Hi there,
1. Any possibility to mark which position your team is starting from during the pre-round phase?
Imho best would be to have this marked on the pre-round map.
Reason: I'm not experienced enough to know the starting location just from the piece of building/rock I'm looking at through the list of players (especially in smaller mechs and on maps like river city night).
2. On the same note I'd like to see the position and names of the "Oil Rigs" in Conquest at this time e.g. in order to tell my team things like "will go to Epsilon"/know where others are going if they announce it. But I don't have every location's name memorized on every map (yet? hopefully we'll get even more maps in the future...).
Currently the result for me as PUG player is that sometimes people are heading in different directions or changing their mind half-way and I'm ending up at a cap point on my own. Waiting to follow others doesn't always help either or gets your team behind in points (That's ofc mainly true when running lights).
Overall enjoying the game very much!

Starting Location And Location/name Of Capture Points
Started by Arnie76, Nov 05 2013 10:41 AM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 05 November 2013 - 10:41 AM
Posted 05 November 2013 - 10:51 AM
Hey Arnie. After a few dozen drops you will get to know the maps very well and where the Cap points are in relation to each start point. You can see what start point you are at while waiting for everyone to "ready" up. If you want to try and issue orders you can try typing at this time but time limits what you can do so you might not want to ready up right away yourself to try and get a few more seconds. If you grab command you can issue orders using the battle map, Press B to open and close this feature. It will allow you to place symbols on the map so your team mates can tell at a glance where you want them to Attack/Defend/Move To. you can also do this at the 4man lance level for just your lance mates.
You could also, and I'm not saying you have to, but you could go look up one of the FREE voip servers and log in there and try using a FREE voip client. I know it's not for everyone and if you don't want to that's cool but being able to talk to your lance mates and give orders, call for help, call targets by voice is a definate advantage over trying to type it. And going to one of these free servers doesn't mean you are joining a faction. there are lone wolves all over the place who go to the NGNG server to name just one.
You could also, and I'm not saying you have to, but you could go look up one of the FREE voip servers and log in there and try using a FREE voip client. I know it's not for everyone and if you don't want to that's cool but being able to talk to your lance mates and give orders, call for help, call targets by voice is a definate advantage over trying to type it. And going to one of these free servers doesn't mean you are joining a faction. there are lone wolves all over the place who go to the NGNG server to name just one.
Posted 05 November 2013 - 11:04 AM
I think I would agree with you Arnie, I'd like to have the map be a little more detailed on the ready screen. Would probably help newbies out more and encourage pugs to actually stategize.
Posted 05 November 2013 - 11:12 AM
Hi Randalf,
wow, that was a fast answer, thanks a lot
I've been playing the game for about half a year, maybe I'm getting to old to memorize the names (I know the locations).
Reason for posting (besides the maintenance) was a round today where I didn't know location of Epsi and Kappa on caustic, just knew I didn't want to go to Theta 1st. (The starting point thing on RC Night also happened today, but wasn't that much of an issue in the end)
Ended up with me (LCT) being followed by 1-2 other lights only to find that they swept away for Kappa (I went Epsi), and I was looking at 3-4 enemy mechs. Could have provided avoided this by following the other guys in the first place after asking or announcing my plan. In the end we were steamrolled.
I agree that joining one of the TS-servers would probably solve problem. However I'm mostly playing with a friend on private Voicecom. And didn't put up the effort of finding a (EU-time) TS server for the matches when I'm playing alone so far. I feel we're both not at the level (and maybe also in the mood, though trying to play team minded) of playing in an organized team, but maybe it's worth a try.
Anyhow, I think marking the locations would greatly enhance the accessibility for new/casual players in the long run and should not be a lot of effort. (At least marking the cap points, which I'd imagine to be quickly editing the map image, maybe the starting location takes some more efforts)
Sorry for the long reply.
Edit: thanks to both of you ofc. Took a while to work on my post, and I got interrupted.
wow, that was a fast answer, thanks a lot

I've been playing the game for about half a year, maybe I'm getting to old to memorize the names (I know the locations).
Reason for posting (besides the maintenance) was a round today where I didn't know location of Epsi and Kappa on caustic, just knew I didn't want to go to Theta 1st. (The starting point thing on RC Night also happened today, but wasn't that much of an issue in the end)
Ended up with me (LCT) being followed by 1-2 other lights only to find that they swept away for Kappa (I went Epsi), and I was looking at 3-4 enemy mechs. Could have provided avoided this by following the other guys in the first place after asking or announcing my plan. In the end we were steamrolled.
I agree that joining one of the TS-servers would probably solve problem. However I'm mostly playing with a friend on private Voicecom. And didn't put up the effort of finding a (EU-time) TS server for the matches when I'm playing alone so far. I feel we're both not at the level (and maybe also in the mood, though trying to play team minded) of playing in an organized team, but maybe it's worth a try.
Anyhow, I think marking the locations would greatly enhance the accessibility for new/casual players in the long run and should not be a lot of effort. (At least marking the cap points, which I'd imagine to be quickly editing the map image, maybe the starting location takes some more efforts)
Sorry for the long reply.
Edit: thanks to both of you ofc. Took a while to work on my post, and I got interrupted.
Edited by Arnie76, 05 November 2013 - 11:15 AM.
Posted 05 November 2013 - 11:31 AM
Arnie, that wasn't a long reply, it was a great reply 
If I may, you commented that you aren't at the level or of the mood for organized team play. All I do is jump is with a few other guys on the TS server, grab a mech and off we go. usually if someone asks what mech they need to bring we tell them what ever one they want because it's all about having fun so bring what you want and lets kick it. Voice allows us to play better, with out it, most of us aren't at the level to play organized team play so don't be selling yourself short. I know our TS server is up 24/7 and even at the most dead times there is always 4-6 people somewhere on it doing something. I myself am in one unit but any given night when I am dropping I will drop with guys from many different units, it's a lot of fun, even when we are sitting there asking each other what the heck just happened, did anyone get the number of the truck that just kicked our butts.
I can see your point about marking the map and it does make sense, soldiers get a breifing before they go into battle and they usually get to see a Map of the area in the briefing so I don't see why it shouldn't be done here. Good outside the box thinking on that one I hope PGI takes a look at this as it would be a small modification to the ready page to make this happen.
Hope to see you in game sometime, sounds like it would be a hoot to drop with you.

If I may, you commented that you aren't at the level or of the mood for organized team play. All I do is jump is with a few other guys on the TS server, grab a mech and off we go. usually if someone asks what mech they need to bring we tell them what ever one they want because it's all about having fun so bring what you want and lets kick it. Voice allows us to play better, with out it, most of us aren't at the level to play organized team play so don't be selling yourself short. I know our TS server is up 24/7 and even at the most dead times there is always 4-6 people somewhere on it doing something. I myself am in one unit but any given night when I am dropping I will drop with guys from many different units, it's a lot of fun, even when we are sitting there asking each other what the heck just happened, did anyone get the number of the truck that just kicked our butts.

I can see your point about marking the map and it does make sense, soldiers get a breifing before they go into battle and they usually get to see a Map of the area in the briefing so I don't see why it shouldn't be done here. Good outside the box thinking on that one I hope PGI takes a look at this as it would be a small modification to the ready page to make this happen.
Hope to see you in game sometime, sounds like it would be a hoot to drop with you.
Posted 01 March 2014 - 01:09 PM
Sorry to necro my own thread but I feel this is even more needed now with the Lances being spread out and different starting locations depending on gamemode.
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