantech should be first only for clan mechs, clan omnis and later IS omni mechs, but those are restricted the same way clan omnis should be,

first everything an omni mech has that is hardwired engine jumpjets Armor endo etc. is the minimum that must be in the mech,

means if you have an 300 XL engine in the mech from begining it must be in there, you can put in a bigger one at the price of omni tonnage but that means less weapons or you also can give in an standard engine for the same weight
you also can not remove endo or FF ,
if the mech has 2 jumpjets fix they must be build in,
the armor also has an minimum amount that needs to be on the mech or you cant start (like with an missing engine)
on the other side omni mechs have no hardpoints and you can put in what you want all kinds of guns JJ ecm etc everything comes at the price of omni tonnage,

omni mechs will have of course way higher heatpenalties and if you use IS tech in an Clan omni or Clan tech in an IS omni they will be hotter this will dicourage mixed tech on omnis for a certain degree maybe exept ballistics but there you maybe can say that IS ballistics have more ammo then clan ones or similar things

this is also in my opinion the only way to balance clanmechs because if you take an standard Madcat with the mechlab we have now then most people will run around with 2 Gauss and 2 ER-PPCs and an very small engine (already calculated that its possible with the system we have now) with a system were all hardwired things are set as a minimum that is not possible because you will not have the tonnage in most mechs or will have to take a lot of drawbacks for this firepower either be it armor (rmember even an atlas is not fully armored when you buy it) Speed ammo or you will be firing once and exploding

also omni equipment will be 25% more expensive then standard wepons etc

Clan mechs can also only get IS omni tech when we have IS omnis

Clans will aslo have no standard wepons like AC10 etc the will have ER Lasers PPcs ultra LBX ac pulse lasers etc. so that means trhere mechs will be most times hotter the IS mechs

i also though about giving omni mechs an energie level of 100 were all weapons draw there energie from which refills ever 0,5 seconds, but that maybe should come for all mechs (then you will be rid of high alpha strikes forever)

like an gauss draws 60 energie an medlaser 10 an largelaser 30 an ERPPC/PPC 40 etc.

Edited by Morderian, 21 October 2013 - 11:31 AM.

#14 Murphy7


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 12:42 PM

Id rather keep the Clan tech solely within the Clan mechs and the Clans as the chosen affiliations. Never for anyone in IS, whether Merc or House.

Reasons are as follows:
  • It is easier to balance forces if the composition is better understood... if it is to be two stars (10) vs a full company IS, it is best if the Clans are not cherry picking fun IS equipment (RACs, for example, if and when they become available) nor every IS mech and its personal tech-savant have perfectly refitted just the Clan weapons, DHS, and XL engines they have been able to salvage in honest combat. No really, it was a tough and legitimate campaign...
  • Population analysis (how many players opt for Clans vs IS) helps show the balance, and if Clanners have to face against other clans far more ofthen than they get to make incursions against the IS because of the player population, that's to the good.
  • I don't think this needs to be a permanent segregation, but is something that should exist early in the Clan invasion timeline, and can be relaxed as (and if we are so lucky to have) the game ages over the next few years.
Choose a side and accept the perks and consequences.

#15 Vassago Rain


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 12:52 PM

View PostZyllos, on 21 October 2013 - 09:18 AM, said:

I hope PGI does PureTech then as the timeline is advanced, you will begin to see Clans and IS tech begin to merge.

This isn't gonna happen, because it would render all the IS robots second rate trash. We're getting mixtech.

#16 Bhael Fire

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 01:34 PM

In order to prevent the majority of the player base from jumping ship from IS factions to Clan factions, they are going to have to pull off one hell of a balancing act.

They will have to devise a way to prevent players from just migrating to the Clans en masse — an not by weapons and mech balance alone. Players will migrate even if clan tech is completely balanced...because clans.

This is how I'd implement the Clans:

1. Make Clantech only available to Clan factions, but allow each player to choose an IS faction and a Clan faction.
2. Then apply a longer cooldown on Clan mechs, so players will have to play with their IS mechs while their Clan mechs are on cooldown. I think match length, plus an additional 15 minutes after the match ends would be a sufficient cooldown for each Clan mech.
3. Only Clan mechs can equip clantech. No "mixtech." When players drop with clan mechs, they fight for their Clan faction.
4. Clantech and mechs can only be "purchased" with honor, which is earned by winning and following Zellbrigen, the clan code.
5. IS vs Clan battles will be asymmetrical (as per the spirit of the TT rules); 5 vs 12

#17 Zyllos


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 01:46 PM

View PostVassago Rain, on 21 October 2013 - 12:52 PM, said:

This isn't gonna happen, because it would render all the IS robots second rate trash. We're getting mixtech.

I double Clan tech is going to be "better" than IS tech. PGI has said several times that they are going to make Clan tech different than TT.

The only things Clans will get before IS is the extras, like ER Medium Lasers, LBX/2s, and UAC/20s.

#18 Morderian


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 01:49 PM

well keeping the clantech only for clanners is a bad idea because most people will then play Clan for the simple reason of getting the hightech guns and churning out as much easymode as possible

mixtech is also no good idea because with our current mechlab you wont see any IS weponry on the field if you can put clan stuff in an Atlas (i mean honestly Atlas witrh Clan guns Clan XL and similar nope not a good idea)

5 vs12 also an bad idea because here the IS pilots are not massive inferior to Clan pilots (in case you bound Clantech to the clans it actually would be the oposit) also 12 Atlai will kill 5 daishi with ease for the simple reson that they will be simply swarmed and shot to pices by pinpoint weapons

so keep clantech in clan mechs and only allow IS to use them on omnis afterall omni tech was developed by the clans so its also lore that IS omnis can carry clantech (read my post above) with omnis that have the restrictios ofweight instead of hardpoints to simply balance out the amount of weapons both sides can carry (take a Daishi look at at the build in weapons (hardpoints) and then look at an IS omni like the Archangel well guess who can put more firepower to the frontline when the mechlab for omnis is the same system like we have now)

also remember that clantech will have less slots and weight this is fact or else we will not see any clan standard config in the game and that is not an option for many people who like standard designs

Edited by Morderian, 21 October 2013 - 01:51 PM.

#19 Heffay

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 01:49 PM

I think Clan tech is a good time to deviate from lore. It can be incrementally more useful, but not the full benefits of the TT rules.

Make it expensive, and make it a bit better. You can have it, but it's going to cost you.

#20 FupDup


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 01:49 PM

View PostZyllos, on 21 October 2013 - 01:46 PM, said:

I double Clan tech is going to be "better" than IS tech. PGI has said several times that they are going to make Clan tech different than TT.

The only things Clans will get before IS is the extras, like ER Medium Lasers, LBX/2s, and UAC/20s.

That was their position at the time. :)

They already believe in a "progression" from the smallest mech of each class to the largest ("top tier avatars"), and they also don't see an issue with a player's inventory "evolving" as they get more competitive. Basically, there are already numerous examples of direct upgrades working as intended.


"Adridos: What is the team's stance on the issue of "entry requirements" being raised?
Currently, for a mech to be usable, it needs to get upgraded by DHS, ES and have all it's efficiences skilled up, otherwise it is gimping itself in the match. There are already mentions of expanded pilot trees, epics and such and it may very well become a serious issue. Thus I would like to know the official stance on this.
A: This is entirely subjective. It depends at which level you play at. From my 1 in hundreds of thousands of player view, I can roll into a match with a stock Mech and be very competitive, and get lots of enjoyment. I may not be able to compete for 1st place all the time, but I can usually place in the top 8 no sweat. Your skill and Elo rating will definitely drive the level of competitive play you will face, and therefore the requirement to bring a more efficient, upgraded `Mech to the match. This is working as intended, and plays nicely in with how a player’s skill and inventory evolve over time."


"Answer from Bryan: An Atlas is the top end of the Assault spectrum. Assault class starts at 80 tons and go to 100 tons. With that logic in mind a starting Assault `Mech is not the Atlas, rather the Awesome or some other 80 ton assault chassis. So no, we’re not redefining, and saying there is a linear progression from Light to Assault, rather that every weight class should be viable AND still have a progression with that class range.

By virtue of how our economy works, there CAN be a natural player progression from Light to Assault, which is not necessarily a bad thing, however it’s most definitely not a requirement with our Trial `Mech and Cadet Bonus systems."

Edited by FupDup, 21 October 2013 - 01:52 PM.

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