Whatzituyah, on 04 December 2013 - 11:29 AM, said:
I don't like this idea at all I don't want to be persuaded to do what my role is. I just like blowing things up and running around an atlas as a light mech and sometimes I succeed killing him "with help" so no I don't want to get more c-bills just for scouting as a light.
Here is the thing. From Sarna
Spider - Spiders are generally used as fast strike forces to hit an enemy's rear with lightning speed.
Jenner - the Jenner was meant to be a fast guerrilla fighter which would go on to form the foundation for highly mobile lances.
Raven - the -4X was an attempt to turn the chassis into a pure combat unit.
According to lore many light mechs aren't primarily scouts but rather ankle biters. Many recon focused chassis include more confrontational variants.
While your mech may have a Scout module available to it that doesn't mean a Skirmish or Ambusher module won't also be available to it or a similar design.
I would certainly love it if my Locust 3M came with a highly improbable Light Hunter module that just pumped out the equivalent of a Savior Kill when ever a light mech I happen to be shooting at is destroyed for some unrelated reason.
On the other hand there is no mech more likely to be jammed into the recon only hole as the Locust.