Please Change The Release Pattern For Clan Pack Mechs
Posted 23 February 2014 - 06:04 AM
If you wanted it badly enough, You'd have worked out how to save up enough to buy it. I'm buying me a Gold MadCat, Funds are being put away to do exactly that, Because thats what i want. If you want it badly enough, You can either work out a savings plan or wait a few months.
Posted 23 February 2014 - 06:06 AM
Posted 26 February 2014 - 02:39 PM
I mean PGI won't not let clan players play their Innersphere mechs. Especially since some people probably spent real money on some hero mechs.
Maybe they will refund MC and CBills at full cost for players who decide to switch to clans.
Edited by Jin Ma, 26 February 2014 - 02:48 PM.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 09:32 AM
Edited by Lancer Deistler, 27 February 2014 - 09:33 AM.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 03:46 PM
Reitrix, on 23 February 2014 - 06:04 AM, said:
If you wanted it badly enough, You'd have worked out how to save up enough to buy it. I'm buying me a Gold MadCat, Funds are being put away to do exactly that, Because thats what i want. If you want it badly enough, You can either work out a savings plan or wait a few months.
You're looking at completely the wrong angle.
I can't support a "pay to win" business model. And that's why I don't buy hero mechs and won't buy the clan packs if the cbill versions are delayed significantly.
I loved the concept of hero mechs at first, a unique chassis and a unique skin for that chassis. Then I found out they're MC only. At that point, I decided never to buy one until the equivalent loadout is made available for cbills (without the skin of course). I can't be the only person who finds a pay to win business model offensive. (I don't really want to have this argument again, but in short, hero mechs are more options, options are power, thus hero mechs are paying for an advantage, however slight).
Delaying the cbill equivalents of clan mechs is much the same problem. Charging real money for gameplay affecting content is simply something I can't stand behind. So I won't be buying any clan packs for the same reason I won't be buying any hero mechs, they aren't available for cbills. However, if the clan packs are still available after all the clan mechs are available for cbills, I'd gladly buy one then, because at that point I'm no longer paying for gameplay-affecting content.
In short, by going to (or continuing, rather) an offensive business model PGI are driving away potential customers like myself who refuse to support gameplay affecting items for real money on principle.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 06:00 PM
No people just dont want full month of 97kph ullers getting their asses kicked. And then a second month of energy only novas getting their asses kicked. And then a third month of 3 hardpoint thors getting their asses kicked. Its going to be four months until non-paid players get a viable clan mech.
You want to release the clan mechs one per month? fine. But at least have the sense to release a viable one first like the daishi.
Edited by Khobai, 28 February 2014 - 06:02 PM.
Posted 01 March 2014 - 07:41 AM
Releasing 1 clan mech a month is a great business model, they want to cater to people who are willing to pay.
If you're too much of a cheapskate to pay 55 bucks for a mech you like, you need help. 55 bucks is practically a dinner and movie for 2.
If you don't have money and whine about the release date of clan mechs, then you need to get a job. And if you do have money and whine, then you're a greedy POS.
Posted 01 March 2014 - 12:34 PM
ScoutMaster, on 01 March 2014 - 07:41 AM, said:
Releasing 1 clan mech a month is a great business model, they want to cater to people who are willing to pay.
If you're too much of a cheapskate to pay 55 bucks for a mech you like, you need help. 55 bucks is practically a dinner and movie for 2.
If you don't have money and whine about the release date of clan mechs, then you need to get a job. And if you do have money and whine, then you're a greedy POS.
Well where is your founders or Phoenix patch then, if you dig this buissness model so much? I'm also a paying customer and i never said i wouldn't buy the clan package. Actually i'm deciding if i buy a Timberwolf for 55$ myself. Nevertheless i have no problem with all mechs being availiable for c-bills in june or like suggested 4 mechs in june, the others 1 mech per month. If you pay for the packege you get extra fluff an all mechs at once. Getting them at once is the selling point for me here. Most people will not have sufficiant c-bills to get all mechs at once. But if you had 1 mech in each weightclass you could choose wich one to get.
PS.: Terminator seeds is also a buisness model. These POS farmers of third world countries wich can't afford to buy new seeds every year should realy get a job, don't you think?
Edited by Lancer Deistler, 01 March 2014 - 12:38 PM.
Posted 01 March 2014 - 05:12 PM
It's asinine to assume you have the right to get them at roughly the same time people who paid hard earned money to get them early did.
There is no validity in any argument you can attempt to justify. It is like trying to argue that world peace is achievable if X, Y, and Z happen. Wars make businesses wealthy, and people will pay to get content early.
If you do not like it...you might be in for a rude awakening in the real world.
Posted 01 March 2014 - 08:29 PM
Gyrok, on 01 March 2014 - 05:12 PM, said:
It's asinine to assume you have the right to get them at roughly the same time people who paid hard earned money to get them early did.
There is no validity in any argument you can attempt to justify. It is like trying to argue that world peace is achievable if X, Y, and Z happen. Wars make businesses wealthy, and people will pay to get content early.
If you do not like it...you might be in for a rude awakening in the real world.
You aren't explicitly paying for early access, it's not stated anywhere. You're paying for the mechs, extra cbills, mechbays, the avatar, etc. just like spending money on a standard variant, or just like the founders program.
The argument is not "People payed for early access, we want the same thing for free". The argument is "PGI shouldn't be selling early access to gameplay affecting content". (Though I realize the ship sailed ages ago with hero mechs, it's still an entirely valid point, which you seem to be missing).
It's bad for business and PGIs reputation to have pay-exclusive content which affects gameplay. Gameplay affecting content for real money is bad in a F2P game. Whether it's bad for sales is of course up to PGI, but it's a given that it's bad for the games reputation, and drives away players. Similarly there's always people like myself that find it disgusting to spend real money on an advantage, so we refuse to buy anything that does that. Clan mechs not being available for cbills day and date with the clan packs equates to at least one lost sale from me. I can't be the only person who thinks that way.
Posted 01 March 2014 - 11:42 PM
AEgg, on 01 March 2014 - 08:29 PM, said:
You aren't explicitly paying for early access, it's not stated anywhere. You're paying for the mechs, extra cbills, mechbays, the avatar, etc. just like spending money on a standard variant, or just like the founders program.
The argument is not "People payed for early access, we want the same thing for free". The argument is "PGI shouldn't be selling early access to gameplay affecting content". (Though I realize the ship sailed ages ago with hero mechs, it's still an entirely valid point, which you seem to be missing).
It's bad for business and PGIs reputation to have pay-exclusive content which affects gameplay. Gameplay affecting content for real money is bad in a F2P game. Whether it's bad for sales is of course up to PGI, but it's a given that it's bad for the games reputation, and drives away players. Similarly there's always people like myself that find it disgusting to spend real money on an advantage, so we refuse to buy anything that does that. Clan mechs not being available for cbills day and date with the clan packs equates to at least one lost sale from me. I can't be the only person who thinks that way.
How far do take your life theory?
Do you pay for food for example because nutrion gives you strength which is an advantage over people with less ability to eat?
I mean seriously?
Firstly, this game is NOT pay to win, it is Free to Play.
If however you want to play with a particular mech, then the company gives you option of paying for that. They also extend the same ability to the free to play players in due course.
The theory is no different to the shop selling bread to people but once it gets close to its use by date they discount it, and closer again to expiry when its still edible but not saleable they give to homeless shelters or Soup Kitchens.
I am not for one minute comparing a F2P player to the homeless, but the theory is the same. If you want to eat fresh bread of your particular desire, then you buy it. If you want to save some money and are not fussed about freshness, you buy closer to the expiry date but you might not get your preferred loaf.
You can play for free with the options provided by the provider, or you can play for free with your preferred mech by purchasing your mech of choice.
Both cases are Free to Play.
Posted 02 March 2014 - 12:32 AM
Posted 02 March 2014 - 10:52 AM
Craig Steele, on 01 March 2014 - 11:42 PM, said:
How far do take your life theory?
Do you pay for food for example because nutrion gives you strength which is an advantage over people with less ability to eat?
I mean seriously?
Firstly, this game is NOT pay to win, it is Free to Play.
If however you want to play with a particular mech, then the company gives you option of paying for that. They also extend the same ability to the free to play players in due course.
The theory is no different to the shop selling bread to people but once it gets close to its use by date they discount it, and closer again to expiry when its still edible but not saleable they give to homeless shelters or Soup Kitchens.
I am not for one minute comparing a F2P player to the homeless, but the theory is the same. If you want to eat fresh bread of your particular desire, then you buy it. If you want to save some money and are not fussed about freshness, you buy closer to the expiry date but you might not get your preferred loaf.
You can play for free with the options provided by the provider, or you can play for free with your preferred mech by purchasing your mech of choice.
Both cases are Free to Play.
This is a game, not reality. One of the major benefits of games is that they can do things you can't do in reality. For your example, yes, both options are free to play. But one of them isn't a fair game for the free players. Making a fair game for the free players is how F2P games are successful in the western world (i.e. TF2, DotA, and LoL). It's true that many Korean MMOs make overtly pay to win games and do well, but that's not generally the case in the western world.
PGI has exclusive control over whether they sell ingame advantages for real money or not. More options is an advantage, however minor. Doing so has some effect on their profits, positive for some companies and negative for others, but unquestionably harms the integrity of the game. Reality doesn't have that luxury. though most professional sports standardize equipment to account for it. Professional equipment is expensive, of course, but nobody says you can play professional <insert sport here> for free.
You can argue about things like coaching, but that's outside the game. It may make you better, but it doesn't change your potential. Coaching can give you faster lap times in a race, but it won't change the fastest possible lap. Only a different car would change that. Similarly, a number of things can make you better at MW:O (better hardware, internet connection, etc). But none of them will affect your potential. Only ingame things can affect that, such as different chassis or "gold ammo".
Edit: I may as well add that delaying content is a far less intrusive method of selling advantages than things like gold ammo, but it's still the same principle. I can see delaying cbill versions for a few weeks to a month. It's a scummy tactic, but the overall impact is fairly minor. Delaying already-released content for a year or more is insane. Especially when it's uncertain MWO will even LAST a whole year after the clan packs come out.
Edited by AEgg, 02 March 2014 - 10:59 AM.
Posted 02 March 2014 - 03:51 PM
AEgg, on 02 March 2014 - 10:52 AM, said:
This is a game, not reality. One of the major benefits of games is that they can do things you can't do in reality. For your example, yes, both options are free to play. But one of them isn't a fair game for the free players. Making a fair game for the free players is how F2P games are successful in the western world (i.e. TF2, DotA, and LoL). It's true that many Korean MMOs make overtly pay to win games and do well, but that's not generally the case in the western world.
PGI has exclusive control over whether they sell ingame advantages for real money or not. More options is an advantage, however minor. Doing so has some effect on their profits, positive for some companies and negative for others, but unquestionably harms the integrity of the game. Reality doesn't have that luxury. though most professional sports standardize equipment to account for it. Professional equipment is expensive, of course, but nobody says you can play professional <insert sport here> for free.
You can argue about things like coaching, but that's outside the game. It may make you better, but it doesn't change your potential. Coaching can give you faster lap times in a race, but it won't change the fastest possible lap. Only a different car would change that. Similarly, a number of things can make you better at MW:O (better hardware, internet connection, etc). But none of them will affect your potential. Only ingame things can affect that, such as different chassis or "gold ammo".
Edit: I may as well add that delaying content is a far less intrusive method of selling advantages than things like gold ammo, but it's still the same principle. I can see delaying cbill versions for a few weeks to a month. It's a scummy tactic, but the overall impact is fairly minor. Delaying already-released content for a year or more is insane. Especially when it's uncertain MWO will even LAST a whole year after the clan packs come out.
Your still missing the point here.
Paying for a mech with MC (hero) or Cbills doesn't give you an Auto Win or an advantage of any kind. They give you more cbills at the end of a match and hence shorten the need for grinding. They do not give you more firepower then a normal variant would give you. If you actually sat down and used that thing in your head called a BRAIN you would know this.
A few examples.
The Ever popular Heavy Metal (and my best mech). 3 Energy in the arm 2 ballistic in the other arm and 2 missiles in the left torso. Now lets look at the Highlander 732. 1 Ballistic in the Right arm, 3 energy in the right TORSO, 2 missile in the left and a missile in the left arm as well. By all accounts an purposes, the Highlander 732 is the SAME DAMN MECH as the Heavy Metal with an extra missile launcher to boot! Both mechs have lower arm actuators, which means a Guass Rifle is the best thing to put into there ballistic arm. Also the 732 can use PPC's and the heavy metal can't without hurting its firepower (hand actuator in the way of the 3rd PPC). On top of all that, the 732 gets another SRM or LRM launcher, which gives the NORMAL C-bill version more options for building then the Hero Mech can.
Now what about the others?
Dragon Slayer? 2 Energy moved from the usual arm and into the torso, but is otherwise the same as the other Victors.
Pretty Baby? See also AWS-8V in a worse configuration.
Illya?.....ok that one is very different from any other mech in the game at all (3 ballistic in 3 different locations).
Firestarter? Same as one of the other variants, but with 2 energy in the torso swapped for 2 more ballistic.
Bores Head? A super fast moving Atlas that has heating and range issues all day, only has 2 more energy then its brothers but is losing out on a key ballistic and missile.
The list goes on and on, the Hero mechs were CAREFULLY balanced in harpoints and how many of them they got. PGI has a numbering system for each hardpoint (XX value) and you can clearly see that the hero mechs were balanced intentionally against there normal counterparts. Same number of hardpoints as each and every other mech in its chassis, but in different configurations, usually losing something in the process to gain something somewhere else. The poor Oxide was one such mech that was overnerfed from the start and PGI is going back and fixing that poor mech (either giving it 2 energy or 2 more missile and a pair of JJ).
Case in point, Hero mechs give no advantage over someone else on the battlefield. Skill is what makes someone better then you, not there mech.
Delaying content is a KEY business practice to this game, and has been here FROM THE VERY START. Only now have F2P cheapskates been getting the mechs we all have bought and mastered eons ago. These Clan mechs are NO DIFFERENT. Hell we have no idea if these mechs are going to be GOOD at all. All we DO know is the prime versions hard-points and speeds, which on paper look good for most of those mechs. However thats just it right there....ON PAPER....not IN PRACTICE! Those two clan light mechs are sniper/long range support lights, not fast scout brawler mechs. Some of there Alt configs will give them some good weapon options to defend against IS lights.
Posted 02 March 2014 - 04:14 PM
Gyrok, on 22 February 2014 - 03:37 PM, said:
Why should I pay $240 to have them all in June, just so you can buy half of them for C-bills that same month?
They would lose FAR more people who PAID for them UPFRONT with $ if that happened, than they would lose who are complaining about F2P not getting them soon enough.
Who do you think they want to keep happy? You lot that are not paying, or the group shilling out $10 per variant?
I will let you do the math on that one.
Exactly. how many rubes can they find to pay that money sight unseen? You think they want to upset the fools who were lucky enough to get together with enough spare money to buy one of these? Only so many of these people around and PGI needs to keep them happy.
Posted 02 March 2014 - 04:29 PM
SirLANsalot, on 02 March 2014 - 03:51 PM, said:
Your still missing the point here.
Paying for a mech with MC (hero) or Cbills doesn't give you an Auto Win or an advantage of any kind. They give you more cbills at the end of a match and hence shorten the need for grinding. They do not give you more firepower then a normal variant would give you. If you actually sat down and used that thing in your head called a BRAIN you would know this.
A few examples.
The Ever popular Heavy Metal (and my best mech). 3 Energy in the arm 2 ballistic in the other arm and 2 missiles in the left torso. Now lets look at the Highlander 732. 1 Ballistic in the Right arm, 3 energy in the right TORSO, 2 missile in the left and a missile in the left arm as well. By all accounts an purposes, the Highlander 732 is the SAME DAMN MECH as the Heavy Metal with an extra missile launcher to boot! Both mechs have lower arm actuators, which means a Guass Rifle is the best thing to put into there ballistic arm. Also the 732 can use PPC's and the heavy metal can't without hurting its firepower (hand actuator in the way of the 3rd PPC). On top of all that, the 732 gets another SRM or LRM launcher, which gives the NORMAL C-bill version more options for building then the Hero Mech can.
Now what about the others?
Dragon Slayer? 2 Energy moved from the usual arm and into the torso, but is otherwise the same as the other Victors.
Pretty Baby? See also AWS-8V in a worse configuration.
Illya?.....ok that one is very different from any other mech in the game at all (3 ballistic in 3 different locations).
Firestarter? Same as one of the other variants, but with 2 energy in the torso swapped for 2 more ballistic.
Bores Head? A super fast moving Atlas that has heating and range issues all day, only has 2 more energy then its brothers but is losing out on a key ballistic and missile.
The list goes on and on, the Hero mechs were CAREFULLY balanced in harpoints and how many of them they got. PGI has a numbering system for each hardpoint (XX value) and you can clearly see that the hero mechs were balanced intentionally against there normal counterparts. Same number of hardpoints as each and every other mech in its chassis, but in different configurations, usually losing something in the process to gain something somewhere else. The poor Oxide was one such mech that was overnerfed from the start and PGI is going back and fixing that poor mech (either giving it 2 energy or 2 more missile and a pair of JJ).
Case in point, Hero mechs give no advantage over someone else on the battlefield. Skill is what makes someone better then you, not there mech.
Delaying content is a KEY business practice to this game, and has been here FROM THE VERY START. Only now have F2P cheapskates been getting the mechs we all have bought and mastered eons ago. These Clan mechs are NO DIFFERENT. Hell we have no idea if these mechs are going to be GOOD at all. All we DO know is the prime versions hard-points and speeds, which on paper look good for most of those mechs. However thats just it right there....ON PAPER....not IN PRACTICE! Those two clan light mechs are sniper/long range support lights, not fast scout brawler mechs. Some of there Alt configs will give them some good weapon options to defend against IS lights.
This is the same argument that spawned a hundred page thread when they released the YLW (which everyone knew was bad), thus why I don't really want to get into it again here. In short, it doesn't matter if hero/clan mechs are better than prime variants. They could be strictly worse and it's the same problem. What matters is that they are functionally different. Options are power, even bad options. "Pay to Win" is not meant to be taken literally.
Of course champion mechs are fine. That, premium time, and cosmetics are probably the most basic elements of any successful F2P game, since they benefit payers without driving away the free players.
Timed content hasn't been here from the start. Founders mechs were all available for cbills at the time (though you admittedly had to actually get a beta key to play at all). Phoenix was different of course, but I have the same problem with phoenix. Of course it takes time to farm cbills, which delays content to free players, but that's how F2P games work. Free players provide content for paying players. The more content they provide (via grinding) the less they have to spend real money on.
Free to play games need players more so than they need paying players. The more players you have, the more likely it is those players will start paying. The balance in LoL is something like 90/10 free/paying. You can imagine what happens when only the ten find the game worth playing and the rest quit.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 01:22 AM
AEgg, on 02 March 2014 - 04:29 PM, said:
This is the same argument that spawned a hundred page thread when they released the YLW (which everyone knew was bad), thus why I don't really want to get into it again here. In short, it doesn't matter if hero/clan mechs are better than prime variants. They could be strictly worse and it's the same problem. What matters is that they are functionally different. Options are power, even bad options. "Pay to Win" is not meant to be taken literally.
Of course champion mechs are fine. That, premium time, and cosmetics are probably the most basic elements of any successful F2P game, since they benefit payers without driving away the free players.
Timed content hasn't been here from the start. Founders mechs were all available for cbills at the time (though you admittedly had to actually get a beta key to play at all). Phoenix was different of course, but I have the same problem with phoenix. Of course it takes time to farm cbills, which delays content to free players, but that's how F2P games work. Free players provide content for paying players. The more content they provide (via grinding) the less they have to spend real money on.
Free to play games need players more so than they need paying players. The more players you have, the more likely it is those players will start paying. The balance in LoL is something like 90/10 free/paying. You can imagine what happens when only the ten find the game worth playing and the rest quit.
So to take this theory one step further.
If PGI make everything ready release same day for C-Bills to appease all the "players", what do they charge for?
How do you propose to make any revenue from the game because you have in that single stroke wiped out the incentive for a player to pay in the future for anything other than paint jobs and bobbleheads. Everything else he only has to play a few games to grind out C-Bills.
Or perhaps you do understand that revenue taken away from one source will need to be replaced from another. So perhaps you are arguing that Mech Bays should by 1,500 MC each so as to offset the loss of revenue you propose. Because the alternative is the company folds from lack of revenue, or staff is cut to the bone such that there is very few if any support / updates for the game. Certainly you must be US based as you have no interest in a EU server being established with that sort of revenue slash.
You seem to think the guys at PGI are just gouging away but the reality is that they are no different to any other company, trying to make a reasonable profit by making their product price accommodating to the majority of customers. That you are (apparently) not in that majority is shame, but hardly cause for the company to go broke.
You can F2P with the product they provide (which is not going to be a disadvanatage in any way) and those who wish to have shiny toys can pay for them.
No different to some people catch a bus to work and some people drive a Ferrari, they both get you to the work place in time.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 06:23 AM
When June 17th rolls around the clan pack launches and everyone who paid get's X number of 'mechs depending on package bought. But instead of the first four of the pack being available for C-bills, PGI instead give those people who didn't pay another 4 clan 'mechs that aren't in the package:
Hunchback IIC
Really outside chance of that happening, but it's another theory. Personally though I see PGI putting four of the clan pack 'mechs on for C-bills either end of June or sometime in July.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 03:19 PM
Craig Steele, on 03 March 2014 - 01:22 AM, said:
You're misssing the point. Charging for cosmetics, boosters, and shortcuts IS enough for the successful F2P games out there. Why? Because it draws more players than a pay to win model does. It's entirely possible to make MORE money by hiding less content behind the pay barrier. Thats the entire premise of the free to play pricing model.
People are far more likely to spend money because they like the game than because the game is unplayable or unenjoyable without doing so (in that case they just leave).
Let me put it to extremes for you: If PGI introduced "gold bullets" that instakilled their target but were pay only, how much money do you think the game would make? Zero. It would tank, maybe lingering on for a few weeks while the ten remaining players fight each other with gold bullets. Making an incentive to pay is good, but if that incentive pushes away free players, you lose all your potential customers. Without free players, there's nobody to become a paying player.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 04:00 PM
AEgg, on 03 March 2014 - 03:19 PM, said:
You're misssing the point. Charging for cosmetics, boosters, and shortcuts IS enough for the successful F2P games out there. Why? Because it draws more players than a pay to win model does. It's entirely possible to make MORE money by hiding less content behind the pay barrier. Thats the entire premise of the free to play pricing model.
People are far more likely to spend money because they like the game than because the game is unplayable or unenjoyable without doing so (in that case they just leave).
Let me put it to extremes for you: If PGI introduced "gold bullets" that instakilled their target but were pay only, how much money do you think the game would make? Zero. It would tank, maybe lingering on for a few weeks while the ten remaining players fight each other with gold bullets. Making an incentive to pay is good, but if that incentive pushes away free players, you lose all your potential customers. Without free players, there's nobody to become a paying player.
No you're missing the point.
You cannot make bold statements about the companies pricing model without any basis or insight into the company's fiscal model. You have no idea what the pricing mechanics are.
It may well be that the majority of players buy a couple of mech bays and C-Bill all their mechs and with your rampant slashing of revenue it drives up the cost of mech bays and kills that F2P population. Just as likely a scenario as yours.
I get your sentiment, and no one is saying that F2P players should be disregarded. But at the end of the day this is a registered corporation, not a registered charity. It's goal is to create a product that people will pay for to generate revenue / profits.
The premise behind F2P models is more like a % game. Hold 500% more customers for a year and the chances are good that you'll generate more revenue than from 100% paying up front. But that doesn't mean you cut off your future income from the 100% who you know are spending.
I don't think I would be alone that if PGI release Clan mechs any faster than the past practice, I will NOT be purchasing another pack. I'll just wait for a few months and buy it for C-Bills cause I can grind it out easily enough. If I can wait 6 months for Phoenix and Clans, I can wait 8 easily right.
Some people here are implying that Clan mechs are going to be P2W which is simply alarmist and a misrepresentation of what PGI have said is their goal. Assuming the deleiver their goal, Clan mechs will be balanced against IS mechs and there is NO REASON for gameplay to be affected.
Seeing as there is no change in game balance, there is no hinderance to the F2P player and they can continue to F2P with all their IS mechs current acquired at zero cost.
Hence, there is no reason for PGI to risk annoying their paying customer base.
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