One thing I noticed, is that if I chain fire them, they kill mechs FASTER than non-stop alpha, not much faster, but faster of course if they have AMS, alphaing the missiles is faster. Difference is about 1-2 seconds. On a stationary target at a distance of 320m, I clocked an Atlas kill 21.75 sec for chain, and 20.83 sec for alpha LRM 5's. I also tested the dmg on LRM 15's against the Atlas. Chaining took 18.75 seconds, and Alpha's took 19.61 seconds. longer due to 2x shutdowns.
All tests were done in Frozen city. I would test 6x lrm 15's, but I REALLY do not want to spend 1+million CB for this. The 4x LRM test tells me I will shut down more often thus longer kill time.
Heat was a major issue for the LRM 15's, both in chaining and alpha. I was at 90% from 100% by the time the Atlas died. Heat was NOT an issue at all for the LRM 5's. When chained, max it got was 17% by the time the Atlas died. , with Alpha's 33%.
Granted these timers and heat problems will change map to map, but it does show that even though the lrm 15's on paper should do more dmg, the lrm 5's are simply better.
But I guess this falls into pro's can cons really. lrm 5's do less upfront dmg, but make up for it in sustained dmg, while lrm 15's and 20's pack a punch, just not very often.
What are your guy's thoughts?