Some of you 12-man players really make me laugh out really hard until tears run down my face. You encounter tactics
used by another coordinated team that you are unable to effectively deal with and your solution is to go to the forums and demand that said tactics be nerfed into oblivion if not outright removed. Do you know what those tactics are that they are using?
You can actually find those tactics used all throughout the history of human warfare:
Mystere, on 04 December 2013 - 09:06 PM, said:
... during ancient times, battles started with armies sending their skirmishers armed with javelins, bows, and slingshots to soften up the enemy. Sometime later, the Greeks then added ballistae and catapults to the mix. When the Romans came, they used tactics that involved throwing pila at the enemy just before engaging them directly.
Then in 53 BC, a Roman army of over 40,000 men met a much smaller Parthian force of 10,000 horsemen at Carrhae. There they fought an enemy that peppered them with arrows shot by 9,000 mounted archers while repeatedly being pummeled by a heavily armored cataphract cavalry of 1000. The Romans were slaughtered and the Battle of Carrhae was one of the costliest defeats in Roman history. The Parthians, on the other hand, suffered minimal casualties.
The Romans became dominant on the battlefield because their enemies did not have the same tactics, organization, and discipline that the Romans legions had. And when they got their behinds handed to them by the Parthians, the Romans did not go to the
Forum Magnum (
) and complain about how OP (
) the Parthians were. No, they did what they always did:
adapt, overcome, prevail.
As such, as Sandpit had said ever so simply:
Sandpit, on 26 November 2013 - 07:18 AM, said:
That's called coordination, communication, and teamwork. You should try it with your team sometime. It will greatly improve your odds of winning