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Pgi:so Whats The Plot?

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#21 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 12:02 PM

View PostDaZur, on 14 November 2013 - 12:01 PM, said:

BOOM... I just blew dust off your Abacus didn't I? :wub:

Next I'll remind of a time when we did math without a calculator and didn't rely on spell-checker to get through a paragraph...

Those were dark times! :wacko:



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Posted 14 November 2013 - 12:13 PM

View Postmekabuser, on 14 November 2013 - 06:13 AM, said:

CW will make or break this game.

Indeed...that may be why they keep it so close to their chest and take so much time on it as it will in fact be the deciding factor for many as to whether to play this game seriously for years to come or just goof around w/it on occasion.


even I, an assault MW junkie am just starting to grow bored with just match after match.
I want my battles to mean something.

As do we all...

#23 Blurry


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 01:12 PM

View PostCapperDeluxe, on 14 November 2013 - 07:11 AM, said:

I don't think they want to put out a crappy CW, I mean they do want to keep making money is my guess. Only question now is whether they can deliver. I'll cross my fingers that happens.

As for the silence, I'm assuming they're just incredibly busy. I know I am with work so I know the feeling.

Right but does your work hinge on a large player base to earn revenue?
If it does I bet you have a communications manager.

They should be out in front pumping the hype about it and get people interested. Or at the very least have a dialogue with the players so they can gauge the community and see what is wanted and desired.

After all delivery what players want = $$ to the bank. Not listening and going your own way = bankruptcy.

Edited by Blurry, 14 November 2013 - 01:12 PM.

#24 Victor Morson


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 05:52 PM

View PostCapperDeluxe, on 14 November 2013 - 07:11 AM, said:

As for the silence, I'm assuming they're just incredibly busy. I know I am with work so I know the feeling.

I would love to believe that, but I fear that now that the accomplished "launch" and selling Phoenix packs, they are taking this stance:

Posted Image

When money/a hard deadline was on the line was the first time we heard from PGI in 8 months on any notable scale, and now that it's passed, their disappearance is ... troubling. I'm really worried their senior staff just checked out again and told the interns not to touch anything.

#25 Fabe


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:31 PM

View PostJimboFBX, on 14 November 2013 - 11:16 AM, said:

plot: two groups of mechs kill each other because they were told to

they then did it again, and again, and again

Considering we're suppose to be playing the role of simple mercenaries and/or soldiers in the service of the great noble houses of the inter sphere that a pretty accurate description. Why are we fighting for a planet that looks like a set piece from a sci-fi remake of 'Load of the rings'? because some one who we will never meet decided it's worth us dieing over,that why .

#26 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:38 PM

View PostDaZur, on 14 November 2013 - 11:57 AM, said:

"Technically" the story is still in revision...

It's like those story books we had in grade school where you could drive the story line by skipping chapters to elicit different endings. :P

That sounds like Choose Your Own Adventure books...sort of:

Posted Image

#27 Fabe


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:48 PM

View PostLyoto Machida, on 14 November 2013 - 06:38 PM, said:

That sounds like Choose Your Own Adventure books...sort of:

Posted Image

Man I use to read those all the time in school along with the
Explorer series which only had one good ending ,all the other ended in disaster and the fighting fantasy ,series which were mini RPG game books

#28 Silentium


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:58 PM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 14 November 2013 - 07:18 AM, said:

Soup is the elexir of life - when it was found for the first time - it became clear that the battles of the 31st century will not longer be fought about minerals and other resources but soup.

Those soup could be found at the most insane places - at a harbor near a river - > right in the middle above a vulcan and in several other places -> were highly technological master pieces - indestructable - because produced out of boiled soup - rigs. Those rigs can pump from every where soup out of no where -> as long as you have detected that there is soup.

Those soup will transefered via soup mechanism to your banking account.

The soup extends life.

#29 mekabuser


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 07:29 PM

I guess its easy to be spoiled by star citizens website. THe amount of WIP and lore etc they throw at you is impressive.
It just seems to me that if the devs .. REALLY .. knew their fanbase.....

They would just occasionally , like every week, be putting COOL , MWO related things front and center on the website.
Yet they never do .. which makes you scratch your head and say. WTF?.
Like, A star map. Some bs make believe thing about making weapons, or mechs.
OR you know.. seriously... anything . fan made video, fan made anything.. Its as if the forums are a bother...

thats the impression i get.
im sorry if the devs are miffed at some of the treatment theyve gotten, but they gotta know what the world is.

#30 Bartholomew bartholomew


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 07:35 PM

View PostDaZur, on 14 November 2013 - 12:01 PM, said:

BOOM... I just blew dust off your Abacus didn't I? :P

Next I'll remind of a time when we did math without a calculator and didn't rely on spell-checker to get through a paragraph...

I still have a sliderule laying about somewhere...what's this spell check thing?

#31 Nation Uprise


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 07:42 PM

View Postmekabuser, on 14 November 2013 - 07:29 PM, said:

I guess its easy to be spoiled by star citizens website. THe amount of WIP and lore etc they throw at you is impressive.
It just seems to me that if the devs .. REALLY .. knew their fanbase.....

They would just occasionally , like every week, be putting COOL , MWO related things front and center on the website.
Yet they never do .. which makes you scratch your head and say. WTF?.
Like, A star map. Some bs make believe thing about making weapons, or mechs.
OR you know.. seriously... anything . fan made video, fan made anything.. Its as if the forums are a bother...

thats the impression i get.
im sorry if the devs are miffed at some of the treatment theyve gotten, but they gotta know what the world is.

The front page is completely dedicated to sales. This must look really attractive to new players. There's no space for any lore to show players why this game is unique. But they did fit in that welcoming "Buy MC" square with all those credit card logos. Letting you know that no matter what, they can definitely accept your cash.

#32 xengk


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 08:27 PM

View PostDaZur, on 14 November 2013 - 11:57 AM, said:

"Technically" the story is still in revision...

It's like those story books we had in grade school where you could drive the story line by skipping chapters to elicit different endings. :P

Posted Image
Dem Fighting Fantasy game books....
I should bust out Firetop Mountain and City of Thieves and play them again over this weekend.

I always thought we are fighting to capture bacons in MWO.
The platform in the maps are bacon processing plant that must be capture/defend at all cost for the love of humanity.
The Great Houses are warring over who have the most bacon and the best way to cook them.
Clanner are heretics who think spam is better than bacon and ragequited the Inner Sphere to start their spam heaven, only to missed the taste of bacon and decided to invade Inner Sphere for our bacon.

Edited by xengk, 14 November 2013 - 08:31 PM.

#33 Narcissistic Martyr


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 09:14 PM

They did a chat at some conference or another and basically we're fighting for control of the inner sphere. A few core sectors can't be taken away probably but that's basically what's going on.

Unfortunately PGI being PGI neglected to mention this on the forums or anywhere anyone will ever find it.

#34 Mycrus


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 09:39 PM

View PostSilentium, on 14 November 2013 - 06:58 PM, said:

The soup extends life.

The soup expands consciousness.

The soup is vital to space travel.

The soup must flow.

#35 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 09:48 PM

View PostLefty Lucy, on 14 November 2013 - 07:12 AM, said:

There used to be a can of soup on the ground that you had to protect. The can of soup grew up into an oil rig.

Well. the worst thing about tjhis all... MWO still has a better plot than Twilight :P .

Edited by Rushin Roulette, 15 November 2013 - 01:18 AM.

#36 Sybreed


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 10:17 PM

View Postxengk, on 14 November 2013 - 08:27 PM, said:

Posted Image
Dem Fighting Fantasy game books....
I should bust out Firetop Mountain and City of Thieves and play them again over this weekend.

I always thought we are fighting to capture bacons in MWO.
The platform in the maps are bacon processing plant that must be capture/defend at all cost for the love of humanity.
The Great Houses are warring over who have the most bacon and the best way to cook them.
Clanner are heretics who think spam is better than bacon and ragequited the Inner Sphere to start their spam heaven, only to missed the taste of bacon and decided to invade Inner Sphere for our bacon.

there's even some for Lone Wolves!

Posted Image

#37 aniviron


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 10:22 PM

OP cites Star Citizen; MWO is in a tricky spot that SC doesn't have to face, as the Battletech lore is established, over and done. We know how the clan invasion goes. SC, however, can actually let its players drive how the universe ends up. So while the MWO devs are busy making sure that the clans don't become super OP and just steamroll the entire community warfare map or trying to convince anyone at all to join Liao, the SC team can just say "Well that happened, so we'll make the story evolve from there."

I'd also argue your first point that nothing has gotten worse, particularly in the graphics department, but I would agree that in general quality is trending upwards in most areas.

#38 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 10:25 PM

many say the plot has been lost.

#39 DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 10:52 PM

View Postmekabuser, on 14 November 2013 - 06:13 AM, said:

CW is coming. WE know this. The problem is, so far there is no hint at all from pgi as to the plotline involved in CW. I find it a bit odd that there isnt more of a tie in of BT lore into the game. Without a doubt , our community has tons of people who want to role play, write up short fiction, any number of things , anything to flesh out the universe we are fighting in. If one looks at star citizen, they are actively looking to meld lore into the universe. This is a top down approach with fan input celebrated and encouraged. we used to have little tweets from comstar but that has all but dried up along with pilot trees, command modules etc. I worry about the absence of this material because imo, if things lke this were being worked on behind the scenes in a productive manner, its only logical the devs would want to share some of their triumphs as wip , a sneak peek into the awesome they have planned. Silence to me indicates the possibility there might not be awesome. There might be nothing. Make no mistake. I LOL when i see the " i havent been around in 6 months and the game is worse crowd" That is FALSE. in fact, the game does improve, slowly steadily. Graphically, stability, balance, lighting, ragdoll, screenshake, map imrovements<are there competing map teams?> I love it. but im worried about CW. CW will make or break this game. I would say there are a great many people who LOVE the combat, love it, but they are waiting for that persistent universe. A well thought out CW could make this one of the best games ever. Poorly implemented CW and you will have an exodus to star citizen once it drops. even I, an assault MW junkie am just starting to grow bored with just match after match. I want my battles to mean something.

I have been hungering for CW for so long now. I do agree that it'll make or break the game. They can't sustain on just fighting alone. There needs to be some kind of end goal. I'm a junkie and just plopped 30$ for the recent upgrade pack but at some point playing this game will reach diminishing returns. It's kind of frustrating.

#40 Sephlock


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 10:58 PM



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