Heffay, on 19 December 2013 - 05:49 AM, said:
They said the dogfighting module was going to be released in December no matter what. According to the yardstick you measure PGI by, that was a lie.
I guess it was their position at the time...
We had the option to ask them to release it, when he asked the community we all said we wanted to wait and use the improved netcode.
Crazy, isn't it. We had the following options:
1. Single-player dogfighting module. Would delay the release of full MP DFM by a couple of months.
2. Multiplayer DFM with stock CryEngine netcode. Would delay the release of full MP DFM by a month or two.
3. Multiplayer DFM delayed but with improved netcode and speed the final release of the game.
The response was overwhelmingly in support of option 3.
That's why he's sitting on $35 million and growing with a pre-alpha product. He's absolutely honest and up front with the state of the game, what the options are and what the relative costs are, then gauges the feedback from the community. While the final call was always CRs he floated the options to the player community, got their feedback and went forward based on it.
Many of the games development directions are, in fact, based off player feedback and polls. What sort of systems we want, what ship concepts we want. There's currently a contest for players to design a ship that will then be sold in game. The player who designs it gets a cash reward.
I'm the first to say comparing Star Citizen and MW:O, or any other game out now for that matter, is unreasonable. However it's also a bit silly to pretend that CR and CIG have ever done anything even remotely as.... ill considered we'll call it.... as PGI does regularly. All the numbers for SC (money, players, subscriptions, etc) are charted on the front page. Updates from the devs on exactly what they're working on the existing progress comes out almost constantly. CR has never lied, never pulled 'that was our position at the time' pivot aside from ADDING concepts and content while staying to the original timeline.
DFM got pushed back 30 or 60 days because it's going to include about double the ships and a custom-built netcode, which the original timeline did not. The delay wasn't a surprise nor the reasoning nor the state or position of the game because there was always open and honest communication. What we did NOT get was a promise of release in December, then December arrives and.... silence, all dev stop posting anything anywhere for a month, then start up again ignoring any reference to the DFM.
Don't be that guy Heffay. You want to defend PGI, that's fine. Laudable even, I'm all for standing up for things you believe in. Trying to misrepresent another developer because they're not making the same mistakes is pretty disingenuous though and damages your credibility. When Star Citizen went from being a $4 million dollar game to a $40 million dollar game and went from a hopeful 100,000 backers to 350,000 backers it was made clear that the games scale would rise to suit.
Want to know what state SC is in? On the 'ask a dev' forum you'll see 3 different devs who've responded on 9 topics in the last 3 hours. That happens consistently every single day - even often on the weekends. That doesn't happen here, or on most games for that matter. Trying to pretend that CIGs handling of the development of their game or interactions with their community are anything like PGIs isn't just disingenuous but bordering on dishonest.