Lupus Aurelius, on 30 October 2013 - 12:49 PM, said:
Ballistics fire on average 1.33 times faster with an average of 1.26 times more damage, than energy weapons. If you ratio the differences to bring them in line, in the 2.36 average firing time, energy weapons average 4.76 damage, vs 8.39 of ballistics. Thats half the damage in the same amount of time, on average.
Ballistics need to be balanced with other weapon systems. More heat and slower firing times to bring them back more in line with BT precedence. A quick fix would be to bring things back to the same relative values in TT.
MUSTRUMRIDCULLY's Weapon Balance Thread:
You missed that ballistics have 3x range, energy 2x range and missiles only 1x range, this makes it even more unbalanced.
With only 2x range, the ac2, gauss, erll and erppc and lrm (if they would hit at 1000m and not at 1000-arc) would be the only weapons that do noticeable damage at 1000m.
But with the 3x range there are the ac5, uac5 and ac 10 doing damage at this ranges too.
And the ac20 does a lot at ranges it should do less or 0 damage.
Another point that balances ballistics in tt is ammoexplosion, but with only 10% chance, its nearly not noteable, removing another disadvantage.
Edited by Galenit, 31 October 2013 - 06:26 AM.