Journeyman, on 09 December 2013 - 06:43 PM, said:
martino, you'll want to consider "open" channels for guests and such to drop by and "secured" channels for those people you know and trust as affiliated. There's a lot of riffraff out there and people will spam your server for the sake of doing it. It takes some effort to set up the channel and group settings but will keep you fairly secure.
Yeah, I definitely plan on doing this. Thanks for the advice. So far all channel’s are open and in the Entry Zone you can't talk, in case loud mouths join in. It might deter them before they realise they need to jump to a more general channel in order to talk.
PerryRaptor, on 09 December 2013 - 08:24 PM, said:
I will recommend using the "YaTQA" tool for TeamSpeak 3. Journeyman and I use this admin utility to maintain our servers.
I will also recommend setting up TeamSpeak with a few open channels for guests and visitors. This makes recruiting easier because quests that continue to stop by and play with your members gives you the opportunity to feel them out. That way you don't recruit someone with a destructive personality.
Secured channels are a must...dirtbags will find your server!
I'll take a look at this tool. I messed with advanced permissions last night and I ****** it up, so I had to nuke the databases and start from anew. Even a permreset didn't seem to fix it lol. *nix groups are child's play compared to TS3 :/
To the people who messaged me while I was sleeping;
Abivard: Thanks for adding the note in the forums. Let's not spread the details outside of this forum and our units for now. I'd like to see how the server will handle the load before we start advertising it in its full glory.
Damon Howe: Good luck with your finals, and yeah we'll see about organising your SoR channels later on. Same goes for all the other interested groups! So much to do... but it's all so exciting
Peiper: Yeah, I'm planning on doing something as you suggested. However I like the idea of a guest coming on and being able too switch into a unit's dropship to ply with these guys and let them know better, in case they would like to join them. Perhaps we can try this at the start and if it becomes a problem we'll start tightening things up. Of course groups will be able to have secured/password protected dropship/command channels if they'll wish to.
Off to work for now.