Reitrix, on 16 December 2013 - 03:16 PM, said:
A better change, i think, is to change ACs and PPCs to be stream weapons rather than direct single shots.
Ballistic weapons would become similar to the AC2 when the macro chain-fire is used (aka the Jager DD firing 6 AC2s in a way that the guns chain fire every 0.2 seconds rather than every 0.5 seconds default chain fire).
Making it so that the max 'bullets' each gun fires per second is equivalent at 10 rounds per second:
AC20 fires 10 rounds each doing 2 damage.
AC10 fires 10 rounds each doing 1 damage.
AC5 fires 10 rounds each doing 0.5 damage.
AC2 fires 10 rounds each doing 0.something damage.
This will make their mode of fire not be able to deliver pinpoint damage but rather matches lasers in their 'streaming' damage. It also matches TT closely since the damage hit locations are as 'random' as possible (just like lasers in a way).
PPCs should be modified to fire a stream of particles (aka , a beam) that lasts 0.5 seconds and has an additional effect of slowing down a mech (think of it as the electric shock hampering the engine) by 25% speed.
Gauss could be changed to remain a pinpoint damage weapon but an additional layer of complexity added to it: The weapon needs to be 'charged' before firing.
Every 0.1 seconds the button is held down the Gauss 'charges' the round to travel 100m.
If you just tap the fire button, the weapon will only do damage out to 100m. If you hold it for 1 second it will do its damage out to 1km, etc.
This allows it to be a TRUE sniper weapon...with almost unlimited range BUT it is extremely hard to use as a sniper weapon because you need to be still, aimed, charged and hit something far away that is moving under these conditions.
If you hold button down for more than 3 seconds the weapon 'resets' and generates a lot of heat.
Finally, the gauss rifle would slow down the speed of the arms or torso by 50% when charged/charging.
Jump jets make all the above, except gauss, be just like using lasers..aka no pinpoint damage.
Using a gauss with jumpjets becomes almost futile since most jumping requires at least 2 seconds of jet to clear obstacles... the slowed down arm/torso twist plus jet shake makes it very hard to aim.
Will some jump-'snipe' with it still? Yes..but at near point blank range where they can stop jet thrust, aim and click-fire with it. However that is nowhere near as harmful to the game as the current jet sniping.