YueFei, on 03 January 2014 - 10:57 PM, said:
This has been said multiple times in this thread, but all energy and beam weapons do that in TT. Basically, lasers and MGs were nerfed with durations, and ACs/PPCs/Gauss were not - making them do substantially more damage in comparison.
YueFei, on 03 January 2014 - 10:57 PM, said:
Homeless Bill's system causes your shots to de-converge when you fire everything at the same time, akin to most FPS games where your COF grows if you fire as fast as possible (full-auto). Firing an alpha strike in MWO is the same kind of thing, you're firing everything as fast as possible: simultaneously. Homeless Bill's system just puts an accuracy penalty for firing "full-auto" in MWO as it were.
I'm not opposed to a convergence system of some sort, but as I have said many times, it doesn't address the issue at hand, which is front-loaded damage being far superior to all other damage types (spread and duration). A heat system overhaul would likewise be very good for the game, but also doesn't address the issue at hand either.
mania3c, on 04 January 2014 - 01:42 AM, said:
Right now when I watch some of the really good players, they do their best to try to shield damaged sections of their mech. The problem is that the margin for error is razor thin. React even a couple hundred milliseconds late and you eat an entire salvo to the CT. With Homeless Bill's system, either you eat an entire salvo spread across multiple sections of your mech, or your opponent staggers his fire, and you have time to shield damaged areas after taking that first hit.
Adding a (short) burst duration to autocannons will likewise give the victim the time to twist - that is the point. It has the same damage potential as it currently does, but the 0.2-0.6 duration means it will hit multiple hitboxes instead of all in one spot IF the victim reacts correctly.
mania3c, on 04 January 2014 - 01:42 AM, said:
But ACs as beam weapon would be just worse laser, with projectile speed, which weight twice as much and size is 2-3 times bigger, needs ammo, which can explode and kill you... oh..and produce less heat..
if anyone could answer this..and we can somehow ignore fact, that weapon homogenization would make this game boring as hell..than we can talk about some of these ideas.. because up to this point.. I don't see any logic behind these suggestions at all..
St.Jobe answered this quite well. People will use ballistics because they have ballistic hardpoints. The same reason people use lasers and missiles currently.
We are not proposing all weapons be the exact same. We are just wanting to spread the damage slightly to bring them more in line with each other in the damage delivery. Weight, heat and ammo, as well as specific quirks, such as burst duration, range, and shake/blindness/etc. will all still differentiate weapons, just as they do now.
mania3c, on 04 January 2014 - 02:38 AM, said:
And you think this would help?
I understand math behind it but in game..it will make no difference... statistically ..it really doesn't matter if weapon is dealing little damage every ..lets say every MS (like lasers)..or has hidden ticks (3-4 ticks over short period of time)..only thing which is important is "how long you can hold cursor over your target"..if you can hold cursor for 0,5s over your target..damage dealing rate really doesn't matter at all..statistically..
..in very rare situations one weapon system could have edge over another weapon system.. but both are just beam - like weapons .. and in the end.. even with your suggestions .. lasers would be FAR superior to ACs..
not even that would screw balance in other side, you also made weapons mechanically similar..
But it DOES matter how the damage is delivered. Currently, autocannons deliver 100% of their damage for holding your cursor over the target for 0.1 seconds. To get the same damage delivery with a laser, you have to hold it perfectly still for a full 1.0 second and have a stationary target, and there is absolutely ZERO possibility of getting the same damage delivery with any missiles (barring pure dumb luck and amazing RNG).
What is the difference between an AC and a Gauss currently? While they both deliver front-loaded damage, they are amazingly different in feel because of the delay mechanic (which I am not fond of, but respect because it did give a great differentiation). What is the difference between an AC10 and a PPC? They both do exactly the same damage, in exactly the same manner (front-loaded), but they are completely different in most other ways. Even the difference between a LPL and an ERLL is noticable, though they are both quite similar actually.
mania3c, on 04 January 2014 - 02:59 AM, said:
now tell me what would you use.. because..again..statistically ..it really doesn't matter if weapon deal damage within 0,5 sec in 1000, 100, or 10 ticks..
It makes all the difference in the world how it delivers damage, and you are suggesting to change SIX factors of differentiation instead of just a single one like we are.