i was looking for some infos in the effect of Artemis for SRMs.
Nothig useful stuff was found.
Thus i made a test with my c-bills.
Testinground: Forest Colony
First target the Cicada: Without Artemis 3-4 missiles will not hit.
Second Atlas with 94 armor in the centre:
Moved in front of him with my D-DC, 100 metres away, and target his bottom middle square of six in his centre torso.
Table 1 show the amount of volleys without Artemis until the internal, central structrue is yellow:
SRM 4: 7
13.4 dmg per shot in the centre
SRM 6: 5
18.8 dmg per shot in the centre
Table 2 show the amount of volleys with Artemis until the internal, central structrue is yellow:
SRM-A 4: 6
15.7 dmg per shot in the centre
SRM-A 6: 4
23.5 dmg per shot in the centre
Ratio SRM 4 / SRM 6 = 1.4
Ratio SRM-A 4 / SMR-A 6 = 1.5
Ratio SRM 4 / SRM-A 4 = 1.17
Ratio SRM 6 / SRM-A 6 = 1.25
Error in measurement: - 0; + a quater volley
The dmg of the SRM 6 is much higher than SRM 4. It could be observed that the spread of SRM 4 and SRM 6 is the same with or without Artemis and the AoE (splash) is 4 metres (+- a half metre). But with Artemis, the spread is tighter and you will have up to 25% more dmg. The dmg-incresement from SRM-A 4 to SRM-A 6 is 50 %. If you renouce Artemis and want to do more dmg, thus you equip SRM 6 for the SRM 4s, you will have a dmg increse of 40 %. This makes SRM-A more effective that SRM. Noticeable ist the fact, that SRM 6 are better in dmg per volley than SRM-A 4 whits costs the same tonnage. In the other hand, you will get more dmg in a section for the same loadout - which makes the weapon and the ammunition more efficient.

Edited by no1337, 18 February 2014 - 12:12 PM.