Heavy Gear Assault seems like it will be a true mech simulator, with mechs sitting at around 10 tons, 15 feet\4.5 meters tall. Gears essentially sit somewhere between infantry and tanks. Thus, the game will definitely feel fast-paced when compared to MWO's methodological approach towards gameplay, but previous Heavy Gear games have been huge about mech ('gear') customization and I expect to see that again.
The game appears to be more focused on arena gameplay and e-sports than MWO currently. The character you play as will be a 'Duelist,' or an athlete that pilots the machines used for Mech Sports in the Heavy Gear universe. Matches will take place in front of audiences inside of stadiums and event arenas, and other players will supposedly be able to spectator your match at any time and bet money on potential winners.
Register an account on their website (http://www.heavygear.com) to claim your pilot's name early. If you want to be super nice to me, here is a referral link you can register with: https://www.heavygea...er?ref=e4675380
Edited by Vulix, 31 December 2013 - 04:17 PM.