Feylan, on 20 November 2013 - 07:56 AM, said:
Your Time zone makes it kinda rough to play with you given it's +7 Hours for West Coast North Americans and +10 hours for East Coast Americans. You might have a Chance with Europeans.
Most Kuritan House Units are casual with the Occasional Sub Groups who want to do 12-mans, don't feel you have to be one of these people.
*We have people join our teamspeak without talking, just listening. Our unit leader has odd working hours and doesn't like to wake his kid because he plays in the morning and late at night. But, he still joins in on our teamspeak server by typing to us in conversation. Trust me it will be a whole new Friendly dimension even if you don't speak.
「Important]It might be extra rough for you to play with Kuritans without use of Teamspeak seeing as it is our Grouping tool, and life blood.
Because it's bit rough for you. I would recommend the Ryuken-Ni-Sorei They're an Oceanic group who uses Mumble. Everyone else seems to use Teamspeak. If you use Teamspeak use Multiple Teamspeak servers and don't feel trapped into one Unit. We frequently skip Teamspeak server to Teamspeak Server just to play with friends Just ask ManaValkyrie
Use these
ts60.gameservers.com:9306 <- if there is a Password it is:R0n1n
housekurita.teamspeak3.com:6619 <-if there is a password it is:Yakuza
That said the Arkab Legions Would love to play with you. But don't feel committed, feel free to play on other servers. Unfortunately teamspeak is kind-of-a must-have.
Here is the Teamspeak link
http://www.teamspeak3.com/ Make sure to install the Appropriate one for your system, and it is freeware so you should not be charged.
「Important] Some good Hours to play with North Americans, seem to be from 5pm West Coast-8pm also mornings from 7am-10am West coast (that's 午前零時Midnight-3am in Japan)日本で ごぜん一時~午前三時 OR 午前十一時~午後二時に遊ぶいいんです。So your best hours to play is lunch time. Because a lot more people play in the Evening in North America than in the Morning. Even though Europeans play during hour Evening because they're Freaking Hard Core. XD ALTHOUGH, On Thursday AND Saturdays You can find Pretty much people always on at pretty much any hour. Friday is Date Night so you're kinda Screwed don't even try XD.
If for some apocalyptic reason none of the interest you, which I find hard to believe. There is the DCMS unit list found here
Edited by Timuroslav, 20 November 2013 - 11:26 AM.