I have seen instances where 2 and 3 mechs positions were given away in a match.
I see this happen a lot and report it every time no matter which team it occurs to with a screenshot as it is treason and against the code of conduct. It is NOT against the code of conduct to have engaged and then evade or hide in ANY game mode we presently have. That has been confirmed multiple times by CMs: You can reference that here by looking over Egomane's final post of the thread - LINK.
Pay close attention to this statement quoted from the Post by Egomane: "If you fight to the best of your abilities and hide when there is no way for you to win anymore, that is perfectly fine."
If you are the last mech your teammates do not allow you to evade and pick your engagement. They just want you to go die so they get their mech back even though a win condition to every game mode is the timer running out with the most mechs alive. So if you are not willing to exit game and drop in a new mech you should be prepared to be in game for 15 mins every time you hit launch.
Edited by GRiPSViGiL, 28 December 2013 - 07:15 PM.