Lupus Aurelius, on 30 October 2013 - 12:49 PM, said:
This is not about making all the weapons the same.. Both ballistics and energy weapons had their “apex” weapons, but they were balanced against each other by the 10 sec. turn. By altering that “firing” speed asymmetrically across those weapons, while trying to maintain the same or close to the same damage per shot,, radically altered the relative damage capabilities of each weapon.
Let’s start with the data:
It's a little more complicated than DPS as there are other factors when shooting these weapons in real time, but...
The mainstay ballistics (AC20, 10, 5, U5) are trading alot of weight and space for less heat generaton, with the caveat that they also have ammo explosions and can run out of ammo in battle. Also there are not alot of mechs that can use more than 2 of these weapons.
So... the AC20, AC10, AC5 and UAC5 feel right.
The AC2 is way out of whack. It is not trading alot of space for that kind of DPS at long range. Its DPS should go down to around laser levels. Say maybe 1.5.
Gauss is in a really weird place....all that really needed to happen for gauss was to be around the 2.5 DPS of the PPCs. No need to add anything weird to it like the current "charge" mechanic. (that's right, I said it, 6 second reload mofos)
The Large Pulse is also way out of whack... this should be in the 3.33 DPS range as it is the opposite of an auto-cannon. It is trading range and heat to deal damage.
Edited by LORD ORION, 10 November 2013 - 10:57 AM.