Agent 0 Fortune, on 31 October 2013 - 03:35 PM, said:
Last night I was working on my Battlemaster's, a weight class with which I am mediocre. For several hours I played in largely well balanced and fun matches. Then at 10PM PDT (1 AM Eastern), it was like hitting a light swtich, and for the next hour my all of my matches were one sided stomps. it was particularly annoying for a couple reasons:
1. because I always ended up on the losing team (aside from not being fun I got little cbill/xp)
2. because and the matcher rushed me into those matches, no waiting for a better match-up. I mean take your time I don't mind waiting a couple minutes if it means I can have a fun match, especially during off hours.
The point being that population is time-sensative. I don't know what the overall population is doing, but it definitely ebbs and flows with the hour of the day. I suspect many PUG players probably just quit playing at those hours which exacerbates the problem. Personally I know it isn't worth my time to grind through loss after loss, especially when I am just trying to grind XPs (as opposed to playing mechs of choice for fun).
I don't know what PGIs solution is but I would love to be able to manually manipulate the matchmaker. For instance put in a matchmaker tolerance, where tell the matchmaker how long I am willing to wait for a match, and the maximum deviation of Elo and weight class.
Agreed. Sleep is overrated. Nerf Sleep.