Victor Morson, on 11 November 2013 - 10:29 PM, said:
Your math is already off, again, on random functions. Because you are 8.333% of your team does not mean you influence 8.333% of the outcome. Your base logic is wrong and it's clouding everything you are doing after that. Not even accounting for skill variance, let's look at tonnage - are you saying a Highlander impacts the round as much as a Locust? Are you saying a Frakenmech impacts the round as much as an optimized one?
There are many rounds you have 0% impact. For example, a disconnected mech can still be on the winning team, as one that is not pulling it's weight. I'd say that since the cap speed got raised, instances of 100% factors are very rare. That means that 8.333% number is, effectively, complete garbage.
Your core numbers are broken before they begin man. That is why everything you say to prove your point after doesn't work. It's built on a broken foundation.
Math Victor. Show me the math that backs up what you're saying. What you keep ignoring is that what mech you bring and how you play it is part of your Elo. If you bring an unarmed Locust then you're improving your odds of losing and lowering your Elo - which it should. You bring a poptart Highlander and you know how to use it well you improve your odds of winning. You bring a Highlander and your aim is poor, you'll be lucky to come out neutral in your impact.
All of which is part of the equation.
Once again, show me the math that says your impact on a match can not be accurately measured in win/loss. Show it to me. I'll steal it, publish it and become incredibly famous as the guy who showed that all the data that Facebook, Google and the NSA are mining is absolutely useless and completely random and unable to statistically model the input of a single person. Same with marketing, same with performance metrics for god knows how many jobs. I would in fact be putting myself out of work given that I work with statistical modeling that makes tracking win/loss in something like MWO look like childs play but still. It'd be worth it because I'd be redefining a whole field of mathematical science. I'm not being sarcastic here Victor, I'm totally serious. Show me in statistical data how win/loss can not be used to adequately measure your impact on the ability of the team to win or lose games and I'll make you famous.
So data, Victor. Hard facts and math. Show me how if I track your performance over 100 games with random players I can not statistically measure your impact on their probability of winning or losing.
At this point I've gone about as far as I can on a forum. It'd be disingenuous to say that you'd need 4 years of schooling to get a degree in applied statistical modeling to have the tools to do it. At the risk of belittling a lot of math professors I'd say you could pick up a working command of it in a couple of weeks in any statistics driven job running reports or maintaining databases, software does all the heavy lifting and google remembers all the important formulas for you anymore.
I'll just end with - you're wrong. I totally get why you feel the way you do, I understand the psychology that drives it and even the psychology that makes you want to drill down deeper on it when challenged. I deal with it every single day at my job - reps and agents who say that it's just 'bad luck' that their stats are what they are and they get all the bad calls and their metrics don't accurately reflect because of REASONS. I can show them in broad or granular detail exactly what the problem is and where and why and other people who consistently perform better in the same situation month after month after month. It doesn't matter, they issue isn't their perception it's that the literally thousands of data points that accurately do their job for everyone else don't apply to them because, well, REASONS.
There's no amount of facts or data that can change your mind at this point and that is what it is but I think for people reading I've hopefully broaden a few horizons on it. It's unfortunate you feel the system is somehow punitive and I can only imagine how frustrating that can be. Best advice I can give you is that in a while, after you've moved away from this debate some you should keep a tracker for 100 matches. Just mark every time you're in the top 3 and lose a game vs every time you're in the bottom 3 and win a game. You're not being saddled with nubs constantly keeping you down, you're moving the needle a tiny bit every time you play. You're altering the heading on the ship a tiny bit each time and after long enough and enough adjustments your impact is clear as daylight. The data isn't 'muddy'. Data can never be 'muddy'. It's just data and can be filtered and refined. A 1/0 result like win/loss is the perfect way to do so.