Forget the heat and the movement issues. The map is basically the same all over except the thunderdome there in the middle, so every match is basically the same.
We get into our habits on all the maps, that's true. I'm getting tired of the garage in Crimson Strait. But at least there are other places to fight where you might find mechs to shoot at. At least it's not far removed from other points of interest. Heck, from up top, you can even snipe or LRM half the map. And inside, you don't have LOS to the whole garage, unlike the volcano. It might get repetitive going there, but it's no volcano.
The volcano also has a way of taking a looooooong time to get around, so once you're involved in that area, you can't really retreat and attack from another side or anything. They have, like, two full minutes to spot you, two minutes you are doing scrap-all to contribute, unless you're in a light.
One of the keys to multiplayer map design, I learned from a book on how to make Duke Nukem 3D maps using the Build engine in the early 90s, is having lots of points of interest with lots of routes to get between them.
Terra Therma fails at both of these points. There is only one point of interest, and the entire outside is just one big amorphous blob of mountains. Have you ever once even been aware of which side you started on? There are, at least, four ramps into the volcano. It could have easily been two. *shudder*

Terribad Therma Is Boring
Started by Felio, Oct 28 2013 02:40 PM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 28 October 2013 - 02:40 PM
Posted 29 October 2013 - 05:20 AM
I'm starting to see less and less fighting IN the volcano and more and more in the canyons around it.
Posted 29 October 2013 - 05:54 AM
I'm starting to pilot fewer and fewer assaults just in fear of being stuck in my (F)Atlas on Terra Therma.
Posted 29 October 2013 - 06:46 AM
I had two GREAT games on Terra Therma yesterday. One of them turned into an epic base defense brawl that our team just barely won. Good stuff.
Posted 29 October 2013 - 07:02 AM
It's not in how you view it, it's in how you fight the map
Posted 03 November 2013 - 03:22 PM
There's too many routes to take, its like a labyrinth so the only decent part is the volcano. Perhaps if instead of being a maze of hills have more open areas and just 2-3 routes with a couple choke points to take.
Posted 03 November 2013 - 06:07 PM
agreed, terrible map.
long paths
too steep everywhere you go
and its narrow in the most popular places, when firing and walking backwards you always get stuck because you teamates are trying to go forward,
its not a challenging map, its just bad and frustrating.
the only thing i dont mind is the heat. i like having to watch your heat, it adds another thinking dimension to your firing methods.
oh and i forgot the most important thing.
why is there no stomping sound effect when you walk on the steel at the volcano top?
its so weird only hearing your engine hummmmmm.
long paths
too steep everywhere you go
and its narrow in the most popular places, when firing and walking backwards you always get stuck because you teamates are trying to go forward,
its not a challenging map, its just bad and frustrating.
the only thing i dont mind is the heat. i like having to watch your heat, it adds another thinking dimension to your firing methods.
oh and i forgot the most important thing.
why is there no stomping sound effect when you walk on the steel at the volcano top?
its so weird only hearing your engine hummmmmm.
Edited by Karma Police, 03 November 2013 - 06:07 PM.
Posted 04 November 2013 - 06:27 AM
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