Heffay, on 31 October 2013 - 10:52 AM, said:
You're wrong pretty much across the board. You weren't even right for the wrong reasons at any point of your post, which is really incredible.
Roland, on 31 October 2013 - 11:01 AM, said:
Heffay, you basically just said, "Nuh uh!"
You are incorrect in your perception of how statistics work.
And this, right here is capitulation. You can not answer my points and resort to, as Roland so elegantly put, “Nuh uh”
You have no idea how statistics, polls, and sample sizes work and should really not comment on such until you have even a basic understanding on how these work. I suggest Wikipedia, or if you’re still in college, taking an undergraduate stats course on statistics. It will help you later in life even if you don’t go on to earn a doctorate in a field that uses statistics, especially statistics from large human cohorts, on an every day basis … unlike some people.
Hey, if we're going to talk prior polls, then 93% of the most fanatical, active playerbase is fine with 1PV being in 12 mans only. Because that was the latest poll held on the topic.
This, on the other hand isn’t a misunderstanding of stats/samples, but is instead a flat out lie.
You know, as Thomas Covenant pointed out, that the poll was asking if 1PV should be in 12 mans … NOT that 1PV should ONLY be in 12 mans.
In fact, there were many people in that very thread (myself included) that we should vote against that poll because we feared that PGI would say EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID. I.e. that they would lie and say that the poll was evidence for players being ok with 1PV only being in 12 mans.
Thomas Covenant, on 31 October 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:
I am not really impressed with anyone. The actual "pro 1PV" voice was pretty small, is what I am saying.
"I don't want A!" and "I really am in favor and want B" ARE actually separate messages, and the pro 1PV voice, in support of HOW EVER pgi could deliver it, was fairly silent, in comparison at least, and it's what I seek to change, though I do have the caveat I don't want it to rest on the laurels of an exclusive 12 man mode.
Were you around back for the first 3PV polls? This was back in the spring, when PGI announced that they were “thinking about it” or some other lie. There was a poll made asking a simple question (paraphrasing here, as I don’t have the screenshot on hand): Does MWO need to have or should have 3PV. More than THREE THOUSAND people replied to the poll (have you ever seen a poll or even a thread on these forums with more than three thousand votes or posts?), and the results were >90% against.
The pro-1PV/anti-3PV voice was huge. Larger than anything you see on the forums now. It was like the one thing that everyone on the forums agreed on.
Now the question you should be asking yourself, and the motivation for my first post in the thread, is “where did all of these people go.”
The short answer is “away.”
Heffay, on 31 October 2013 - 12:27 PM, said:
You're trying to drum up more support for the 1PV queue crowd with this survey?
There were several rather vocal groups (#savemwo, United and Drop) which mustered pretty much every available asset that was actually interested in that. It was about 1000 people total, or less than 1% of the player base. Less than 1% (significantly less) of the people playing the game cared enough to sign their name to try to change the whole 3PV direction. And that was during the peak of the "issue". And of course a significant number of those people ended up buying Project Phoenix packages anyway.
In other words: Nobody cares about 3PV.
Once again, no numbers, just pulling things out of the air.
Heffay, on 31 October 2013 - 06:20 PM, said:
You make the same mistake you accuse others.
How do you know losing half the founders in a year is a bad metric? If the normal churn for a F2P game is 90% over a year, a 50% churn would be fantastic.
Heffay, on 01 November 2013 - 04:25 AM, said:
It's not like that at all. If you normally lose 90% of your playerbase over the course of the year (and of course, replace them...aka churn), how is only losing 50% worse? It may be the highest retention rate of any video game ever, but you're putting it out there like it's a bad number.
Your pulling numbers out of the air again. Where did you get 90%?
Also, remember that PGIGP was being very disingenuous with their “retained founders” figure. They were counting a founder as “retained” if they logged in to patch, and then never played again. This means that not even half of the founders are even starting up the game to see what’s changed. Of those 50% who do, how many of them actually play? We’ll never know because PGI won’t release the numbers.
Until you have some sort of data on what the norm burn rate is for paying customers in a F2P game, we can’t say anything on a relative level. On a qualitative level, you can definitely say that this is a bad thing.
Edited by Dr Herbert West, 01 November 2013 - 04:52 AM.