BT ran almost 30 years, giving a lot of time to work out balance issues to get the relative strengths and weaknesses between weapons worked out. BT firing speeds were all the same, once per 10 sec, and the balance between weapons was based on heat and damage only. By changing the firing speeds, the balance between the direct fire weapons, energy and ballistic, was severely disrupted.
This is not about making all the weapons the same.. Both ballistics and energy weapons had their “apex” weapons, but they were balanced against each other by the 10 sec. turn. By altering that “firing” speed asymmetrically across those weapons, while trying to maintain the same or close to the same damage per shot,, radically altered the relative damage capabilities of each weapon.
Let’s start with the data:
The above chart shows what happened by changing the firing speeds in the way PGI did. What is important in this chart is the change in relationships between the weapons. Weapon balance in BT was damage per turn, and the relative strengths of those weapons was based on that. By changing that relationship, as with any closed dynamic system, you throw the process out of balance.
Example, the BT data has the DPS of the AC5 being 1/2 the PPC and ERPPC, which is as it should be, 5 damage vs. 10 damage in 10 seconds. But in the MWO data, the AC5 has a damage output of 1.332x that of the PPC/ERPPC.
The most obvious result are the ACs. AC10 and LB 10X quadrupled it’s damage output, AC5 and UAC5(not counting double shot) 7 times the damage output. The big winner here is the AC2, at over 19 times the damage, and the big loser for ballistics, AC20, at only 2.5 times the damage output.
Compare that to the energy weapons, the highest was SPL at 4.133, the SL at 3.133, and the LPL at 3.05 times the damage, with everything else less than 3 times. But, heat dissipation rates remain the same as in BT, excepting external DHS, which are less than BT at 1.4 heat/10sec instead of 2.0 heat/10 sec.
- -Ballistic firing speeds average at 2.36sec, or 4.24 times faster than BT, with average damage of 8.39, and an average heat of 2.14 .
- -Energy weapons firing speeds average 3.14 sec, or 3.19 faster than BT, with average damage of 6.67, and an average heat of 6.34 .
Even though the heat reservoir is increased from TT, the heat dissipation of DHS external to the engine has been severely nerfed at 1.4 heat/10 sec. In addition, the dissipation rate has remained the same for SHS and engine DHS,0 .1 and 0.2 heat respectively. So an engine with 10 internal DHS has a heat rating of 50, but it is only shedding 2 heat per sec.
As stated above, ballistic average 2.14 heat per second. With a heat reservoir of 50, doing 2.14 heat/sec, but shedding 2.0 heat/sec, that’s a net difference of 0.14 heat/sec. Over 357 shots. Energy weapons average 6.34 heat/sec, so the net difference there in 4.34 heat per sec. that’s 11.52 shots.
ACs, with lower heat, can fire 4 times faster and still not cap out the heat, but energy weapons firing barely over 3 times faster cannot, because the average heat for energy is 3 times greater than for ballistics, and the heat dissipation rates remain based on the 10 sec TT turn. Heat generation went up, but dissipation remained the same.
Ballistics fire on average 1.33 times faster with an average of 1.26 times more damage, than energy weapons. If you ratio the differences to bring them in line, in the 2.36 average firing time, energy weapons average 4.76 damage, vs 8.39 of ballistics. Thats half the damage in the same amount of time, on average.
Ballistics need to be balanced with other weapon systems. More heat and slower firing times to bring them back more in line with BT precedence. A quick fix would be to bring things back to the same relative values in TT.
If it fires 4 times faster than TT, have it generate 1/4 damage and 1/4 of the heat. Hard cap heat at 30, make DHS dissipate at 2.0 instead of 1.4. That would bring things back into the same relative balance from TT, and that that point, you look at armor and heat cap for mechs.
Could easily have kept the original armor amounts from BT, instead of having to had to double them, boating high heat/high alpha builds would never had been possible, and high alpha builds in general would not produce anywhere near the same damage output we currently see, making damage over time a more viable option, and truly making MWO more of a “thinking man’s shooter”.
This all would be obvious to a lobotomized chimp, and should have stood out like a sore thumb to PGI. In reality, ballistics have always been OP in MWO, but it took severely nerfing the energy suite to make it so visible.
Associated threads:
MUSTRUMRIDCULLY's Weapon Balance Thread: