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Auto Damage To Legs, Lrm Heat Bug

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#1 Dr Kevorkian


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Posted 02 November 2013 - 10:31 PM

Dropping Terra Therma, with a Shadowhawk 2d2 2ML 2LRM5 2 LRM10

Mech Heat eff= 1.41

First bug: Firing the 2 LRM10s together causes me to autoshut down due to heat. Tested at both 50% heat capacity and 20% heat capacity. Firing separately did not shut down, but together did.

Was not able to test further because my legs were getting continuous damage from unknown source. No enemy mechs around, damage was continuosly applied over the course of 1-2 min, until mech death.

Attempted to stop movement and jump, but did not stop.

Anyone else get this bug?

Edited by Dr Kevorkian, 02 November 2013 - 10:33 PM.

#2 Wraith 1


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Posted 02 November 2013 - 11:37 PM

I did. I was on Therma in a JR7-D. I had drastically reduced cooling rate and increased heat gain from lasers. Firing my SRMs caused insta-shutdown.

Constant damage to legs, no enemy mechs in the area. The death screen said I was killed by lava damage, but I was standing in a lava-free cap box. I had 3 friends with me, none of them had these issues.

Out of our light lance, I believe I was the only one with jumpjets. If memory serves, I had run through one of the lava rivers earlier, clipping the bridge as I jumped out of the ditch. I'm assuming this caused the game to think I was still in the lava,
though I never had any passive heat gain.

I jump *over* those rivers now.

#3 ShinVector

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Posted 04 November 2013 - 06:02 AM

known bug i think.. not sure why it isn't fixed..

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