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Capping As A "feint".

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#1 Greyboots


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Posted 28 November 2013 - 07:51 PM

An amusing story.

Ok, just had a guy say the DUMBEST thing ever.

So we charge out to meet the enemy and as it turns out they're making a base run in Caustic so we miss them entirely. We are standing on their side of the map and purposefully don't jump on their base because we'd rather have a biff than it be another boring cap race. Then the other team has a guy jump on our base.

So we have 2 choices. We can either rush back which we don't have time to do OR we can just pile into their base. So we pile into their base.

Then the guy who stepped into our base proceeds to call us lame and all the other rigmarole that goes along with it. Without stepping out of our base I might add.

So we just said "look, we waited, you jumped in first".

And the bright spark proceeds to say "Duh... capping as a feint".

And I just thought... wow....

You jump into our base to make us believe you are capping it out and then blame US because we believe it?

Thank you, unnamed gentleman, for my daily amusement.

Capping as a feint.

What the above shows is that "capping as a feint" has a time and a place and when the entire enemy team is looking at your base wondering whether to cap or not is probably not it.

We are stuck on the other side of the map and one of 2 things is going to happen. It's going to take us ages to get back and we have to pass through an entrenched enemy to do it so
  • even if we DO make it back they're going to cap it within an inch of it's life and not stop if, by some miracle, we actually get the upper hand.
  • even if we don't get the upper hand and they step out, then we get the upper hand again, they're going to jump into the base and finish it off.
Logical choice for the other team? Yell "Stacks on the enemy base!" and get it over with.

Yes, no-one will earn a lot but then again it's over with in about 30 seconds and everyone can jump back in the queue for a fresh game and make money and XP there. Yes, you can actually earn more over time just by getting it over with.


When you cap as a feint and it all goes horribly wrong? You probably did it at the wrong time and you probably shouldn't cry about it in chat either. It pretty much just makes you look silly.

You should learn from the experience and be wiser about capping as a feint in the future. Waiting until the right time rather than treating it like some "FTW" button that will make the entire enemy magically start ignoring what they were doing and come flocking back like moths to a flame.

It can, and will, backfire on you sometimes. Be careful about it.



Edited by Greyboots, 28 November 2013 - 07:53 PM.

#2 Dirk Le Daring


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Posted 28 November 2013 - 08:01 PM

I and a couple of fellas I play with a fair bit will cap as a feint.

Especially in that situation you all should have been capping, make it go down fast.

This should cause the enemy to panic, split and fight you. When there is a tiny sliver of cap left you should be off the base, this is good insurance. It can work quite well. And you also have the insurance that if your team is going down, than you can still WIN most of the time, by capping that last sliver.

Any tactic other than cheating is potentially viable. :D

My point is that your team should have taken the initiative and started first.

Edited by Dirk Le Daring, 28 November 2013 - 08:02 PM.

#3 Kjudoon


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Posted 28 November 2013 - 09:07 PM

I feel your pain, Greyboots.

Edited by Kjudoon, 28 November 2013 - 09:07 PM.

#4 Mycrus


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Posted 28 November 2013 - 11:35 PM

This is my fav tactic...

Coupled with a bit of friendly taunting, you can expect more than a few easy kills to walk back to their base..

#5 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 12:33 AM

Well. capping as a feint is a perfectly valid tactic.... but not the way it is written in the OP.

Whoever was on the other team really failed at it. A propper feint capping tactic requires your teams to be in close combat (or at least the exact knowledge of where the enemy team is). After a few seconds of heavy combat, the scouts start to feint cap.

As soon as a few opponents pull away from the fight their work is done. Get off the base, and make a decision. Either hightail it out of there if the forces sent back are too much to handle or lightswarm the opponents if you think you can manage. Then you can cap to shortly before it is finished for an additional safety line (incase the rest of your team doesnt manage to win).

#6 Navy Sixes


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 12:34 AM

Cap feint only works so long as the potential for a real cap is immanent. If no one's really going to cap, why split your forces and go stop them in the first place? If a light or two gets to the enemy base uncontested (there's their first colossal f*#k-up right there) and they want to end it quickly, I don't have a problem with that. If the enemy doesn't take any steps to counter then apparently they don't either. If they let you cap, you cap.

Get it through your heads: It's not my job to keep my teammates from capping. It's the enemy's job to keep my teammates from capping.

#7 Zplayer


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 02:39 AM

It does amuse me when an opponent or 2 steps on your base and then ends up loosing to your own team capping - only to be then slagged off with "capping noob's". . ."Lame #insert profanity here#" etc etc when it was their team that started the cap game. Seriously, wtf?

#8 Caswallon


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 06:07 AM

LOL. Great Post OP.

Yeah its a decent tactic on occasion but where to use it is, alas for some, harder than it first appears!

Had a new one on me the other day. Was about to cap win (I was the last alive) when some enterprising player on the other team actually started arguing I'd get more for a LOSS than a cap win.

Maybe so but I prefer to win, and not because I'm a W/L KDR slave. But props to the guy trying to argue me out of a win, much appreciated compared to the usual barrage of sour grapes and smak talk.

#9 Bhelogan


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 07:01 AM

Yea, I try to do this sometimes when in faster mechs. You have to realize though, that if your whole team follows you, your not capping as a feint anymore. Most enemy teams will just move to counter cap. Moral of the story is, if you want to do this, first feint going somewhere besides enemy base to get the pugs following you. Then you can pull your stunt off.

#10 Unnatural Growth


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 07:11 AM

Cap Warriors are never happy, are they?

#11 Kjudoon


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 12:07 PM

View PostMycrus, on 28 November 2013 - 11:35 PM, said:

This is my fav tactic... Coupled with a bit of friendly taunting, you can expect more than a few easy kills to walk back to their base..

Ah the very reason I then get your base blob capped and smile at the resulting QQ. Once T start capping Im not leaving till victory is guaranteed by kill or cap. And if my non unit team screams at me to stop, it wont. So if you hate capping, dont play till death match and dry your QQ eyes.

#12 SniperCon


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 12:31 PM

If you don't want to lose by cap in the first 5 minutes... play conquest!

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