1 - Assaults' place in the battle space.
You hear some people using phrases like tanking and leading up front. Soaking. Etc.
This is wrong. MMO tactics do not apply to MWO. Please stop with that nonsense.
Think instead naval formations.
Formations would NEVER lead with their battleships or carriers. The battlegroup has frigates and destroyers at the van and rear - think lights and mediums - as well as screening flanks, cruisers (think heavies) inside that ring and reacting, and central to it all the big boys, battleships, carriers and other ships of the line (think your assaults). They anchor. they pour it on.
Do the assaults sit in the back? No. Do they lead at the front? No.
(Understanding that sometimes in PUGS you just gotta roll forward to coax the cowards hiding in your skirts into action)
2 - Assaults can't track lights.
AKA - "I want to make it physically impossible for an assault to hit me in my light". This is the most idiotic moronic concept I've seen put up on the forums in a long time. This is so bad on so many fronts I cannot bother to respond to all of them with a cogent "why this is stupid" breakdown. I'll just say this: Mechs were used as anti-air platforms in the lore for heavens sake. Easily downing supersonice jets. ...
Edited by Hillslam, 11 December 2013 - 12:12 PM.