Almond Brown, on 28 November 2013 - 08:52 AM, said:
Why is it that the Hunchback chassis @ 50t gets a max. engine rating of 275, but the Lighter and also a Medium class chassis, Cicada gets a much more robust 340 rated engine?
Thorn Hallis, on 28 November 2013 - 11:37 AM, said:
And because mediums could do the lights job better then the lights, they got a nerf back in closed beta (engine restriction down to 340). Lets hope PGI doesn't start restricting the heavy and assault engine sizes even more now.

Engine rating limits are based on the default engine of the variant.
Light: Default engine rating x 1.4
Medium: Default engine rating x 1.3
Heavy & Assault: Default engine rating x 1.2
The reason a Hunchback doesn't have the same engine rating as a Cicada is because the default speed of the Hunchback is 64.8 kph (200 engine) while the default speed of the Cicada is 129.6 kph (320 engine). They are designed for totally different roles, so the Hunchback should not be able to go the same speed as a Cicada when both are maxed out.
Artgathan, on 28 November 2013 - 07:57 AM, said:
From what I understand, you're taking issue with the Light < Medium < Heavy < Assault < Light view of balancing? Mediums are meant to be superior options to lights, with a little bit less mobility.
Consider that in TT many light mechs ran at speeds less than 100 kph (Commando, Raven, Wasp, Stinger, Firestarter, Panther) and most mediums ran at around 86 kph (Kintaro, Shadowhawk, Griffin, Wolverine, Trebuchet). This is a speed difference of 14% (relative to the light mechs). The proposed system actual increases the speed disparity to 20% (relative to the light mechs).
Stats from 3050 TRO (Inner Sphere 'Mechs only):
Lights: average speed 97.2 kph (6/9), average 7.37 tons (140 tons total from 19 'Mechs) available for weapons
Mediums: average speed 81 kph (5/7.5), average 16.40 tons (393.5 tons total from 24 'Mechs) available for weapons
Heavies: average speed 64.8 kph (4/6), average 24.19 tons (435.5 tons total from 18 'Mechs) available for weapons
Assaults: average speed 48.5 kph (3/4.5), average 32.76 tons (557 tons total from 17 'Mechs) available for weapons
Artgathan, on 28 November 2013 - 07:57 AM, said:
As I've demonstrated Mediums actually offer the worst combination between speed, armor and payload - a stock engine on a Trebuchet eats 37% of it's mass, while the stock engine on an Atlas eats 25%. Even an Atlas with the largest engine (360 STD) only uses 40% of it's mass, while mounting the largest engine on a Trebuchet (325 STD) uses 61%. On average, mediums will use 70% of their mass to hit the "Optimal" speeds, while other weight classes use considerably less (Lights use 13% less, Assaults, 18%).
You're forgetting to mention that the Trebuchet goes nearly twice as fast as the Atlas for those weight percentages.
Perhaps the "optimal" speeds people are trying to hit with the mediums are a bit too high, leaving too little tonnage for the rest?
Mediums shouldn't be trying to match the speed of even the slowest customized lights. They should be trying to mount more/better weaponry and armor than lights.
You're also making the assumption that lights should always use XL engines but no other class should, ever. That's not true.
The Standard 245 engine for default speed on a Jenner takes up 48.6% of its weight. A Standard 300 engine for maximum speed takes up 83.3% of its weight. Those are more in line with your percentages for the Centurtion, Trebuchet, Highlander, and Atlas, yes? Doing those percentages for a standard heavy 'Mech would likely also fall in that same pattern.
Artgathan, on 28 November 2013 - 07:57 AM, said:
If you'd like to argue, I suggest bringing some numbers to the table (such as in the OP) and not "I drive lights so I know best."
I was arguing one particular point of one post. The post I quoted suggested explicitly that I didn't know what I was talking about, while my experience shouted out the opposite. You know as well as I do that I wasn't claiming "I drive lights so I know best."
Oh, and I brought numbers this time. You like?
Edited by Durant Carlyle, 28 November 2013 - 05:45 PM.