DerangedShadow, on 21 November 2013 - 01:49 PM, said:
Well, the beauty of what you said is that no one truly knows what happened to the Wolverines. From what Sarna says of their fate,
UNKNOWN, the incorporation into ComStar is only a rumor and not the truth.
Sorry Blakist
No need to be sorry. The Canon writers like to be ambiguous as it allows them to use loose ends for later. Though, it is very obvious from forum posts years ago that they don't care for the Wolverines much.
They have their place fighting off the Aliens in the deep periphery using their 200 ton battlemechs and the stupid chicken things from
Far Country. I feel dirty (more than normal!) for mentioning that disgusting book...
Marack Drock, on 21 November 2013 - 01:57 PM, said:
Well okay I have a plan. I need some people knowledgeable in Lore and we can collaborate to make a history would that work?
Well you have two people who are bitching at one another about minor canon things. I'd say that is the best you are going to get.
CyclonerM, on 21 November 2013 - 01:51 PM, said:
The ends not always justifies the means, you know.
And this includes Crusaders as well

What of the means, if in the end peace is achieved? Blessed Blake will comfort his followers in the afterlife and smite the infidels.
Sursum corda. [Lift up your hearts.]
Dignum et justum est. [It is good and right.]
Gratias agamus Domino Blake nostro. [Let us give thanks to Blake our lord.]