Lefty Lucy, on 31 October 2013 - 08:58 AM, said:
You're looking at "heat efficiency" incorrectly. Yes, it only generates 1 heat per turn. However, it also only does 2 damage per turn. This makes the AC2 the least heat-efficient ballistic weapon available in TT, because it has a 2/1 damage/heat ratio where the AC20 is 20/7 the AC10 is 10/3, the AC5 is 5/1, etc. When you combine this with its also very low damage/ton ratio, it's clear to see why the AC2 is so widely disparaged for mech-vs.-mech combat.
I'm not looking at it incorrectly all. The Ac/2 (ac/5) are considered 'poo' weapons in TT, I already know that. What I'm saying is that in an attempt to directly copy certain weapons from TT, in this case autocannons, with near exact damage values and heat values, in combination with their heat system - it is in fact skewed in comparison.
I entirely "get" that an AC/2 or AC/5 are nearly 7 or 20 times more powerful in MWO in comparison to TT, but that is
only because they left the damage the same. Everything else was skewed in the process.
What I mean by "heat efficient" is barely producing any heat or excess heat in TT terms. For instance, a Jager could fire all its Autocannons every "turn" and not produce any excess heat since the single heat sinks kept it perfectly cool. This is skewed in MWO due to the heat system in combination with attempting to copy damage/heat values and then simply adjusting fire rates. That in effect, is the heart of the problem.
Do we all agree that getting popped in a tin can Locust isn't fun when getting hit by a shell that does straight up TT 20 Damage? I know it can't be fun for the Locusts I popped. Or that getting hit with 2xAC/20 definitely shaves a lot of health for pin point damage? Other issues abound such as extremely hot running AC/2's that actually require Double Heat Sinks to work - the opposite of what they should be in equivalent terms (a extremely fast firing, low damage autocannon that produces negligible heat).
That in essence is the problem with this game as a whole. There is no coherent vision. On one hand, it is an attempt to almost directly copy TT values at least 90% of the time (except the flamer and MG), throw in the segmented armor sections, a heat system that only works by TT standards (rolling dice, 10 seconds), and then pretend it all works in a game where you aim, instead of roll. This goes even beyond just Autocannons.
Basically if we want TT, then MWO would need to be straight up TT with randomness. Since it is not, there are issues when not letting go of those TT values. Instead we have a whole series of issues.
Roland, on 31 October 2013 - 09:04 AM, said:
You are starting with a situation where people run both types of weapons, and you are proposing to remove the primary advantage of ballistics... There is no way that won't result in total domination by lasers.
But Lasers are not pin point and they have a duration (requiring you to face the target). Hence, they would be nothing like an Autocannon
even if the Autocannon was a burst duration, because it is still using shells that travel
very fast and apply that damage instantly. In other words, all you have to do to shoot an AC still is fire (all shells shooting at once), turn to avoid damage, then turn back to fire again.
So if an AC/20 were to shoot 4 Shells all at once, just an example, doing 5 damage each, with the
same velocity speed, that's still going to do the same damage against a sitting target, against a moving target the damage would definitely be spread "like a laser" but for a helluva lot more instantaneous damage.
Edited by General Taskeen, 31 October 2013 - 11:38 AM.