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Clan Collections - Feedback

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#801 Zureal


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:50 PM

.... i have not the time to read over all of this but just a few questions and concerns.

Now, i do NOT mind paying for mechs, but wtf... variants???? These are OMNIMECHS!!!! will there be NO omnimechs in this game???

Second, wtf... $500 for a single mech? i mean does it have actual REAL clan tech or something? no, not YOUR nerfed FAKE clan tech but REAL clan tech.

Third, wtf ... again... why nerf clantech? its OP for a reason, its CLAN tech. Just mitigate this by making it rare like how it is in the OTL.

forth, wtf is a "warhorn" and a "unique module"??? does it make clan equipment.. u know, REAL clan equipment or something?

fith, why the FU%$ are there "variants"!?!?!? these are OMNIMECHS not regular battlemechs.

sixth, i have been loving this game so far, even with the limited maps and vary limited game modes or even the limit to 12v12. but i SERIOUSLY feel like you , PGI, is trying to rip me off with how you are implimenting the clans.

lastly, if you change your mind and make all these clan mechs actual REAL omni mechs THEN i MIGHT pay the $240 for them instead of this fake clan tech NONomnimech garbage that you seem to be trying to feed me.

Thank you for your time


#802 Overkill C7


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:50 PM

Why not just make mechs available for $10 - $15 each and let us pick and choose the ones we want rather than have'n to buy 3 or 4 mechs, + 3 variants of each, that we don't want in order to get the mechs that we do want? One would think that you'd sell more in the long run by allowing the customer to get what they want rather than try'n a General Motors' move of "you'll take what we make...not what you want". Is the Canadian government gonna bail ya'll out if ya'll fail like GM did? ;)

#803 Nehkrosis


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:52 PM

Guys And Dolls, chill.

Really, relax. PGI hasnt Hax0red your accounts and stolen money from you.
They have,infact, given you the ability to purchase something far before you'll get it,
and they finally put to rest everyone doubting the clans making into this game.
AND, nothing anywhere sez they wont have pressies for xmas.
plus faith.
have it.

also, dont say, "im sick to death PGi, sick to death, and i wont stand for it anymore!!"

because frankly, its a game, thats fun to play, and free to play.

Dont likey? then bail.

#804 Stygian Steel


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:52 PM

View PostMystere, on 13 December 2013 - 07:55 PM, said:

seriously if what MWO is doing and star citizen is the future of gaming with these stupid *** prices for a "so called free to play game" then i'm not going forward with PC's consoles or anything else electronic and will just stick with my PnP rpg's from here on out

#805 Aim64C


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:53 PM

The field is ripe for the seeds of a Trial...

But what kind of Trial?

A Trial of Possession for the rights to MechWarrior?

A Trial of Grievance for the dishonorable and wasteful behavior of PGI/IGP?

.... Or a Trial of Annihilation for the company that shall not be named?

#806 sarelk


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:54 PM

this is a nightmare and will be the end of mwo... at least for me most likely...

so anyone gets these mechs... with the IS mechs.... and no clan invasion its just that date everyeone gets them... no fighting just clans etc...

and you battle along side them etc... so lame... very disapointing...

#807 Draxist


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:54 PM

this...... is very depressing......... 40+ pages of posts and the rage has reached the point of launching a new space station into orbit.....and the community is at its own throat either defending PGI or hating them

do I think its completely unwarranted? no...excessive most definitely, but not unwarranted......


because I bought <<<<< with hopes of the future of this game, but a new "package deal" right after I have supported the game has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. PGI....why did this seem like a good idea? This does not encourage anyone

before I even CONSIDER buying a package, I like many other players posting here, need details and content

Content that NEEDS to be out NOW to calm down the rage:

U.I. 2.0
CW (<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-,BY THE BLOOD OF BLAKE THIS SO MUCH)
new game modes (<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-,BY THE BLOOD OF BLAKE THIS SO MUCH AS WELL)
new maps (appreciated but lowest on needed list)

how is CW going?
how is U.I 2.0 going?
how is DX 11 going?
how will the clan omni mechs work?
how will clan tech which they WILL (read BETTER) have upon release work?
how does this play into CW?
what are war horns and how do they fit in?
what are "exclusive modules" and how do they work?
what are these new hanging items and do they do anything?
what are "decals"?
C-Bill cost of standard variants?
release schedule of C-bill variants after injection date?
and SO so much more......

PGI, I wanted to believe in you, but this just add's to what all the nay-sayers stated before, and its hard to hold off the same sinking feeling of an overlord dropship in the gravity well of a black hole.

you need to either provide NOW on promised content, drop SIGNIFICANTLY or ALTER the packages for buying the clan tech making them more accessible for players who can't do the premium price but desperately want to, or call the whole thing off for now (honoring the current purchases at a later date or reimburse) while you get the rest of CW out the door.....

not that my lost voice will make a dent in this Mount Doom of a forum thread, but here's for one last hope!

#808 wolf74


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:55 PM

I give the Mech Modelers and Mech input programmers for being 6month ahead of the release dates.

ok I'm out of good things to say.

#809 Stygian Steel


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:55 PM

View PostAaron45, on 13 December 2013 - 08:45 PM, said:

200+ Dollar for a non AAA game is silly.

Fk this game and its derpy developers. Wont play or even pay money. Mwo died for me. There are 10x better games out there. And i really mean 10x

sorry but $200 for any video game that doesn't involve a badass VR set up is silly

#810 MechFrog1


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:55 PM

View PostNehkrosis, on 13 December 2013 - 08:52 PM, said:

Guys And Dolls, chill.

Really, relax. PGI hasnt Hax0red your accounts and stolen money from you.
They have,infact, given you the ability to purchase something far before you'll get it,
and they finally put to rest everyone doubting the clans making into this game.
AND, nothing anywhere sez they wont have pressies for xmas.
plus faith.
have it.

also, dont say, "im sick to death PGi, sick to death, and i wont stand for it anymore!!"

because frankly, its a game, thats fun to play, and free to play.

Dont likey? then bail.

Actually, PGI is delaying the release of mechs that would presumably be complete by June and then selling them back to you like they're doing you a favor.

It's a familiar song and dance.

Remember when they decided to make it harder for mechs to climb hills, then sell you a module to partially undo it?

Don't feed someone a [redacted] sandwich and tell them it's fried gold.

#811 Pwnocchio


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:55 PM

View PostTheCaptainJZ, on 13 December 2013 - 08:25 PM, said:

What I don't understand is how you can have a limit on a digital good. You can make infinite copies.

The gold mechs... really,... in the end they don't matter. If PGI can sell 100 gold mechs it's really no skin of my nose. I'll get a chubby when I see them in game. I'll do whatever I can to kill them, because 'feather in my cap', but at the end of the day they aren't going to hurt my game play and I don't begrudge well-to-do's who can afford that kind of conspicuous consumption.

If PGI is going to offer 'gold mechs' then they should throttle supply. I would if I were them. If they have 40,000 subscribers odds are there are a handful that will buy gold mechs to demonstrate their loyalty to the franchise (mechs, not PGI). They even added wording to tug at those heart strings.

Those loyal people aren't my problem. They aren't a barrier to my fun.
The barrier to my fun is the inevitable atrophy of my interest in this game due to lack of game modes, CW, SRM's that actually register hits.

I literally don't care about balance. It's a meta that will evolve over time to keep the game fresh. I just want the game to *actually* work as intended, work efficiently, and be good enough that when I'm at work... (dark secret)... I find myself thinking about the game, strategies, builds, how fun the game is to play.

It's not there yet, and it has nothing to do with which mechs I can or can't pay cash for.

Edited by Pwnocchio, 13 December 2013 - 08:57 PM.

#812 Nehkrosis


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:56 PM

also, the VARIANTS are going to work like this;


Timber wolf Alt config A? why, that has less armour! (you cant change that, also, comes with more long rangey)


we still have Omni's, there just going to be UNCUSTOMIZABLE in some ways. (except weapons)
Armour, number of heat sinks, or engine size/item (BAP/ECM/AMS/ETC)

#813 Fetladral


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:56 PM

View PostZureal, on 13 December 2013 - 08:50 PM, said:

.... i have not the time to read over all of this but just a few questions and concerns.

Now, i do NOT mind paying for mechs, but wtf... variants???? These are OMNIMECHS!!!! will there be NO omnimechs in this game???

Second, wtf... $500 for a single mech? i mean does it have actual REAL clan tech or something? no, not YOUR nerfed FAKE clan tech but REAL clan tech.

Third, wtf ... again... why nerf clantech? its OP for a reason, its CLAN tech. Just mitigate this by making it rare like how it is in the OTL.

forth, wtf is a "warhorn" and a "unique module"??? does it make clan equipment.. u know, REAL clan equipment or something?

fith, why the FU%$ are there "variants"!?!?!? these are OMNIMECHS not regular battlemechs.

sixth, i have been loving this game so far, even with the limited maps and vary limited game modes or even the limit to 12v12. but i SERIOUSLY feel like you , PGI, is trying to rip me off with how you are implimenting the clans.

lastly, if you change your mind and make all these clan mechs actual REAL omni mechs THEN i MIGHT pay the $240 for them instead of this fake clan tech NONomnimech garbage that you seem to be trying to feed me.

Thank you for your time


Clan tech in teble top only works for tabletop. In a non tabletop setting it does not work at all unless it is insanely rare to the point that it would be almost non existent.

#814 Damocles69


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:56 PM

Congrats Pgi. You killed your own game. gg close

#815 Tetatae Squawkins


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:56 PM

It's just a beta guys. Settle down.

#816 Syrkres


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:57 PM

WOW: Nice looking mechs...

Too bad they will just be new mount points of the mechs we already have. I mean if clan tech is being nerfed then they are just alternate loadout mechs.

The price for the package, not bad (10$ per mech), which is less than if you purchased them with MC so no one can really complain about that except for the fact to get the mech or two that you want you have to purchase up the tree. But in that case you can just simply buy MC and purchase it later. (Thats what I was planning on doing with the phoenix package but likely not to purchase any of those now since these are close enough).

Though even with the above said it does feel like a cash grab. None of the content UI2.0 CW, etc is (or will be) likely to be implemented by then. Thus are they just trying to grab money before the close the doors....? can't easily get money back from a bankrupt company. Or just as bad are they grabbing cash for another game startup like MechWarrior Tactics... (most likely in my opinion).

I have the money, had it for phoenix, but will likely not buy unless CW gets implemented before the end.

As for the Gold mechs, have to agree with everyone else, WTF are you thinking? I mean i have spare income, but $500 for a single mech.

Good thing Hawken (Giant robot game) was released this week, going to be checking it out this weekend.

#817 JDH4mm3r


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:57 PM

View PostNehkrosis, on 13 December 2013 - 08:52 PM, said:

Guys And Dolls, chill.

Really, relax. PGI hasnt Hax0red your accounts and stolen money from you.
They have,infact, given you the ability to purchase something far before you'll get it,
and they finally put to rest everyone doubting the clans making into this game.
AND, nothing anywhere sez they wont have pressies for xmas.
plus faith.
have it.

also, dont say, "im sick to death PGi, sick to death, and i wont stand for it anymore!!"

because frankly, its a game, thats fun to play, and free to play.

Dont likey? then bail.

Oh so you're happy with the same old {Scrap} day in / day out for a year and a half?

HAD PGI actually done something positive for this game, maybe over 50% of their lost player base wouldn't be 50%+ and counting now wouldn't it?

So please, tell me whats positive about this game? the PP isn't anything positive, a mech is a mech, no different than the ones you started with. We've been stuck with 2 modes a stale meta and a horrendous matchmaker and you're happy?

What. A. Joke.

#818 MostlyHarmless


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:57 PM

Just wondering, has open beta started yet? I thought it was said that CW was going to show up right after beta opened up? or was that just a lie?

#819 Aim64C


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:57 PM

View Postwolf74, on 13 December 2013 - 08:55 PM, said:

I give the Mech Modelers and Mech input programmers for being 6month ahead of the release dates.

ok I'm out of good things to say.

I bet you 500 grams of silver that PGI's art department had those assets created and rigged back in August of 2012.

The agonizingly slow pace of this game leads me to believe that the assets were largely created ahead of time for the reboot of MW and the game we see today was largely launched as a cost-recovery effort after the full-title release was canned.

#820 Skwisgaar Skwigelf


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:58 PM

View Postcrabcakes66, on 13 December 2013 - 08:56 PM, said:

It's just a beta guys. Settle down.

LOL so true

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