Sight unseen, I chose the Atlas as I presumed this would be the premier c-bill grinder... Sadly, after almost 1.5 years of gameplay I've resigned to the reality that I'm not an Assault pilot. (Read I'm next to worthless in an assault mech)
PGI got their money... I got my Founders package and all it entailed. So no complaints... That said, I have a big pink elephant in my mech bay that I cannot pilot, cannot sell and and as such, I cannot take advantage of the per-match c-bill boost.
Yeah, I know... "Suck it it up buttercup". Some folks would kill for your (F)Atlas.
The reality is, I'm a fast heavy pilot, a pretty good one at that... Founders Boost or not, I net more kills and wins on my Phract that I do in my (F)Atlas any day and twice as much on Tuesdays. I just cannot pilot assaults and there is no way around it...
All said, It would be really nice to have a one-time option to transfer ones Founders bonus to another mech... I'd even gladly pay more to be able to do so.
I cannot rationalize any downside for PGI to make this allowance... I'm not asking for anything I don't already have... I just want to be able to apply it to a mech I can actually make use of it and benefit from.
Yeah, I know... unlikely. That said, I'd be remiss if I don't voice my position on the subject.
Edited by DaZur, 24 October 2013 - 06:04 AM.