After the last patch, the game is for me unplayable because of massive FPS Problems.
Before the Patch the Game worked fine for me, i played in 1280x1024 and Low Details.
FPS 50-80 depending on the situation.
Now i have 4-40 Frames and the Game is absolute unplayable !
If i turn the Mech with the WASD Keys, the Frames dropped to under 10.
Wen i move in the same Time the Mouse, the Game freeze some times.
After pressing F4 i can play smooth and the dropping of Frames is not so much.
But i dont want to play in 3pv!
Also the Advanced Zoom Mode dont work for 3pv, the Target Pointer is over the Zoom window and so the Avanced Zoom to aim better makes no sence.
I read a lot Messages from the Boards, People a Year ago had the same Problems after an Patch and the Support did not help or fix the Problem.
So i really can uninstall the Game now or what ?
i have a 3.4ghz quad Core, Radeon HD7950 and 6GB of Ram.
Games like Assassins Creed 4 run smooth in high details for me, only MWO is working like i have a old 386er with EGA grafic card.

Game Now Unplayable!
Started by Ismir Schnuppe, Dec 07 2013 07:48 AM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 07 December 2013 - 07:48 AM
Posted 07 December 2013 - 09:12 AM
Comparing games and their performance with one another is like comparing apples and ...houses.
First up: update your graphics driver
Then: run the repair tool
And then: if that all fails, sudmit a support ticket and wait for the next patch.
Rinse and repeat as necessary.
First up: update your graphics driver
Then: run the repair tool
And then: if that all fails, sudmit a support ticket and wait for the next patch.
Rinse and repeat as necessary.
Edited by Ironwithin, 07 December 2013 - 09:27 AM.
Posted 07 December 2013 - 09:20 AM
This has happened to Me before as well.
When Me played at beginning of Closed Beta graphics seemed better and Me was able to run 40 - 50 fps at 1920 x 1080 ultra settings.
A year ago Mes fps randomly dropped to 25 - 40 fps and also sometimes down to 5 - 10 fps at times it feels like a slideshow.
This affected Mes performance greatly, and Me has never fully recovered.
Me can't afford the greatest computer or internet but it's not always their fault, something weird happens on developers end
and what's sad is that Me will probably never know.
When Me played at beginning of Closed Beta graphics seemed better and Me was able to run 40 - 50 fps at 1920 x 1080 ultra settings.
A year ago Mes fps randomly dropped to 25 - 40 fps and also sometimes down to 5 - 10 fps at times it feels like a slideshow.
This affected Mes performance greatly, and Me has never fully recovered.
Me can't afford the greatest computer or internet but it's not always their fault, something weird happens on developers end
and what's sad is that Me will probably never know.
Posted 07 December 2013 - 09:24 AM
Ironwithin, on 07 December 2013 - 09:12 AM, said:
Comparing games and their performance with one another is like comparing apples and ...houses.
First up: update your graphics driver
Then: run the repair tool
And then: if that all fails, sudmit a support ticket and wait for the next patch.
Rince and repeat as necessary.
First up: update your graphics driver
Then: run the repair tool
And then: if that all fails, sudmit a support ticket and wait for the next patch.
Rince and repeat as necessary.
Me always updates drivers
When me ran the repair tool, it was buggy and corrupted the game (upon re-install, frames worse than before)
Me knows that support will say they'll put it on someones desk to be looked at but that it probably won't be more than looked at, if that even.
Posted 08 December 2013 - 04:30 PM
The same too me, before i wrote such Messages i check myself what i can do.
the board is full of people who have god hardware and are unable to play the game, because the fps are more then low.
so its a problem by the people who try to program this game.
after this disaster game will get to its end, the company need to get a new sure not much people want to play again any game they want to develop in the future.
and thats more about what they promise to the people and then dont make, like latest news about clan tech now never comes.
- so i used the Repair Tool
- checked for new Drivers
- checked my Wather cooled CPU/GPU Temperature on max work
- used the search function in this board and the solutions found
- reinstalled the game
the board is full of people who have god hardware and are unable to play the game, because the fps are more then low.
so its a problem by the people who try to program this game.
after this disaster game will get to its end, the company need to get a new sure not much people want to play again any game they want to develop in the future.
and thats more about what they promise to the people and then dont make, like latest news about clan tech now never comes.
Posted 08 December 2013 - 04:46 PM
have you rebooted your computer? Did you check the task manager to see if any programs are eating up your ram? Based on the description of your problem it sounds like low ram.
Posted 09 December 2013 - 05:06 AM
Try switching off shaders.... or shadows... these puppies eat alot of memory in DX9.....
Posted 09 December 2013 - 08:09 AM
I actually found the latest Nvidia drivers did worse, I ended up rolling mine back, which seemed to help, I also had to disable overclocking on my CPU and lastly, I told PhysX to work off my CPU instead of my GPU (since my 6 core proc wasn't being maxed anyways)
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