Artanis Creed, on 16 December 2011 - 06:59 PM, said:
Timberwolf got it's IS designation cause their computers didnt recognize the design...and kept switching back an forth... Only similarities i can see are RJ legs and an ovoid shaped torso... the legs on all 3 mechs are different as are the Torso sections... course u can say that most RJ mechs look alike cause they have RJ legs and most have ovoid torsos... (Stalker for another example)
But my point originally was that people were saying that the Timberwolf/MAD CAT and the Marauder were the same thing...which they are clearly not.
Fluff wise almost every birdwalker mech is actually based on either the Marauder, Catapult, or Locust, IIRC. The Locust was the first in 2499, then the Catapult in 2561, then the Marauder "perfected it" in the early 2600s.
And if you look at the Succession Wars and Star League era mechs you can see it.
Out of 3025 we have the Locust, Catapult and Marauder. The oldest and most common. Of Star League era mechs we have the Hussar (which looks like a Locust with arms and a Marauder gun (Large Laser in its case), The Crab (built 2719 with obvious Marauder inspiration), the King Crab (again, obviously based on the Marauder, and likely lead to the concept of the Marauder II), and the Thug, which is the odd man out, built in 2572 its obviously a stutter step along the road from Catapult to Marauder, where they tried to mate the Catapult's movement system with the Warhammer's torso.
Also worth Noting that the Stalker is NOT a birdwalker mech It's just very front heavy, so it's been designed to be permanently "leaning backwards". Here's a picture of the mini from Camospecs that illustrates that:
Apparently the Ostscout, Ostroc and Ostsol have recently been declared as re-seen. This was an announcement from Catalyst's BT line developer (um...or someone equally "official"). Of the original unseen (from both TRO 3025 and 3055), I believe those are the only ones whose images are able to be used without Harmony Gold's permisson.
So if the devs wanted to use any of those, they could do so without (much) worry...not that it matters, since they've already said anything used would go thru Alex's treatment.
So, they finally realized that there isn't a court in the land that would agree this:

looks anything at all like this:
Edited by feor, 19 December 2011 - 09:58 AM.