Hello fellow MechWarriors!
If you like to play as part of a team that is highly active (We have almost 1000 members playing over 7+ games!), dedicated players filling specific roles (Game leaders, Tactics, Recruiting, Operations, Security, R&D, etc), tournaments between ourselves, an awards system that recognises exceptional players then Synergy is the crew for you!
Synergy has been around for over 3 years, and we play a number of games including:
Star Trek Online
Star Wars TOR
Pen and Paper Games
Final Fantasy
and more!
Many of us have been here since day 1 of MWO and have been playing battletech since it was on pen and paper. If you like to play with a crew that always has players on and ready to rock and roll then swing on by to synergy-community.com and look for me under the handle of "Crazy Horse" and we can get you rolling to becoming a member of Synergy! We look forward to hearing from you all soon!
If you want to talk to someone first, then connect to ts3.synergy-community.com with no password on the default port on TeamSpeak and "poke" someone in our MWO room or any staff member (anyone with a designated role icon next to their name) and they will get you to where you need to go. We have a level system for new members that grants you persmissions to move between rooms freely, add screenshots to public folders, create new rooms, etc. We are always looking for new members who work well with a team and if a few of you have recieved personal invitations through in-game chat we love having you onboard!
See you on the battlefield!
Crazy Horse
Edited by Crazy Horse 3059, 17 November 2013 - 11:19 AM.