Tolkien, on 09 January 2015 - 02:01 PM, said:
There are two important problems here - one is gameplay:
If they followed realistic volume scaling the locust would be 2/3 the height, 2/3 the width, and 2/3 the depth of the Catapult - ici la:
As a guy who has mastered 3 locusts I can tell you straight up that even at its current size it feels too big - if it was the baby elephant you see on the right (which is what we get if we start using accuate volumetric scaling to tonnage) it would be unusable.
Also I'm a little surprised at you - that you would argue along the lines of any sort of physical realities but overlook the concept of the catapult missile racks - they have 20 tubes inside each rack, that have no trouble holding an LRM20, but can't even hold 2 SRM 2's (the thing on the lower right ear is a streak 2.. seems at least 4 of those should be able to fit in the rack..... I can understand stuff beyond 20 tubes going outside, but the crazy bolt on VCR implementation here is the definition of 'tacked on'.
The third problem with the catapult as is, and the one that I actually care most about (I'm not sure if this is true for everyone but I think a lot of people in here feel the same way) is visual aesthetic - those bolted on missile tubes are ugly as sin. I'm basically at peace with some mechs like the catapult and the hunchback being a little chunky beside some of the other chassis, but the look of the Catapult A1 and C4 with the bolted on missile VCRs is just kinda bad. If the game overall was grungier and all the mechs looked like they were slapped together by a part time mechanic with an acetylene torch it would fit in, but no.
To summarize - don't bother arguing for realistic scaling or light mech pilots will find out where you live and send mean telegrams, if you are going to bother for any sort of realism why not argue for the kind where a giant LRM 20 rack can hold 20 tubes, and finally even if those pods didn't make the silhouette massive they are fugly and don't fit the art style of the game.
You're conflating two separate arguments: (1) how to deal with the CPLT family's arm geometry, and (2) the overall scaling of the CPLT family vs other 'Mech chassis (namely, the
Mad Cat).
On the first point: I agree that all of the launch tubes should be made to fit within the arm housing, regardless of the number of launch tubes.
Specifically, I would like to see PGI follow either
the suggestion of Funky Bacon or
the suggestion of baabaa214 (with my personal preference leaning toward the latter).
Funky Bacon, on 12 November 2013 - 09:48 AM, said:
How about one of these two versions? Sure you can't really see the change in mechlab or in-game, but at least it doesn't look like something from Scrapheap Challenge: Mechwarrior Edition.

this for better quality tho.
Version 1. Kind of a modular layout thingy for all of them. Simple enough but not that great of a looker. Having different modules for each Variant may require a bit of work and more models to be loaded in game.
Version 2. Looks better and is the same for C4 and A1. C1 would use whatever it uses now.
The side pods are only used by the A1 and can only load max an LRM-10 or SRM-6. Top and bottom can load LRM-15
baabaa214, on 03 December 2013 - 10:14 AM, said:
This is my take on the correcting the Catapult and the the pods that were added.
Instead of sticking these pods under the arms and on the pods. This is what I would suggest to fix this.
It is based on server racking.
Rack 6 missile insert.
Rack 5 missile insert.
Rack 4 missile insert w/Heatsink single.
Rack 2 missile insert w/Heatsink (single/double).
Rack Heatsink (single or double).

On the second point,:
as noted above, the scaling of the CPLT relative to the
Mad Cat is is not so far off as to be much of a concern.
For that matter, the scaling of the CPLT vs the STK isn't that far off, either:
- 65/85 = 0.7647
- (0.76470588235)^(1/3) = 0.91446020391
In general, all of the linear dimensions of the CPLT should be within roughly 10% of those of the STK, with perhaps a few differences (such as the STK's main body being SLIGHTLY longer (front-to-back) but SLIGHTLY narrower (width-wise) & SLIGHTLY shorter (height-wise), so as to maintain both the STK's proportions AND the proper volumetric (and, thus, linear scale) relationship with the CPLT).
And, yes,
the Light 'Mechs ARE scaled incorrectly & are too small relative to where they should be, and should be rescaled (which universally means being up-scaled) to bring them into line with the other 'Mechs.
Edited by Strum Wealh, 09 January 2015 - 04:04 PM.