Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:57 AM
What is really incredible is the Devs silence. EVERYONE knows that there's nothing a community hates more than being left in the dark. Sure, I am pretty certain they have some twisted perception that talking too much backfires and blah blah, but the reality is even when the community grills you for your statements, they still prefer those questionable statements to nothing at all. And you know why?
Because silence makes us feel the game is really dying, like morale is going (it certainly is on this side of the keyboard), Devs are losing interest and hopes and things are slowing down to a grinding halt.
Sure, now the believers will jump in and say that it is clearly not the case cause UI 2.0 is in the launch tube and CW too, and the new map and the Saber 'mechs. Whatever.
The reality is Bryan specifically said in September on NGNG that UI 2.0 was going to be released in November, and still here we are, aware that THIS UI 2.0 is better not get released at all.
Then CW, million miles away. I mean, seriously? Bryan made a Command Chair post to explain Mercenaries... two months ago! And then nothing. HOW CAN THEY NOT REALIZE HOW MUCH THIS HURTS their own game?
Do they really want us to believe that they are coding SO HARD that no one is available to keep the development trasnparent or just make the community feel things are still alive?
Sure, they are working on a new video format but that is not enough, especially when that does NOT substitute the missing November Update which we simply didn't get (no explanation given). Not to mention that with PGI times this could arrive in February.
So, to recap:
- Game released "live" after 13 months of beta without core features that had been promised to arrive before launch.
- At launch, we were promised to have the new UI by November. It's December, and it is clearly far from being ready.
- Devs started communicating properly with the community in September, but it all died down two months later.
So as of now, 3 months after launch and 16 after the beginning of beta we still don't have the most important new features we've all been waiting for and in all honesty we all know we are not gonna get them for many more months. At least not in a working, decent state.
How in hell do you think, PGI, that people can keep wanting to hang around for that long and most importantly keep spending on this game when it totally feels like it is slowly aging, slowly losing its edge, and the money spent being wasted in empty promises? How long do you really think people can support you without being spoken to honestly and candidly? I was one of your hardest supporters, I've been called a fanboi a million times. Do you understand that if you lost me maybe JUST MAYBE you made some serious communication mistakes?
Mind, this is not entitlement: I am not saying they MUST communicate with the community. I am saying they are making a huge mistake by choosing to not communicate openly.
When your game rocks and everyone is happy you can afford to go underwater and work. When everyone is nervous about it, restless, mad because they want to love it but you are bringing them down, eager to pay up more money but wary of spending on a sinking boat, you really should dedicate some time, some real time, to keep them awake and aware of what is going on.
Trust me, bad news is better than no news here, and I'd personally prefer to hear every day how bad things are under the hood, and how harder than expected it is to code CW, UI or anything than to be left in this limbo of "ooooh trust us things are great and 2014 is gonna look great!" kind of empty promises.
Right now, it totally feels like the game is dying, and bear with me because this is important PGI folks:
At this point it is NOT anymore about how things are really going from your end. It is all about how the community perceives it. Cause if the majority here feels like the game is dying, then it will die soon. And there are no hopes or promises or smokescreens that can change that, because nothing hurts a game more than low morale.
Again, as usual, this is not coming from someone who hates the game. This is coming from someone who bought everything that could be bought and would be gladly buy more stuff. Someone who has been playing since August 2012 but now just can't do it anymore. In a way, PGI, you are "forcing" (relatively speeaking) me to stop playing. And honestly, that just doesn't make any sense.
It is incredible to think that after what you achieved with the amazing foundation of this game you have been, even thanks to your silence and your inability to communicate transparently what should I look forward to, you managed to drive me, my money and my enthusiasm away. An incredible feat.
You know how can you change that?
T A L K - T O - U S !