YES. I do know the forums are full complaints against this and that there are similar posts out there. I don’t care, I’m still posting this.
This is a follow-up to my previous “analysis post”,
Kay, here we go.
I’m going to try to compare different weapons and different weapon groups to one another on a hack and slash maths + graph basis. The goal here is to discuss what we see and what the game feels like. There is a lot of info to crunch and a lot of graphs to draw so it’s a bit daunting. Anything that I might have “missed” is accidental and not meant to skew the numbers to a result that I wanted.

These 6 graphs illustrate the amount of damage dealt, spaced over 60 seconds. It is an accurate reflection of the REAL damage dealt to a single target, rather than just evaluating DPS.
Conversely, to the right of each DPS chart is the amount of heat generated by said weapons.
Overall, everything seems OK and balanced. Just a few special few things to note:
1. AC/20 starts and stays the top DPS Ballistic Weapon. But, it only generates the 2nd most heat.
2. AC/2 deals a lot of consistent damage that is nearly on par with a Gauss.
3. AC/5 is your worst performer in terms of damage over time, but has excellent heat ratings. Good swarm weapon.
4. PPC’s perform poorly when compared to other energy weapons.
5. Large Pulse Lasers are extremely efficient in dealing damage.
6. ER PPC generates the most heat -> nearly double the heat from a Large Laser.
7. LRM6’s perform better than LRM10’s at less heat generation over time
8. SSRM2’s are down below in both heat and damage. This makes them excellent swarm weapons.
9. LRM5’s generate low amount of heat over time. Good swarm weapon.
OK, we know all of this already. What is new?
People load AC5 / SSRM2 / LRM5 into every hole they can and start blasting away at you.
These weapons all benefit from “Mediocre” damage output, with low heat generation.
Except you, Machine Gun. Nobody likes a crit seeker.
One Step Forward
First thing that pops into your head is the issue of Ammunition. Yeah, AC’s and M’s get a benefit in damage but are limited to x amount of rounds. Energy is allowed to shoot until the end of time.
*Interesting idea I read on the forums, consider Heat Sinks as the ammo required for Energy Weapons to function. Without them, you are one alpha strike and then nothing for 30s until you cool down. I’m not going to explore this idea, but it is interesting.
Right, so in order for us to take “ammo” into account, we have to bring weight into the equation.
It is right here that we try and optimise the amount of damage we can deal, keeping the amount of heat generated as low as possible, per ton we load on our mechs.

Both the missile and ballistic charts shows the amount of DPS / (Weapon Weight + Ammo Weight).
You can see that diminishing returns in DPS as you load more and more ammunition.
Note the logical sequence in Damage/T: AC/2 at the top, Gauss at the bottom. All is well in ballistic land.
Missiles are a bit of a mess: SRM4’s are at the top of the chart for low amounts of ammo, giving way to SRM6’s when loading more than 3 tons of ammo. Surprising is the fact that LRM20’s get out done by SRMS. No, not really. I mean, 270m range VS 1000m range. We’d expect to see that.
Another special note is the LRM10/15 -> both start off at near exactly the same DPS/T ratio.
For Energy based weapons we have the Small Laser coming out on top as the best DPS/T in the game. It beats everything. Secondly, is the SPL and ML -> Very efficient weapons to load.
PPC’s get outdone by all the lighter, more efficient guns. We want to see this, yes. Whats interesting to see, is that the actual data for:
AC5 : 0.302727
AC20 : 0.294118
GAUSS : 0.208333
PPC : 0.357143
LPL : 0.392857
LL : 0.424
LRM5 : 0.338
LRM20 : 0.356154
SRM4 : 0.492
These values are for DPS / (Gun Weight + 3T Ammo).
I’ve found that 3 Ton of Ammo will allow you to spam nearly as much as a laser and still allow you to fight for 70% of an extended battle. From here on in, any calculation that assumes ammo weight, they weight will be 3 Ton.
Ballistics get ruined by all the other weapon groups in terms of DPS per ton.
Look at how efficient LL’s are compared to AC20 and LRM20’s.
This just proves that Energy Weapons are good in being precise, low weight, high DPS / weight weapons (with horrendous heat generation as a drawback).
Another way to look at it would be, for every ton Ammo I load, I could’ve loaded 1 Medium Laser.
This is known as the Opportunity Cost. Again, something I’d like to analyse, but not today.
Nothing New
So, we’ve noted that AC weapons aren’t all that, are they? They are HEAVY to fit and don’t do as much Ton for Ton as other weapons. At this point, the stats become less hard en more voodoo in nature. I ‘created’ a ratio stat consisting of the following:
Alpha: (Damage / Heat) / Weight
DPS: (DPS / HPS) / Weight
This reads as “The amount of Damage dealt in relation to the heat generated, per unit weight”.
We get a ratio that factor in Damage, Heat and Weight to fit.

Wow, Small Lasers are super-effective.
Streaks are doing super well for themselves. And LRM5’s perform great, compared to other LRM’s.
Surprising enough, Gauss is a super cool ballistic to fit. And AC5’s aren’t looking bad either.
What I do want to point out is, (ER)PPC is the worst weapon one could fit, according to the stats shown. (ER)LL / LPL’s outperform the PPC variants completely.
I don’t agree with AC20’s place on the charts. It feels like AC20 is too buffed when compared to PPC, AC10 and AC2. Either the other guns need a boost, or this one needs a nerf.
A note on UAC. UAC is a bit of a conundrum. Because it has a % chance to jam, a UAC’s DPS varies as one keeps on firing. I’ll do a chart on a UAC’s potential damage output one day and post it, but all in all, UAC has the potential to be the best ballistic weapon in the game.
From this, I’d rate people should spam Medium Lasers, LRM5, any SRM weapons, Gauss and AC5’s in their mechs.
Wait, they are currently doing just that, aren’t they? With the exception of the gauss which has a different firing mechanic, the other weapons are employed where possible.
BUT WAIT! LRM’s and SRM’s deal spread damage. Same with the LB-10. You can’t compare them to weapons that deal pin point damage!
Well, yes. You are right, in a manner of speaking. Let us group them up, ok?
Group 1: Pin Point – AC’s and L’s
Group 2: Spread Damage – SRM’s and LB-10
Group 3: Fire and Forget – LRM’s and SSRM
Group 1 has the benefit of being precise damage. But it relies on your skill as a marksman VS the piloting skills of your opponent. AKA, I can AC/5 all I want, if my opponent is going to stand still and allow me to focus all of my shots on his centre torso, then he is going to die within seconds.
The downsides here are pretty small: It’s purely skill driven. Right, the two sub groups:
Ballistic and Lasers. Ballistics are held back by Ammo while Energy weapons are held back by less DPS and more heat Generation. A plus side to Energy weapons are, even if you miss your initial shot, you still have a chance to correct your aim and deal *some* damage. With AC, miss is miss.
Group 2 suffers in that, not only do you to aim accurately, the damage you deal is randomly distributed across your enemy. To make up for this, the amount of damage you can deal is significantly higher than other weapons of the same type (SRM / LRM).
Group 3: LRM’s have the benefit of doing all of the hard work for the pilot: You just have to maintain a lock and off they go. It takes a lot less skill to fire LRM’s and conversely, you’ll never see your LRM’s performing better than more skill based weapons.
So we need to assign some arbitrary measure of skill / accuracy / system / spread in order for us to get a clearer understanding of weapon systems.
I’ve chosen to go with some Accuracy Stats I data mined from our group a while back. Additionally, I applied the following principle:
The amount of shot you actually hit * damage per shot = the amount of damage you should have dealt on optimal range. I compared that to the actual amount of damage you dealt to factor in for shots fired out of optimal range, or where laser attacks wasn’t focussed on the target for the entire duration of the beam.

The adjustments reflect a more “real” approach to how effective each weapon really is. Just take note that the number used to turn the “optimal” into “real” are very random and based on average accuracy and damage across a few players. And those numbers take into account prior weapon mechanics, such as the way Gauss used to work etc.
With more data, separated by Patch, we can estimate more real numbers for the weapon analysis.
As far as conclusions go, this will be a very short one. Certain guns perform better when a lot of parameters are taken into account. We can clearly see why Medium Lasers, AC/5's and SSRM's are fitted in masses - they rock overall.
Other weapons sort off take a backseat to the top "few" weapons.
But, hey, discuss this with me

Edited by ShadowedR, 14 November 2013 - 06:31 AM.