Don't want to deal with weird administrative structures, or fill out annoying recruitment forms?
You can meet me in our private Mumble at: (password: mellon, default port)
I usually play in the evenings central time. Add my username here in-game!
We can play, I can help you get wins on your juicy recruit bonus time. I can answer any questions, recommend first mechs, loadouts, and help you learn the maps!
Anyone at all and all skill levels are welcome.
Additionally, I recommend this public TeamSpeak server for people who prefer that: (password: WordofBlake)
You can join most of the players there without any annoying recruitment process and they're usually very nice. I can't vouch for the quality of their advice, however. I've heard a lot of misinformation from people in the public TS channels.
Edited by divinedisclaimer, 10 December 2013 - 12:25 PM.