Joseph Mallan, on 11 November 2013 - 09:56 AM, said:
Balance, AC5 and Medium lasers need to have the same DpS. They do the same amount of damage on TT. Same for PPCs/AC10. The RoF o a Ballistic should also be timed that when a laser is finished with its 5 or 10 points an AC of equivalence has done the same amount of DpS. A large Laser should do just a touch less DpS than an AC10/PPC.
Well, that's kind of a problematic proposal. TT players will tell you (rightly) that AC/2s are wasteful and non-Ultra AC/5s are near-universally a case of 'why didn't I take a PPC instead'.
I would instead say that the AC/5 rate of fire where it is now is actually roughly correct (should maybe be slightly slower, but not much if at all), and the AC/2 is all out of whack in so many ways (ghost heat assignment, 2 Km+ max range, stupid-high firing rate, better DPS than an AC/5) that it really just needs to be revised from the ground up. I rather like where Large Lasers are (excepting the Pulse, which generates a ridiculous amount of heat for a less than equivalent benefit) and the AC/10 and LB 10-X 'feel' fine in use.
I do think that the 3x max range on ballistics is silly, though, because it means that (for instance): At an AC/10's optimum range an AC/20 still deals 10 damage (Part of what makes boomjaegers truly terrifying), and an AC/2 still deals noteworthy damage to ranges you can't get the game to draw enemies at.
Overall, really, I stand by my point- PGI made a lot of big changes at the start that may have -seemed- like they didn't affect each other but really did, and gives every appearance of being unwilling to change these 'sacred cow' alterations they made with repeated insistences like 'We are not going to change to a high-dissipation low-threshhold heat scale.'
Whether or not they actually are willing to change these things is unknown, because in combination with the appearance that they are, as a group, unwilling to examine any of these things as potentially flawed, they haven't actually changed any of them since and don't tell the players at any point that they have been reexamining these ideas or testing potential changes to them.
Edited by Elli Gujar, 11 November 2013 - 10:07 AM.