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Can't Get To Purchase Of Mc For Myself

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#1 Multicrow


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 09:22 AM

I'm trying to buy a modest sum of 'Mech Cash' from the link in game or the link on this website and my profile. I can get as far as selecting the amount I want, but when the choice is made and I click 'Purchase' This funny window pops up over the MC selection that asking for me to login to my playspan or Ultimategamecard account. I'm gathering that it was because I made a purchase for SOE currencies and I had made an account with my primary email, some time ago actually. Well, my main problem with the system is that I'm used to doing these purchases by the bill-to-mobile option some games have for their system. Much much easier to do and nice because I can pay it later when I pay my phone plan. The big problem is that the blue 'Login ' buttons on the playspan websites I'm forced to go to, to even get to any kind of billing is non-responsive in anyway. It's making me kinda apprehensive that the button doesn't work. It just seems sort of sketchy. So, to try to be clear the button has text on it and when I click the text is selected and nothing happens there's no rollover or on-click for the button image changing and the 'Login' word doesn't appear t be link as my browser page doesn't show loading anything. I would talk these UltimatePAY middlemen people about this.

#2 Durant Carlyle


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 08:29 PM

Choose the PayPal option. Create a PayPal account if you don't have one already. You will be able to use your credit card through PayPal.

#3 Multicrow


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 03:35 PM

I have no scripts blocked. Just got one or two that I set to promt me before just running them.
Well I managed to get my ulltimatepay.com password changed and logged onto heir site. Though in trying the advice to use the paypal service at checkout. I still had the pop-up with the logon for ultimate pay. The button still doesn't work so I have no luck with that

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