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Trondheim Live - Clan Betrays Own; Sells High Value Mechs

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#1 Trondheim Live Daily Report


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 06:16 PM

December 15th, 3050


In an unprecedented move during these troubled times, one Clan - a member of the fiercesome band of marauders that have terrorized the Coreward half of the Inner Sphere for the better part of the last year - has decided to do something completely unexpected. During the sudden lull in hostilities between members of the Inner Sphere and the invaders, another clan not previously involved in the conflict and made the Inner Sphere an offer they can hardly refuse.

They have offered to sell their prized technology to the Inner Sphere.

That's right, you heard me. Clan Diamond Shark has sent representatives to each major house offering the same deal across the board - we'll allow you to buy our tech, fully equipped and ready for battle.

This does not come without a price. In fact, the price seems to be far beyond the reasonably value - and even the capability - of the Inner Sphere to purchase; one could say, temptingly so.

At best figure, some of the light mechs alone could bankrupt most Merc Corps. at 30,000,000,000 c-bills for one so called "Kit Fox", one can hardly imagine any Mercenaries will jump at the opportunity.

"Ain't nobody got c-bills for that!" Said more than one disgruntled merc officer.

And the price gets worse from there. While these mechs are not individually sold (most packages contain at least 3 mechs in different 'variants', but because they're not actually variants its difficult to see how useful they will be in combat) the value does not seem to outweigh the cost. Most packages will at least run 10 billion c-bills per mech, which is often enough to buy a fleet of Dropships.

But it doesn't stop there.

In addition to the exuberant packages of fresh-off-the-line mechs, the Diamond Sharks offer their so-called "elite" gold mechs. These mechs sold individually cost 500,000,000,000 c-bills - each; and with no differences in weight chassis or mech type either. What's more, these mechs are to be made -internal structure, armor and all- out of a solid block of gold. The Sharks expect the mech to be field-capable, but when asked to what efficiency they responded "You will love parading it around the hangar". The figure is expected to bankrupt Liao for one mech; though rumor has spread that they have considered offering up at least a dozen star systems to make at least 1 potential purchase.

Regardless of the price, many a mechwarrior has drooled at the prospect of purchasing and using one of these deadly machines in actual combat. Perhaps even moving planet to planet and fighting for more than just the city they happen to be landing in at the time.

One can only hope they make the right choice.

-Brought to you by TL;DR

#2 Wolf Clearwater


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 06:22 PM

Glorious. 'Nough said.

#3 martino2k6


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 06:23 PM

View PostTrondheim Live Daily Report, on 15 December 2013 - 06:16 PM, said:

-Brought to you by TL;DR

Epic, just for that.

Edited by martino2k6, 15 December 2013 - 06:23 PM.

#4 Maedros


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 06:23 PM

Glorious. Truly Glorious. The sarcasm shall melt the deck plates.

#5 Wolf Clearwater


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 07:03 PM


#6 Star Witch Esperanza


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 07:06 PM

lmfao nice

#7 Werewolf486 ScorpS


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 07:19 PM

Bump for cool



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Posted 15 December 2013 - 07:35 PM

10 Stars

#9 Wolf Clearwater


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 07:45 PM

another bump for being awesome

#10 hoverstorm


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 07:58 PM

View PostTrondheim Live Daily Report, on 15 December 2013 - 06:16 PM, said:

December 15th, 3050


In an unprecedented move during these troubled times, one Clan - a member of the fiercesome band of marauders that have terrorized the Coreward half of the Inner Sphere for the better part of the last year - has decided to do something completely unexpected. During the sudden lull in hostilities between members of the Inner Sphere and the invaders, another clan not previously involved in the conflict and made the Inner Sphere an offer they can hardly refuse.

They have offered to sell their prized technology to the Inner Sphere.

That's right, you heard me. Clan Diamond Shark has sent representatives to each major house offering the same deal across the board - we'll allow you to buy our tech, fully equipped and ready for battle.

This does not come without a price. In fact, the price seems to be far beyond the reasonably value - and even the capability - of the Inner Sphere to purchase; one could say, temptingly so.

At best figure, some of the light mechs alone could bankrupt most Merc Corps. at 30,000,000,000 c-bills for one so called "Kit Fox", one can hardly imagine any Mercenaries will jump at the opportunity.

"Ain't nobody got c-bills for that!" Said more than one disgruntled merc officer.

And the price gets worse from there. While these mechs are not individually sold (most packages contain at least 3 mechs in different 'variants', but because they're not actually variants its difficult to see how useful they will be in combat) the value does not seem to outweigh the cost. Most packages will at least run 10 billion c-bills per mech, which is often enough to buy a fleet of Dropships.

But it doesn't stop there.

In addition to the exuberant packages of fresh-off-the-line mechs, the Diamond Sharks offer their so-called "elite" gold mechs. These mechs sold individually cost 500,000,000,000 c-bills - each; and with no differences in weight chassis or mech type either. What's more, these mechs are to be made -internal structure, armor and all- out of a solid block of gold. The Sharks expect the mech to be field-capable, but when asked to what efficiency they responded "You will love parading it around the hangar". The figure is expected to bankrupt Liao for one mech; though rumor has spread that they have considered offering up at least a dozen star systems to make at least 1 potential purchase.

Regardless of the price, many a mechwarrior has drooled at the prospect of purchasing and using one of these deadly machines in actual combat. Perhaps even moving planet to planet and fighting for more than just the city they happen to be landing in at the time.

One can only hope they make the right choice.

-Brought to you by TL;DR

ROFL... literally.

#11 Atreides76


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 08:03 PM

Just bloody hilarious and awesome. Thank you. :excl: ;)

#12 Ogryn


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 08:06 PM

Thank you for this. Made my day that much brighter.

#13 Saber1


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 09:24 PM

I cried. Hard.

Then laughed maniacally.

#14 CrunchTheRobot


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 09:28 PM

This is awesome! Very nice.

#15 Will9761


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 10:19 PM

I guess Clan Diamond Shark is trying to gain some extra profit from the Inner Sphere. Imagine the full-blown rage coming from the Invading Clans when they see IS painted Omnimechs. Can someone say, Trial of Abjuration?

Edited by Will9761, 15 December 2013 - 10:24 PM.

#16 fluffypinkbunny

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 07:08 AM

wouldn't it be called a Cryal at that time (cry and trial mixed together)

#17 Bhelogan


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 07:15 AM

+1, best read all month

#18 gondorff


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 08:41 AM


"You will love parading it around the hangar"

Excellent. Thank you.

#19 Haakon Valravn


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 02:32 PM

You forgot that the surplus 'Mechs cannot be re-sold. Once bought, they can only be used by the person who actually bought them and no one else. Meaning if Victor Steiner-Davion buys three Kit Foxes, he cannot give one to any of his buddies.

Clan Diamond Shark Merchants have been quoted as saying that the 'Mechs might take up to six months to deliver. Or possibly never, if for some reason the universe comes to an end in the meantime.

Up next: Scientists discuss the on-coming likelihood of all activity in the universe ceasing in the next six months.

Edited by Haakon Valravn, 16 December 2013 - 02:34 PM.

#20 Damon Howe


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 03:01 PM

The above post. It is made of additional win.

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