Marack Drock, on 06 November 2013 - 10:23 PM, said:
In short.
Clan Smoke Jaguar, and most of all the others decided to instead of working together to beat the Inner Sphere went rogue and put their power to stop Clan Wolf from winning thus claiming Terra. Also with such a small amount of forces per Clan they were unable to stop the Com Star forces which took advantage and beat the Clans after long fights and battles which led to a "Truce" between the Clans and Inner Sphere which should have lasted for 15 years.
Our biggest failure as Clanners trying to serve Kerensky's dream. The second Star League forcing all Clan forces out of the Inner Sphere and then peace for 2 years until 3060 when Victor Davion led the New Star League against Clan Smoke Jaguar and massacred them LITERALLY. I was reading and he gave orders that any Smoke Jag survivors that didn't join the Star League or serve the Inner Sphere (Like Slaves) would be put to death. Only about 150 Jags remained out of I.S. control after this. Also after the events of Tukayyid (For the Inner Sphere) the Inner Sphere then broke into Civil War again because they have no Logical skills, and have about as much intelligence as their shoe size. Victor Davion ends up becoming a homicidal maniac, when his sister takes his thrown (Even though he said he never wanted to rule) and neglects his people leading to several Steiner captures and massacres on planets such as Kentaries IV, Carvor V, etc.
Victor (once good leader) becomes mass murderer
Clans dishonored permanetly
Inner Sphere Civil War for the one millionth time
Inner Sphere innocents massacred
So overall Tukayyid was a mistake for both sides as the Clan Wars before actually helped the Inner Sphere to work together (Tukayyid destroyed that). It was a mistake for the Clans because instead of doing what they came to do (create a working unified galaxy in the name of Kerensky), they quarreled and did their best to fight each other even when it could mean their downfall (and ended up do exactly that).
The entire battle led to more battles which in turn led to the murder of innocent beings who before were 100 times safer.
If the Clans had won and ruled the Sphere under their renewed Star League, very few people would adapt to these invaders' tradition, being so different "from those we left behind".
You would have had rebellions all over the IS, much like Rebels vs Empire, and you would have had anyway a massive guerrilla war with massive numbers of deads on both sides.
Joseph Mallan, on 07 November 2013 - 04:37 AM, said:
Sure, i was just replying to Hillslam who was not sure if ComStar had JumpShips

Edited by CyclonerM, 07 November 2013 - 08:30 AM.