Dock Steward, on 05 January 2014 - 04:02 PM, said:
What I mean is, in the specific case of an AC/40 build, this proposed delay with the proposed Alpha Strike heat addition would essentially just amount to a greater Ghost Heat effect, wouldn't it? I mean we're talking about adding two new functions (global cooldown and Alpha Strike Heat Penalty) across the board, yes, but secretly to deal with one specific build. And yet, that build can circumvent the cooldown by using Alpha Strike. "Then the Alpha Strike Heat penalty would kick in," well all you've really done is added an additional heat penalty to group firing two AC/20's. On top of the Ghost Heat. So really, you've just added a somewhat complex system when all you really needed to do was increase the Ghost Heat effect on two AC/20's.
No, you're multiplying that function by using a build like that. You have choices in this game. You have the choice to run a build like that OR you have the choice to run a more balanced loadout. If you run multiple AC10s you still run into the same thing. If you fire off 2MLs an SRM6, an LL, and an MG you run into same penalties for an alpha strike. It's not to neuter any one build, it's an across the board idea that changes things for every build.
If one build is hit harder than another build then that build is thought out differently. Ghost heat impacts energy boats more than ballistic boats but it's not intended to nerf any one particular build. This isn't an "Oh no, he's out to get my favorite build neutered" idea.
stjobe, on 05 January 2014 - 04:05 PM, said:
It's been suggested several times before and doesn't seem to be a very popular solution.
People are really attached to their big pin-point alphas.
I've suggested a GCD myself a couple of times, only to see it shouted down much like you and Varent are shouting down the chain-fire suggestion. It would "kill" some popular builds, therefore "kill" the game and the spirit of BattleTech; it's a shooter not a simulator, everything's balanced we don't need a GCD, bla bla bla.
Good luck.
It doesn't "kill" anything. It makes it harder to do 40, 50, 60, etc. pinpoint alpha strikes to one single location. There's a difference. Also with the scaling it brings it in line without affecting small caliber weapons. I'm not concerned with "popularity" (I think my post history supports that
), I'm concerned with finding a little more balance across the board.