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Clan Collections - Feedback

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#1781 Ghostsuit


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:13 AM

View PostRyvucz, on 14 December 2013 - 01:43 AM, said:

I've been shot at for doing what I believe in, you'd be surprised. :)

I can appreciate different views, but ever since their initial press release they were bringing the MechWarrior title back from Microsoft, I had decided then, to show support, insane or not, until the end.

I just hope, the end won't be for a very long time.

I admire them for taking the reins of a franchise that was run into the ground over lawsuits and idle corporate roosting.

To boldly claim to do what they want (yes, targeted deadlines have been missed a lot, I blame lack of man power) and begin working on it and giving it to the public to either embrace or spit out.

They keep working. They could have folded a year ago after several failed deadlines. But they refuse to give up.

I do not feel that they are just trying to get money before they fold. I've seen less of them playing the game, which to me, means they are doing more work and less socialization.

If you look at the launch party footage, and how Mr. Ekman talks about the planned features (yes, they plan it, it may not make it-speculation-debatable) with such passion, how can anyone just stop support, I know what he wants, I know the team (PGI) knows what they want.

Maybe I just need to take my medication and fall asleep, or just, hope people stop giving up on them.

Think I'm talking in circles at this point.
They didn't fold/refuse to give up because they were still making money producing mechs...notice they can keep churning out mechs no bother at all.

I'm sorry I see how passionate you are and I love the fact you'll support it till the end, I felt that way for a long time like nearly every person in here who's now saying. NO

WE ALL LOVE THE GAME, WE ALL WANT IT TO SUCCEED probably as much as you do. HOWEVER you can only slap someone so many times before he get's up and either knocks you the xxxx out or walks away.

I've been slapped in the face too many times.

I could turn the PR for this game round in a couple of months. It would be easy as hell because the people here want it to work...PGI here's how to do it and it's free advice.

1. Admit you made a cluster **** of the last year.
2. Layout a plan of action to the community. BE HONEST ABOUT TIME LINES
4. As an apology for 1. give the community freebies. Everyone that's sponsored in the past get's something and something significant, not a damn medal. Give them some free mech bays, a unique skinned Mech for the founders and a Unique skinned mech for the Phoenix package. NEVER SELL THOSE SKINS and GIVE THEM A MECH OF THERE CHOICE FOR FREE...NOT HERO.
5. Give everyone 7 days Premium when you launch UI2
6. Give everyone 7 days premium when you launch CW
7. Hire someone to communicate on the forums.
8. Make the site the primary means of communication, stop posting on twitter or facebook before it appears on the forum. Post on the site/forum then filter that post to Twitter/facebook
9. Fix the forums, they are a disgrace to navigate and pretty much impossible to find things.
10. Do a big sale when CW launchs and I mean big like 50% off rather than 30% even 70% of the oldest Heros. People that wouldn't have bought might finally put the money out for them.
11. Retire hero mechs, this ones controversial but make mechs actually limited. Retire so they can't be bought, this will increase demand and make them collectors items. Sure you can bring them back again at some point but give it a long time between them.
12. Finally to encourage new players allow every new player to pick one mech when they start for free. I'd suggest a choice of Mediums or hell just give them a Centurion A or D that allows them to have all the different weapons and test the game.

I could go on and on but that's a start, I'm not saying it will be easy to turn the anger against you round but it can be done and the benefits of giving stuff away will actually help your bottom line in the future. You need to show the community your here to make a great game and not nickle and dime them ok so nickle and dimes a joke here as it's $10+ a hit but you get my meaning.

Edited by Ghostsuit, 14 December 2013 - 02:20 AM.

#1782 NextGame


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:17 AM

ridiculously overpriced, and the gold mechs is the biggest cash grab that I have seen in living memory, none of those for me thanks, the line has been drawn. WTB Community Warfare instead. Thanks.

Of course there is no point in even posting in this thread, as they don't actually read it, nor give a damn

Edited by NextGame, 14 December 2013 - 02:18 AM.

#1783 Hauser


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:18 AM

While I think that 240$ for 24 mechs + extras isn't a bad deal, especially with the current rate of Euro to Dollars, I'm not interested in buying this until a few things are actually fixed.
  • Most importantly the SRM hit detection and balance needs to be fixed so I can actually use half the mech I already own.
  • Additionally the gameplay needs to change to make mediums a viable choice again.
  • And finally community warfare needs to be up and running.
As for the gold mechs, no ******* way ever. I'm a single guy with too much spare time and way too much income but even I can't justify this.

Edited by Hauser, 14 December 2013 - 02:19 AM.

#1784 Star Witch Esperanza


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:18 AM

For 500 dollars I can get a boxed copy of every mechwarrior game ever made and like 720 poptarts.


Posted Image

#1785 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:19 AM

View PostRyvucz, on 14 December 2013 - 01:43 AM, said:

I've been shot at for doing what I believe in, you'd be surprised. :)

I can appreciate different views, but ever since their initial press release they were bringing the MechWarrior title back from Microsoft, I had decided then, to show support, insane or not, until the end.

I just hope, the end won't be for a very long time.

I admire them for taking the reins of a franchise that was run into the ground over lawsuits and idle corporate roosting.

To boldly claim to do what they want (yes, targeted deadlines have been missed a lot, I blame lack of man power) and begin working on it and giving it to the public to either embrace or spit out.

They keep working. They could have folded a year ago after several failed deadlines. But they refuse to give up.

I do not feel that they are just trying to get money before they fold. I've seen less of them playing the game, which to me, means they are doing more work and less socialization.

If you look at the launch party footage, and how Mr. Ekman talks about the planned features (yes, they plan it, it may not make it-speculation-debatable) with such passion, how can anyone just stop support, I know what he wants, I know the team (PGI) knows what they want.

Maybe I just need to take my medication and fall asleep, or just, hope people stop giving up on them.

Think I'm talking in circles at this point.

this whole train ride/wreck has nothing to do with people giving up on them and certainly doesn't have anything to do with what "impassions" the devs.

what is happening here is a review of results and does this equate to appropriately to what is on offer.

if this game had UI 2 and lobbies and collisions and CW then yes it would be time for clans and if these features were very good and retained a high player base than the prices can be accepted by the kind of ammount of purchases i'm sure PGI were hoping for.

but the game is a shell of promises and so most people have said no, this is a dodgy deal. any streetwise ***** can see that. devs need to deliver before it's safe to purchase more buisness 101. they have nothing more than what the game had over half a year ago, just modules, mechs, maps and a whole bunch of maintanance issues {hit detection FPS improvements etc}

so guess what? nobody's buying into it until there's proof of SUBSTANCE. not just CW by xxx time, it's failed time and time again. no one wants to put money near that, not even for clans. or innersphere 2.0 who knows what the "not origionally written" balancing will cause.

#1786 Zaptruder


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:19 AM

As much as I want to drop .25k on mechs, I can't drop that kind of cash on a game that I know is broken as **** with developers that are too dumb to fix it.

As soon as clans drop, we're gonna get crazy alphas that destroy everything in a couple hits.

#1787 Iqfish


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:21 AM

CW and UI2.0 then I'll get the 120$ package.

If these two things are great, im thinking of going higher.

#1788 Deathlike


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:21 AM

View PostNextGame, on 14 December 2013 - 02:17 AM, said:

ridiculously overpriced, and the gold mechs is the biggest cash grab that I have seen in living memory, none of those for me thanks, the line has been drawn. WTB Community Warfare instead. Thanks.

Of course there is no point in even posting in this thread, as they don't actually read it, nor give a damn

There's a likelihood that it will have an "official word" from Bryan or Russ, and it'll be locked promptly soon after.

#1789 Jun Watarase


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:21 AM

View PostEnth, on 14 December 2013 - 02:06 AM, said:

/soapbox on

The only way I'd buy PGI stock right now is so I could "Sell Short" and cover when the company goes bankrupt. REALLY PGI? Last I checked, none of the things you have promised us since Closed/Early Open Beta have Been released, yet you continue to try to pump what's left of the community for cash. Seems like we've been getting "All stick, no carrot" for too long. In the Real world, the Feds shut down businesses for committing fraud and creating "Ponzi Schemes"...Maybe they need to look at your business model, too...

Mind you... I want to love this game. It is after all, a BattleTech title. And as I look at my present Mech Bay and see the 68 Mech Bays and 64 'Mechs already in my hangar (Yes, that's right, 64 'Mechs), I believe that I've already wasted enough money on empty promises and "Bait & Switch" tactics. I've stopped purchasing MC's 6 months ago (Frankly, I don't see the point in giving the game that kind of support until you start delivering on what you've already promised us)...and as you can see from my forum badging, I also purchased the Overlord Phoenix package (sans Sabre reinforcement). But $500 for a SINGLE 'MECH???? Are you [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] Kidding me???? (Note to self...self-redacting is kind of fun! :))

The ONLY Game developer I would give that kind of money to is Chris Roberts and the team at Cloud Imperium Games to back "Star Citizen/Squadron 42". Why??? Simple...THEY ARE DELIVERING ON THEIR PROMISES (And THEN some)!!! There's a reason why they've been given to-date nearly $35 MILLION in crowd-funding, and it's not because of promises, it's because of deliverables.

When you FINISH delivering every fix you've promised, EVERY feature you've promised us, Then (and ONLY then) will you get another $0.01 from me...and when the rest of the community decides to "Vote with their wallet" like I am choosing to do, maybe then you guys at IGP/PGI will realize that in this world, you have to deliver a product before you receive payment.

/soapbox off

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Community Warfare match, already in progress...(psyche!!!)....

Galaxy Commander Enth
Storm Raven Galaxy
Clan Wolverine
Continuing a History of Excellence in Online Mechwarrior Play since the MW II "Registry" & "Grand Council" leagues of 1993

PS: Vote with your wallet.

PPS: HOLY HELL...90 Pages in already?!?! DAAAAAAAAAMN....

Hm this brings up a good point. Is it possible to report PGI to the authorities for running a ponzi scheme?

#1790 Homeless Bill


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:21 AM

Holy **** this thread got big fast...

#1791 Krizalius


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:23 AM

Posted Image

Photoshop :)
Purchased one, made ​​a screenshot and photoshop edited.

Edited by Krizalius, 14 December 2013 - 02:29 AM.

#1792 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:23 AM

View PostGalaxyBluestar, on 14 December 2013 - 02:19 AM, said:

this whole train ride/wreck has nothing to do with people giving up on them and certainly doesn't have anything to do with what "impassions" the devs.

what is happening here is a review of results and does this equate to appropriately to what is on offer.

if this game had UI 2 and lobbies and collisions and CW then yes it would be time for clans and if these features were very good and retained a high player base than the prices can be accepted by the kind of ammount of purchases i'm sure PGI were hoping for.

but the game is a shell of promises and so most people have said no, this is a dodgy deal. any streetwise ***** can see that. devs need to deliver before it's safe to purchase more buisness 101. they have nothing more than what the game had over half a year ago, just modules, mechs, maps and a whole bunch of maintanance issues {hit detection FPS improvements etc}

so guess what? nobody's buying into it until there's proof of SUBSTANCE. not just CW by xxx time, it's failed time and time again. no one wants to put money near that, not even for clans. or innersphere 2.0 who knows what the "not origionally written" balancing will cause.

That's right.

A lack of proffessionalism, conduct and quality is all highly apparent at this point.

Coming from business where high price = high quality, I can only wonder how long PGI can keep this....whatever this is at this point, going.

#1793 Deathlike


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:23 AM

View PostHomeless Bill, on 14 December 2013 - 02:21 AM, said:

Holy **** this thread got big fast...

This is accelerating faster than the 3PV "apology thread feedback", so now you'll see what CW could actually be like, w/o actually getting it in game.

#1794 MoonUnitBeta


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:23 AM

Sorry PGI, but until the house gets the foundation done i'm not going to put my furniture in it.

Nice looking mechs, A+, but with all due respect there's nothing in the game yet to give these mechs purpose. They're different models of the same current game and it's just not flying anymore in my books. The phoenix package I bought in June that was to help support development has me tired out, and with little to no change in the game thus far it's really hard to bother helping out. I love Mechwarrior, but man... I just can't.
I have a bunch of Formula 1 race cars, but going around in circles on a test track is fun for only so long. We need an audience, fame, trophies, achievements, goals, content - a purpose!!! The fun is dwindling with game after game of the same stuff. You strip the fun aspect away and there's nothing really to do. Heck, I know people who play games even if they aren't fun anymore, but they gatta complete it. They need every last item, quest, achievement w/e it is, but that type of stuff is not here yet. MWO has nothing to strive for once the fun wears off.
I've Founded, I've Pheonixed, but I can't Revive right now. I've spent $240 already just in packages (excluding MC), you're asking me to fork up double that amount (I go big or go home). There's bugs still present that are from last year. Things that I feel should have been started on MONTHS ago are just starting to bubble to the surface... Launch in September and expect no one to really care about the meaning of it because F2P exempts you from that... This company or the publisher; I can't tell where the problem is.. but.. sorry... I hope you keep this clan sale up until your Re-Launch in Sept 2014 (i'm serious...)... :) Sorry, but I need to wait this one out until March...

My feedback for the Clans? Way too soon. Wayy wayyy toooo soooon. Like a year too soon. After a successful UI2, CW, Attack/defend, modes, etc, and an announcement about Solaris, Elementals and a Campaign mode, I would then put this Clan Sale up after that. You get people excited about those other things and I guarantee there would be 100% more sales on these clans... but, really, there's not a whole lot backing up this purchase. I feel torn, and that's not something I should feel. Redact the sale (i wish it was that easy), focus on more inner sphere mechs, and actually deliver on some of the MUCH NEEDED components. I say much needed but really the entire life of your game is dependent on all of the features not yet in the game yet... But regardless of that fact, you put clans out and - whether by your own decision or your publishers - it was a very bad idea. There is nothing gameplay/content wise that supports this purchase - any amount for that matter.

I know what I'm saying likely puts a bad taste in your mouth, but this is feedback. I'm not even threatening you, I'm just telling it how it is. There is literally nothing to back this sale up. Again, sorry, but it's a no go for me.

<---- I spent money. A lot of it. I'm not spending anymore, and I hope that sends a message. I hope you listen to this that not even a loyal customer is willing to buy into your $500 loyalty program. I hope you don't take what I gave you and throw this feedback away... I'll pay money if it feels right, and this doesn't feel right PGI...

Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 14 December 2013 - 03:01 AM.

#1795 Enth


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:24 AM

View PostTer Ushaka, on 14 December 2013 - 01:47 AM, said:

Honestly, it's been a good year for me. Moved into a new job that's paying me well more than I was making, finances are solidly in the black, got to go to the MWO launch party, and like I said it's been a real good year for me. So I decided, what the hell, let's treat myself to something nice:
Posted Image

See you on the battlefield!

See? I would take that same $4000 and build a new PC with twin GTX 780Ti Cards, 32GB of Ram, 1TB of RAID 0 SSD and 4TB of RAID 1 storage, BlueRay recorder, and a Monitor Wall made up of 4x 27" HD Monitors, and STILL have $1500 left over to give to upgrade my pledge package to Star Citizen...

You know what they say about Fools and their money...

#1796 EmCeeMendez


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:24 AM

MWO officially changed genres yesterday. It is now a Mech trading card game.

#1797 Autobot9000


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:26 AM

Why would one even get a Masakari pack? MWO ruined PPCs with ghost heat and huge heat build up especially on the ER PPC. Isn't the strength of the offered pack to give the primary configuration? Now guess what, the Masakari's Prime has FOUR ER PPCs. Now that's totally viable with ghost heat eh? 240 dollars for an unplayable unit? PGI is trolling.

#1798 Galen Crayn


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:26 AM

We are on an island...

#1799 SteelWarrior


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:27 AM

View PostNephera, on 14 December 2013 - 02:18 AM, said:

For 500 dollars I can get a boxed copy of every mechwarrior game ever made and like 720 poptarts.


Posted Image

Not $500 good, but a hell of an expirence if you could get it for less then that.....

#1800 GenOrtega


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:27 AM

From the perspective of someone just starting out playing mwo my first thoughts were "hooray! more content, maybe new maps too, even territory conquest?" then on looking at the pricing I wondered how much of a grind in C-Bills and time it is going to be to get hold of a clan mech?

The pricing I suspect is intimidating to a significant demographic and it made me wonder on the kind of game I am as a new player attempting to get involved in? So checked to see the release date for this; if it landed on April 1 as wondered if this is a joke?

From the limited maps and features available currently compared to newer titles and f2p alternatives out there; I'm not sure exactly what would justify someone to pay out above market, bespoke prices in the present state of the game.

If this game had a lot more to it than just map grind between at least two modes of play then I could understand why investing money for your personal enjoyment at the prices being asked could have some sensible weight to it.

If anything it could make a lot of news of the current state of abuse the f2p is evolving into on the fees and charges for electronic services and items.

I can understand the charges of greed laid at a string of software houses right now, if people are prepared to fuel this price point then I better go out there and form my own software house asap!

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