Varent, on 31 December 2013 - 02:30 PM, said:
Answer - Currently there are set groups and things that tend to beat other builds. There is no god build. There is a dominant meta, but its not unbeatable. That said the current 'dominant meta' at least takes skill. I have trouble appreciating a meta that just makes brawlers gods and neuters any other possibility, which that would do. Now that said it would become COD because most people in cod run around like chickens with there heads cut off without any real direction just holding down the trigger. I would rather not play in a game like that anymore. That's why I don't want mwo to become this....
"Holding down the trigger" The weapons still have the same recycle, so that rings just as true in the current game.
The weapons have the same damage and range, the poptarting will just take a hit, since you need to stay in the air for longer than the fraction of a second, and even then all the AC shots won't hit the same component. An AC2/5 boat still has the same 600M plus range, and they will still hurt. PPCs, I'm not too sure. I've heard part frontloaded, part splash, or just make them a hot and painful laser. I'm partial to the splash myself...but last time PGI tried that it ended horribly.
I just wish we could try different balance options on the PTS so we can find out just how the changes affect gameplay. Any sort of balance change would make me happy, as long as we can try out multiple and they get fixed quickly if something goes horribly wrong.
Sandpit, on 31 December 2013 - 02:32 PM, said:
And I disagree entirely. What you're suggesting is Cod style play
I head shot mechs all the time with lasers. I even get head shot kills. I already do everything you say can't be done regularly with lasers. That's why I always disagree with the whole "ballistics are better than energy" threads.
If what you said and say about energy weapons were true then I couldn't do what I do with them and that's simply not the case
I've never stated its impossible, just difficult. 2LL can core out a head in 2 volleys, and I assume you have more than just that equipped, so its perfectly feasible. Although someone standing that still is asking for a headshot from those ranges.