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Clan Coyote

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#1 Shagohad


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 02:31 PM

Now I know I'm a Lyran, first and foremost. But you gotta have that "alt" just so you can play with the cool kids. Now I felt at peace with Coyote. They were mystic, they did psychedelics, and they were smashed into tiny little pieces.

Now at what year would you say Coyote became roadkill and how many of them would make it into the Inner Sphere? I'd imagine they tagged onto greater Clan marauding parties and sort of shifted from group to group if needed.

#2 Skylarr


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 03:01 PM


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Clan Coyote

Clan Coyote was one of the original twenty Clans founded by Nicholas Kerensky. They proudly take as their totem animal the coyotes brought with the Star League exiles from Terra, which can now be found on Tamaron and many other worlds of the Kerensky Cluster.

Forged by Khan Dana Kufahl, a member of an anti-Amaris resistance movement on Terra called "The Spirit of the Coyote", the Clan cultivates a tradition based on Native American mysticism, and were the first to practice zellbrigen, well before ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky codified the tradition. Their most significant and revolutionary contribution to Clan society was arguably the introduction of the OmniMech in 2854.

Traditionally one of the strongest Clans and the closest ally of Clan Wolf, many events of the late 30th and 31st centuries have weakened their position. Considered to be the most conservative of the Warden Clans, they had retained their Warden viewpoint well into the Operation Revival era and beyond. Though they would dramatically regain much of their strength in the later portion of the 31st century, much of it was due to the influence of the Society and was quickly spent in a gambit that pitted them against the rest of the Clans. The Society's influence, and the subsequent treasonous actions of many Coyotes would cost the Clan dearly as the Wars of Reaving came to their bloody conclusion, nearly forfeiting their Clan's very existence. As a result, the Coyotes would face vastly different circumstances than what they had known during the previous centuries, being a Clan that has been through the fires of their own near-destruction, and after that, through a deep cleansing of their collective spirit. The Coyotes of the post-Reaving era have essentially been reborn, both as a Clan and as individual warriors. Much like their totem, they have survived to continue their journey as the Clans enter a new age.


The traditions of Clan Coyote trace directly back to Dana Kufhal, who infused her Clan with the mystic wisdom she learned as a child and particular reverence for its totem animal. While there is no requirement for Coyote warriors to partake in these ceremonies, those looking to climb up the chain of command willingly take part in them. These rituals were traditionally practiced only on Strana Mechty; as the Coyote's territorial size increased, combined with the practicalities of space travel, the Clan's leadership were forced to allow them to be performed on any planet. This decision also prompted whole packs of coyotes to be transported to each Coyote world so that the rituals may be carried out. Each ritual has its own purpose and meaning, though these too have evolved over the years, and many warriors can fulfill the requirements of multiple rituals even when only completing one.

Communion with the Coyote

This ritual grew out of Dana Kufahl's desire to impart her warriors with a sense of the wonder and power of nature. Typically it involves groups of Coyote warriors living in the wild for extended lengths of time so that they may better understand the intricacies of life. For example, Pack Masters customarily take their warrior cadets to live off the land for a month at a time to learn how to survive and bond with their fellow trainees, while some commanders will lead their entire unit in the Communion to celebrate after winning a difficult battle. Some Coyote warriors will undertake the Communion by themselves, but will almost always undergo the rite later in life as part of a group.

The Hunt

The Hunt began when two Coyote warriors, undertaking the Communion after having survived Operation Klondike, were suddenly attacked by a pack of coyotes. As the story goes the two unarmed warriors managed to slay five of the animals before being rendered unconscious, but having been impressed by their fighting skills the pack did not finish them off and left them a fresh kill to eat when the two awoke. When the two warriors recovered from their injuries they hunted with their adopted pack for the rest of their Communion and would return many times afterward, bringing along new companions as well. Over the next two centuries the ritual evolved somewhat: small groups of Coyote warriors would search the wilds for a pack of coyotes, with individuals picking one animal to stalk and kill by themselves, as a test of their skill. Since the beginning of the 31st Century, no warrior of Galaxy Commander rank or higher has not succeeded in at least one Hunt. In the post-Reaving era, the Hunt would take on a renewed importance to Clan Coyote, as a way of purifying the spirits of their commanders. No warrior is allowed to progress beyond the rank of Star Commander without having succeeded in the Hunt. As a new measure, sanctioned Hunts are only allowed to take place on Kirin, where the coyotes grow much larger and more cunning than their Tamaron cousins.

Vision Quest

This ritual also began with Dana Kufhal when she had her first vision of the Great Father's death and the start of the Pentagon Civil War. As with Khan Kufhal, the warrior must be at peace with themselves, pure of thought and free of emotion, in order to undergo a Vision Quest. Only when the mind's natural barriers have been dropped can their senses perceive beyond normal comprehension. However, few have ever had a true Vision Question, and those who set out to deliberate experience one always fail. Of those who have undertaken a Quest, the received visions are often described as glimpses into the future or the true intentions of another person's actions, and are typically of great significance to Clan Coyote or of all Clan society. Most warriors who experience Vision Quests tend to do so during a Communion.


Main article: Clan Coyote Touman

Traditionally the Coyotes had one of the largest toumans of all the Clans and, as the developers of the OmniMech, fielded overwhelming numbers of these 'Mechs, even in second-line units. Preferences for heavy and assault-class machines gave Coyote units tremendous firepower at the cost of maneuverability, while the Clan's Khans maintained a "hands on" approach to command even at the Galaxy level. During major operations the saKhan personally led the units involved while the Khan observed and directed from a centralized command post; however for smaller engagements the Khans allowed subordinates to command as they saw fit, offering only advice and strategic support. Each Galaxy Commander was expected to lead these operations much as the Khans directed larger ones.

Events leading up to and after Operation Revival however saw the Coyotes take heavy loses, loses which would force a change in their attitude to freeborn warriors. Previously freeborns were almost unheard-of in line units, as the Clan was more than capable of replenishing loses with trueborn warriors and attitudes towards "freebirths" bordered on contempt. With increases in both combat losses and sibko training-camp drop-outs, the Khans took the unprecedented move of ending the ban on freeborns serving in line units. The resulting uproar finally subsided when the freeborns proved adequate in battle and replenished the Coyote's depleted touman to capacity by 3061, though many trueborns still looked down on them. By 3067 the touman had increased in strength, though it still paled in comparison to its height before the Invasion, and while still favoring heavy and assault machines efforts at diversity had seen the use more units of smaller and lighter size. However, even with the creation of superior conventional BattleMech designs like the Rabid Coyote, many warriors still refused to give up their OmniMechs.

In the post-Reaving era, the Coyote Touman was drastically reduced due to decades of warfare. The smaller Clan would also retract its holdings, abandoning several enclaves in order to properly guard the resources that they value the most.


Khans saKhans Loremasters Era Specific Data


Coyote Demographics
Affiliation: Warden
Clan Space Worlds:
Babylon (27 percent)
Delios (36 percent)
Foster (40 percent)
Londerholm (32 percent)
Hoard (39 percent)
New Kent (19 percent)
Tamaron (100 percent)
Capital: Tamaron
Population (Clan Space): 73,360,000 (3060)
Population growth rate: 1.9 percent (60/41)
Self-Sufficiency Index: 91 percent

Khan: Sullivan Koga
saKhan: Silas Kufahl
Loremaster: Clarissa Jerricho
Scientist-General: Ricarda (Remer)
Merchant Factor: Kavindra
Master Technician: Onyda
Senior Laborer: Hillard

Clusters: 35
WarShips: 12


Clan Space Worlds:
Babylon 100%
Barcella 100%
Glory 30%
Homer 30%
Huntress 10%
Kirin 70%
Londerholm 45%
Strana Mechty 25%
Strato Domingo 10%
Tamaron 50%
Capital: Kirin
Precise Coyote population demographics for the post-Reaving era are currently unknown.

Khan: Leo Koga
saKhan: Laura McTighe
Loremaster: Carl Heller

Clusters: 8
WarShips: 3

Edited by Skylarr, 25 November 2013 - 05:36 PM.

#3 Jakob Knight


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 07:58 PM

Clan Coyote was not part of the Invasion forces at the time of MWO. They had not won the bid to be part of the operation and did not enter the Inner Sphere, remaining active in the Cluster instead. While there might be some former Coyote warriors who were made bondsmen to other Clans, they would no longer be Coyote. The Clans did not allow mixed operations, and no Clan would allow any member of another Clan to be part of their military operations except in an action sanctioned by the Grand Council (usually involving the destruction of another Clan).

About the only possible Clan Coyote warriors that might appear would be individuals allowed to accompany Clan Wolf as dignitaries or observers. Even though the two Clans were allies, the pride of each would keep them from permitting their warriors to be part of the other's affairs.

The only other alternative would be a covert Coyote force sent to the Inner Sphere for a purpose. These warriors would face extreme sanctions if any other Clan discovered them, as such an action would be in violation of the Clan Way (they would be in the Inner Sphere in contradiction to their bidding status in the Invasion), and would probably result in the Coyote force being treated as Bandit Caste.

Edited by Jakob Knight, 25 November 2013 - 08:03 PM.

#4 Will9761


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 08:01 PM

I like the fact that they were a Warden Clan based on Native American culture due to their rituals. They were also cool being both founders of the Omnimech and close allies with Clan Wolf (until the Jade Falcons messed it up). However, the years have not been kind to the Coyotes in 3067 and throughout the Wars of Reaving (ugh ;)). But I don't think they ever went to the Inner Sphere though.

Edited by Will9761, 25 November 2013 - 08:10 PM.

#5 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 10:13 PM

View PostJakob Knight, on 25 November 2013 - 07:58 PM, said:

Clan Coyote was not part of the Invasion forces at the time of MWO. They had not won the bid to be part of the operation and did not enter the Inner Sphere, remaining active in the Cluster instead. While there might be some former Coyote warriors who were made bondsmen to other Clans, they would no longer be Coyote. The Clans did not allow mixed operations, and no Clan would allow any member of another Clan to be part of their military operations except in an action sanctioned by the Grand Council (usually involving the destruction of another Clan).

While it is true that the CC did not participate in the invasion, your example above is incorrect. See Clan Hells Horses for the precedent of a "bid in" force that fought with another Clan during the Invasion (and I believe CSV as well).

Plus...it is a video game world, so expect to see representatives from all of the Clans in some form or another. Rewriting fake-history (aka lore) even if only to some small degree is what immersion factor in MMO's is all about :)

#6 Shagohad


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 11:46 PM

View PostLukoi, on 25 November 2013 - 10:13 PM, said:

While it is true that the CC did not participate in the invasion, your example above is incorrect. See Clan Hells Horses for the precedent of a "bid in" force that fought with another Clan during the Invasion (and I believe CSV as well).

Plus...it is a video game world, so expect to see representatives from all of the Clans in some form or another. Rewriting fake-history (aka lore) even if only to some small degree is what immersion factor in MMO's is all about :)

Agreed. It's called role play for a reason. I'm bouncing around a few ideas. Thanks for all the responses! Cleared a few things up.

#7 ManaValkyrie


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 12:45 AM

I suspect that all the clans may make an appearance given the fact that PGI/IGP have already deviated away from the timeline with the removal of the Federated Commonwealth, which presently encompasses both house Stiener and house Davion and pushed the IS faction state back to 3025 prior to the Federated Commonwealth's Formation.

By the way, some of us are Coyote's at heart, just our faction never makes it into Mechwarrior games, which brought me back to the choices of what was available and my list went 1. Clan Coyote, 2. DCMS, 3. Clan Wolf, 4. Clan Ghost Bear. So right now I am with the Inner Sphere's DCMS faction.

If and when Clans come out properly as there own faction I would make up an alt and until they give us the other clans excluding the 'absorbed/destroyed' clans (No they should not feature) join either Wolf or Ghost Bear.

#8 Cyote13


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Posted 30 November 2013 - 08:13 PM

Yea I might jump into CC if we ever can :)

#9 ManaValkyrie


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Posted 01 December 2013 - 11:29 PM

Already started working on my Coyote character as a break from my main account, but seen as PGI is extremely glacial doubt our clan will make it into appearances for a while, I mean the 4 represented clans still don't have forum/game badges yet.

#10 ManaValkyrie


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 12:18 PM

If anyone else is interested in forming a Clan Coyote Unit, hit me up through the game, on the House Kurita TS or the 3rd Lancers TS. If enough interest is there maybe we can put together a unit.

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