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Asia Pacific Region - Routing Issue (1K Ping)

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#1 DaemonCross


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 08:35 AM

As of the latest patch after extensive investigation on my end (DSL, Router, Pingtest, PC, Trying other Games at NA regions) I can confirm that it is a routing issue towards PGI game servers.

My Average Latency was around 200-250ms pre-patch/maintenance...

Now it's at 500-1000ms, rendering the game unplayable. Judging from other (recent) posts on these forums, it seems it's not an isolated case. Other players from the same region are experiencing the same problem.

Edited by DaemonCross, 19 December 2013 - 08:37 AM.

#2 Caswallon


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 11:45 AM

Confirmed. My ping and that of three folks in my area that I know play is all fluctuating wildy post patch. Was about 120 is now vairiable (on a second by second basis) between 115 - 350 ish.

No idea what caused it but the three of us in my town I know personally experience this and we all use different ISPs but have not dinked with our network settings as yet.

#3 Splitpin


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 01:17 PM

Yes this has been happening to me too for 3 weeks or so now. Running a tracert to mwomercs.com reveals the problematic ip as I emailed mwo support but beyond the automated reply have not received any response at all. My ping from NZ has gone from an average 250ms to over 400.

#4 A Mach Twelve Jellyfish


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 01:11 AM

Aye, I've been having the exact same issues. At first I thought it was on my end so I did a full reset of my network and re-installed all my software. Now I'm convinced its on PGI at this point. I used to have an average of 145-210 ping, now I'm lucky to get a game with anything lower than 350. This was not an issue until the new patch popped up. Hope to get this fixed.

#5 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 04:22 AM

View PostSplitpin, on 19 December 2013 - 01:17 PM, said:

Yes this has been happening to me too for 3 weeks or so now. Running a tracert to mwomercs.com reveals the problematic ip as I emailed mwo support but beyond the automated reply have not received any response at all. My ping from NZ has gone from an average 250ms to over 400.

That IP is from a server or network point in Peterborough North-West of Toronto. However, please note, that problems in a network are not only the fault of the user (you) or the host (PGI). there are quite a few providers, carriers and routers in between those 2 points. For most of the faults in the ping neither you nor PGI can do anything at all to fix them as they or you are not the ones who say where the signal is routed to reach the destination.

What you should do is to also write to your internet provider and inform them of the problem as they are much more likely to be able to check and fix it.

P. S. If every user from every country/location would have the same problem, then it would be more likely that it were on the end of PGI, but as I can currently only see these threads from Australasian players it seems to be a routing problem between Australia/NZ/East Asia and Canada.

#6 psychophat


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 10:15 AM

Dota 2 is same on SEA around 30-80ms, MWO after patch from +200ms to +3,000ms. I blame the government of each countries, they're stopping our freedom to play games with each other.

#7 Kh0rn


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 01:35 AM

South africa is also effected by this. All the players I know reported ping hitting 3000 directly after the patch. It has been like this since the december 17th patch.

#8 travelbug


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 03:08 AM

my tracerts, pings and even speedtests to canada/mwo servers are all normal. i believe that the routing issue is from pgi servers to asia/africa.

as i mentioned in the other thread i am getting no other issues with other net applications, even with another game i know has canadian based servers (coh2).

Edited by travelbug, 05 January 2014 - 03:08 AM.

#9 Caswallon


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 04:45 AM

View PostRushin Roulette, on 27 December 2013 - 04:22 AM, said:

P. S. If every user from every country/location would have the same problem, then it would be more likely that it were on the end of PGI, but as I can currently only see these threads from Australasian players it seems to be a routing problem between Australia/NZ/East Asia and Canada.

The boys down under may be starting these threads sir but its not limited to them at all. I'm from the UK and have the exact same issue (see my post above yours btw) Also I have filed a support ticket (You have all done that haven't you?) and received a reply that stated:
"this is a known issue and we are looking into it please help us with your tracert & stats) [Paraphrased]

So if you have not opened a ticket please do and send in Tracert, dxdiag and any other connectivity things you can think of PGI is aware something came up from the sytgian depths last patch and at least we can send in out our stuff in case they have someone looking into it....... [Crosses fingers for next patch]

#10 Asmosis


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 04:48 AM

Not sure if people are still having an issue with this, but I play from NZ and (right this minute) have a ping of 220 (which is actually a bit low for me).

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