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World Of Tanks players - introduce yourself

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#41 Nikol Grall


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 02:00 AM

I've been inactive awhile but the name is Naeblis187 and i am a member of C.I.A.

#42 Machiavel


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 02:05 AM


nick in Wot: Lacrymal i play for -IGC-

i played for around a year

Garage: IS-7, IS-4, IS-8, T-54, T30, Jagdtiger, GW Tiger, AMX 50 100 (just started my french lines)

Premium tanks: Löwe, T34, Type 59

#43 Crayon eater


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 02:11 AM

Crayon_eater in the wot community.

Played wot since closed beta.

Quasi troll/semi retarded/terribad at tanks.

#44 Rimestorm


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 02:22 AM

Hi everyone.
I've been playing on the NA server under the same callsign since july '11. Currently with the clan NZ4AD.
Played about 5.5k matches.
Play mostly in the usa tech tree but have a few high tier tanks in the other trees.

#45 Superlobster


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 03:31 AM

Hi, I'm from Northwind Highlanders WOT NA. Uses the same nick here. Been playing WOT since Beta. Not involved in clan wars due time constraints.


USA - M4A2E4, T95
France - Lorraine 40t, AMX50-100
USSR - Mk VII Tetrach, T-127, Valentine, Object 704, T-54, IS-8, IS-4, Is-7,
Germany - PzKpfw 38H735(f), VK 2801, PzKpfw V-IV Alpha, GW Typ E, E-50, E-100
China - Type 59

#46 ShibaMatsu


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 03:46 AM

My name is Britannia am Clan Leader on WoT EU for both Brits and Brits2

Been in WoT since RCBT have done aprox 40k battles only got 6.7k at present.

Rus server I have kv220_test and upto T4.

Eu server I have IS-4 E-75 T-50 main server for playing

Na Server only have T1 and a few low T prem tanks.

Edited by ShibaMatsu, 20 June 2012 - 03:48 AM.

#47 Donatra


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 03:46 AM

same name in both games, play wot since one year. i prefer the td and med line. i've no frenchtank, i don't like em ^_^ but enough from the other countries to fill the garage :D

#48 Outrider01


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:02 AM

So, quick question? How many newbs with tier 8-10 enjoy stomping tier 5-7? You are Newbs as in: You got better armor, a better gun, 3x the hitpoints, and basicly 3 to 1 odds for the low guy on the totem pole. But lol at a sherman scouting, since tier 8 tanks are just as fast (if not faster mediums) with a fraction of the hitpoints means you pretty much die to those +105mm non derp guns and the fact that tier 8+ tanks don't need to aim for the weak points on tier 5-7 since gun pennetration is overcompensating for your lack of skill that there really is no reason to even try to get better (43% win rate baby! Of course most of that would need to be excluded, its higher because I refuse to bother playing in a match with tier 8 or higher with tier 5-7 tanks as the hitpoint pool increases exponentionally higher then those crappy tier 5-7 tanks on the bottom; standard T5-7 heavies/mediums). Its not that I want to bash sub tier 5 tanks all day, its just that I can't get a match but once a weak that doesn't drop a tier 6/7 at the bottom of a 9/10 or a 5 pretty much always under tier 8s. I wouldn't mind challenging, but when you run premium and get cockedblocked by dudes in tier 8 tanks cutting into your rewards...yeah its annoying to say the least.

Really, it is so much fun staring at those mighty 1500+ hitpoint tanks all day every day in shermans, PzIV, KV, T-34 because you dudes want to race to the top and drive nothing else. Just want to say Thanks guys for getting me banned once, because I refused to play against high tier tanks (like every 9/10 matches making those tier 5-7 pointless to even grind though) but WG being idiots hands out free experience for AFK drivers (stupid idea, don't offer shared rewards but for spotting and the enemy tank getting hit) but since I select exit match (and crappy connections not recognizing it) causing my tank to explode (but it didn't and this was before they changed that) that in fact WG is at fault for offering easy to exploit rewards and other dudes can get caught in the banhammer cross fire.

#49 edger


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 06:52 AM


This topic is for player introduction, not for discussion about WoT game, there are other topics for that.


#50 Trooper Thorn


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 07:08 AM

I have not played lately, I have been focused on STO howeve,r I dl'd the 7.4 update today and the tanks I have are as follows, Germany, PzKfw II Luchs, VK 1602 Leopard, VK 3601H, E-50 (12K research from being gold), PzKpfw VI Tiger and E-75. (also about to go gold and me move up to the E-100) France, AMX 40, USA T-29 I have a bunch of open slots I bought when I was able and a couple of crews, French, America, German and Russian in barracks from prior vehicles that I sold to move up but will place them when I get more vehicles. I do not own Gold Tanks simply cannot afford to at this time with what is going on in my life so I am working the tech trees. Same with STO I am doing the FTP until I can afford to pay for cash items and memberships. :(



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Posted 20 June 2012 - 07:15 AM

Same name....Field Commander for NUKED....Many from NUKE and NUKED will be joining the MECH world...We carry nukes with us just in case!!

#52 Aggammenonn


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 07:17 AM

Same name here as there, have the American tree pretty much maxed, cept arty.. I dont like playing arty. German to teir 7, Russian to teir 7, French to teir 7... cept heavies there, got halfway through the bdr and the suck was just to much.

#53 hydrix


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 07:17 AM

3000 games played, T54, IS3, GWtiger etc etc.. DTB field commander.

#54 PirateNixon


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 07:22 AM

I've played World of Tanks since Closed Beta. Originally I was WorthnigSon (I typoed my ing) then I changed my name to PirateNixon. I was in L1S and then transferred to SSGS shortly after clan wars dropped.

In Garage:
Soviet: IS-7, IS-4, T-54, Obj. 704, Obj. 212, T-50-2
American: T110, Patton, T30, M41, T82
German: GW Tiger, E-75, VK4502A, JgPanther, VK2801
French: AMX 13-90, ARL 44
Premium: Type 59, KV-5

#55 mkyrnin


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 10:30 AM

I've probably been playing about six months on the NA server under the same name as here. Don't have nearly the number of battles or tanks that most others have here. I've played roughly 1800 battles and am exclusively using the german tank destroyers and SPGs now. I have up to the JagdPanther and Hummel right now and almost have the GWPanther. Fear the Hummel! (60% win rate in pub battles with it!)

#56 Vergoth


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 01:04 PM

Vergoth Wot and WoP



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Posted 20 June 2012 - 01:36 PM

ITDUDE checking in. If you play WoT and visit WoT forums then you heard of me :huh:
Check my sig for WoT profile.

#58 Sabuto


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 01:42 PM

about 8k games

name : Sabuto

Tanks tier 8 and 9 but im not specialized in any one tree im in all of them.

#59 Mandalore82


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 01:46 PM

Mandalore82 here in both games i am a feid commander in pig an we thinking of dragging a crew here too:)

#60 SilentWolff


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 01:47 PM

Name: SilentWolff

Played the beta and quit for quite awhile. Then restarted and played for 6 or so months. Currently retired.

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